Reckoning Day

3.3| 1h45m| en

A relentlessly gritty action film, Reckoning Day takes its inspiration from modern day low-budget classics such as Evil Dead (Sam Raimi), Bad Taste (Peter Jackson) and El Mariachi (Robert Rodriguez), and gives it a uniquely British spin.



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Unseen Force Productions


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FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
John Buckworth I really like this film, especially after watching the 'making of' extra. I really bought in to what they wanted to present: a full-on damn silly blood-happy gun-orgy. Job done! Great b-movie, I really enjoyed it.(this is my first IMDb review, and I watch a LOT of dvds; this is a film I wanted to review. 'Sick Girl' is next..)Having submitted this review, apparently I haven't been sufficiently verbose...(IMDB tell me I haven't said enough. For me, this is a RARE event).Appsrently, there's a minimum of 10 (ten) lines per review.I shouldn't have used that semi-colon. Is that enough lines? I'd said what I wanted to say in the first paragraph.
BA_Harrison Reckoning Day, the directorial debut from Rise of the Footsoldier's Julian Gilbey, is a case of over-enthusiastic young British film-makers getting in well over their collective head; the green cast and wet-behind-the-ears crew do their best to lend credence to Gilbey's ill-conceived and ultimately baffling vision, but their best ain't anywhere near good enough, their lack of experience only all too obvious.The scrawny twenty-something students who unconvincingly play the film's tough guys are really embarrassing, particularly since nearly all of them feel the need to utter their terrible dialogue whilst doing an awful impression of Clint Eastwood; meanwhile, Gilbey directs and edits as though he's pumped himself full of the film's designer drug 'unseen force', utilising rapid cuts, crazy camera angles and over-stylised visuals befitting of a person off their tits on insanely strong narcotics.As a result, the film stumbles around aimlessly from the start, like one of its characters that has been shot in both legs. It's virtually impossible to follow what is going on, meaning that for the most part, the viewer will be totally nonplussed about who is shooting who and why. The only possible enjoyment to be gleaned from this mess is from the many squib-tastic bullet hits and some delirious power-tool violence that includes a chainsaw duel (always popular avec moi!), but all the splatter in the world won't make me want to watch this one again.
jonesberney First there is blood and that is what i like its vuh blood. Black and white first like films of ancient times with lots of black and white blood and i am saying "where is the red blood? this looks like oil blood or petrol blood". After a few minutes colour comes onto screen and gets to the flowing of the red blood lots of it. The film by Julien Gilbey is 2 hours but he makes it magic and seem like its four hours. I stopped watching after two hours but really i only watched for one hours. Another clever thing Gilbey does is make the story of the Reckoning Day very very complicated so right from the gecko you don't know who is bad or who is good or who is what or what is who, so you are meant to stop thinking about the story and so then all of your brain is used up on the blood scenes. So many brapty guns and so much blood that comes out ov everyone that i didn't think there was even that much blood in the world let alone in just a film!! 3 people that you think have died are rebrought back into the film halfway through i was laughing and said "They were shot about six times in the black and white days of the film why are they still alive are they ghosts?" clever Julian Gilbey clever. No one in this film laughs and no one cries and no one smiles or looks angry and happy and some wear sunglasses and you cant see there eyes and no one can make their faces look like they can do anything in this film so it is difficult to see what people are thinking through their faces but you know everyone who has blood coming out of them are not happy.I don't know what happened at the end of this film because i went to bed but my friend said nothing happened that haddened already happened in every scene that had already been on.Ten stars out of ten
Ténèbre Rarum (Dario_the_2nd) For the 1-Line reader:"Hard boiled, adrenaline-pumping awesome low budget roughie"!If you agree with this STATEMENT - Scroll down and vote "yes"If you DON'T agree with this STATEMENT - Scroll down and vote "no" ------------------------------------------------------------------The more in-depth reader,-I bought and saw this amazing low budget movie, for the simple reason, it was a cheap buy for a DVD! Didn't know the movie at all, never heard or saw something about it, nevertheless it did look interesting when I saw the back of the cover. So I went for it.F'-ing unbelievable movie! From the start on it is getting like, 'you're stuck on a rail-track, you see that train coming at you, but there's no chance to escape because there is a factor of paralyzing fascination', so you stay and see what is going to happen further on and you're willing to take any consequences! The film starts with a number of body counts that become at a certain point in the movie, "countless" and all driven on a Herculean-pumped-up adrenaline speeding sound-score. Blood, gore, body pieces, brains flying from left to right on screen. Actors are dropping like flies in utmost vicious scenes, one scene count so many deaths that 'Reaper' would have a lucky day. The story of the movie isn't that bad at all, it could even be true in these days. It's about an experimental drug to keep soldiers alive and out of pain after being seriously wounded. Now this drug is stolen from the army and ready for a more commercial market. Quite easy plot but as said in a famous statement, "less is more"! And that's what Gilbey delivers, simple scenario worked out in an impeccable way! I love this movie from start 'till the very last second of it. Simple! I love hard-boiled movies in a F1-speed edit! Some people refer to movies like 'Bad taste' and 'Evil dead', no way. This movie is a stand-alone and can't be by no means 'even' be compared to movies like that. It's not because we have some blood and gore in a low budget movie we have another example of 'Bad taste' or 'Evil dead'. No way Hosé! I just loved it and it was the best buy I did in months as a movie-collector. I would say if you're in search and interested in the better low budget movies with surprisingly good actors, good storyline, well acted, with every scene set-up, shot and directed in every possible little detail that your budget allows well then this is absolute without any doubt THE MOVIE to search for. I think must the crew had a bigger budget as publicity and a well set up marketing campaign, this could have easily been "THE" best movie of 2002. And would you like to compare it with a movie?! Go for 'Reservoir dogs' or 'Natural born killers'. That's the style to expect, only unshaven rough and low budget. I even dare to say that 'Julian Gilbey' is the English 'Quentin Tarantino' of the low budget movie.The end.Now, after reading this you can honestly vote, useful yes or no… Thank you, D/

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