Better Late Then Never
As Good As It Gets
A bit overrated, but still an amazing film
Jayden-Lee Thomson
One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
I'm very open minded, but this movie was shot like a porn, without much actual sex. What can I say? Let's see, the enemies on another planet are using Vietnam era AK47s, people shooting at each other from 10 feet away cant seem to hit one another. Wasn't the floating creature with one eyeball toward the end stolen from Carpenter's Big Trouble in Little China? I don't even understand why ut was added to the film since it only appeared once for a few seconds.As bad as this was, it had some kind of hook that got me to watch the sequel? If you are looking fir Starship troopers or Aliens, don't look here. But, if you are looking for something to make you laugh or act as background noise while you doing something else, than this is it.
Personally I enjoyed this movie and it's sequel ( I haven't seen the first one yet). Yeah it's a B movie but nobody ever said it was supposed to be the next Dark Knight. It's a B movie and never apologizes for what it is. It's low budget with no name actors and not so special effects. Despite all this, they do a good job trying to bring the story to life and making you somewhat care about the characters. After the debacles that were Star Trek, Wolverine, Terminator Rise of the Machines and Transformers, Those movies make Recon 2022 look like James Cameron's Aliens. The bad thing was that those movies had multi-million dollar budgets and big name actors! That's another rant for another time though. The best character in this movie is Dr. Anderson. Putting a Gynecologist as the company's medic is a stroke of comedic genius and the actor plays the part to a sleazy hilt. No i'd never pay to see this in a theater but it's nice to have on Netflix. Nothing wrong with a good B movie you can laugh at and just enjoy for what it is, a movie for a slow Friday or Saturday night that you can laugh at. On that note, I can't wait to see what happens in Recon 2024!
You can bet any review that says something good about this film was written by someone with a personal stake. Especially if it mentions something specific. The sound mix is horrible, the editing is amateur, the cinematography is unexplainable, the directing is non-existent.The story and writing are so hack and derivative of other films, that I recommend the best way to watch this movie is a game where you have to shout out what movie each line or prop is based on, in turn. The guy who brakes the chain drinks.These guys have made half a dozen feature films, how is that possible? That is a HUGE accomplishment, who gives these guys money. This movie is like watching a paintball club playing out a scene from a star trek movie.
The attempt here was to do a gritty space opera epic, written in multiple parts (this is a sequel, and the DVD promises another one forthcoming) and while this can be done (see the *original* Star Wars) well given the right talent and experience, it was not to be the case here.I think the failure lies in the director trying to do more than he is capable of. Case in point: There is supposed to be pre-mission camaraderie amongst the soldiers at the local bar, but the director gave no motivation to the cast, and probably told them to "just wing it." The trouble with "just winging it" is legion, the acting becomes flat, the dialogue is stilted, the acting forced and rather than add to the film, it becomes a throwaway scene.Sadly, most of the film is like this, throwaway scene after throwaway scene, until you are left with dis-jointed bits that may work for ~30 seconds or so, but can not, indeed, will not, ever make for a good movie.Perhaps the director was following in Uwe Boll's footsteps and make spoof films on someone elses money, I'm not certain as there were no extras on the DVD giving insight into the motivation of the cast and/or crew, much less the director. Instead, we are forced to take this film at face value, a serious space opera, and as others have mentioned, the face value is utterly worthless.The director is much like a captain on a ship. No matter what occurs, the captain will take the blame (or the praise if the film is good) even if forced to work with sub-standard material and doing his level best to rise above. Perhaps the writers were drunk when they wrote this, perhaps the camera crew were fighting over a woman the entire time. I don't know, all I know is what is presented to me by the director.In the hands of a truly great director (Ridley Scott for example) this might have been a fun popcorn film, as it was, it was a waste of my rental money.If, perchance, the director, or cast/crew should read this, do not take it personally, rather take it in the spirit as it was intended: Get some more experience, take the reins a little more firmly, do not be afraid to re-think/re-shoot scenes, and show us what you can *really* do.