Red Torrent

4| 1h30m| en

A reclusive scientific prodigy and three college friends find themselves in the middle of a toxic storm, when an unscrupulous business deal rains terror down on an entire county.


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Shavick Entertainment


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Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Puffin86 I liked the topic in times, in which natural pollution is a great issue. It is a way more realistic than the events in other disaster movies. The acting is really good, not over the top, but natural with a good chemistry between the actors.
starman-wa Couldn't find this movie in IDMB under the title of Dark Skies but that is what is called on the DVD I have...I found the characters in this movie interesting and mostly believable - there were some scenes that were very cringe-worthy but I thought that was mostly the directors fault rather than the actors - this occurred on several occasions where say two people were having a conversation and someone else was approaching well within their peripheral vision but neither notices...this was annoying as the acting was pretty good for a low budget movie.Yes the science is not sound by any means, but if you take the scenario for what it is - a disaster in a localised area with a different plot to most disaster films I've seen, then it's quite an enjoyable film.I found the movie flowed well and was well shot and as mentioned the acting was better than some a grade movies.
dave_matthes This movie has it all - bad acting, bad story, bad science, improbable scenarios,....I started watching this thinking it was the Michael Douglas, Andy Garcia Black Rain which is what the guide said it was. After a few howlers, we pulled the plug.Release of sulfur dioxide into atmosphere from an industrial mishap can create sulfuric acid of such a concentration to eat through car axles???? and the on-purpose reason for the mishap was to generate business for a toxic clean up company???? the mastermind (and I use the term loosely) of the mishap was a robotic woman who headed up the clean up company driving around in a Ford Mustang which gives you an idea of the very low budget of this movie - a Geo Metro would have been more appropriate.
pmeisner-873-575635 If you are going to attempt to put out a science thriller, you should at least have some semblance of knowledge about science! The entire story of this movie, a toxic rainstorm... the premise is so flawed, and explained so badly that I kept hoping the main character (a supposed chemistry genius) to suddenly turn to the camera and say... "wait a minute", this just isn't possible!", then POOF, he wakes up from the bad dream and we start with the real plot.I think that if you are going to put this type of movie out, either your writer or director should have at least passed grade 9 science...I appreciate movies and shows where the science fiction is at least plausible... but to set it in modern day, with modern technology to expect me to buy that sulfuric acid could rain from the sky... well that is ridiculous.

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