Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Keeley Coleman
The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Brennan Camacho
Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.
Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
A cast that tries its best despite what has to be the weakest script in creation. Some dodgy CGI. Unfortunately the leading actress does not convince, Felicia Day's expression basically remains exactly the same throughout, and her chemistry with her fiancé is almost non-existent.The pluses, the villain is excellent, sinister and menacing enough without being too hammy, and the premise, it's a good one. That was the most frustrating part of the film, the potential to be good, if strictly B Movie hammy, was utterly wasted in the rather lacklustre direction and a script that kept running out of ideas. Even the action scenes lacked propulsion. The climactic fight was mostly anti-climactic, and with the conclusion to that fight being pretty much telegraphed before it began, using the great circle method of ending a story (grandma dying whilst killing a werewolf kicks off the opening scenes child Red picks up a silver knife, ending the film with grandma dying is supposed to pack an emotional punch, because now Adult descendant Red has to decide what she is going to do about fiancé who killed grandma) only works if there have been enough emotional punches along the way to set up their final tragic encounter. There weren't. By this time you are actually rooting for the fiancé who was dragged into this mess by Red in the first place. She kills him. But she's been bitten. The final scene is clearly supposed to be a few years later and we see Red reading to a little girl on the couch. Presumably this is Red's little girl by dead fiancé, but when we last saw Red she was bitten, so she's a werewolf? At this point it was impossible to care. I love hammy creature features, but this didn't even slip into the 'so bad it's good' category.
Girlycard L
While I hadn't expected much going in, I did expect this movie to either maintain a steady theme of mundane, or be laughably poorly directed. What I got was a mix of both.The story was ripe with plot holes and confusion from the start, with an incredibly clueless main actor, and a main actress who should have been able to act much better than what she delivered. The supposed werewolf hunters may literally be blind, since they don't even notice when a werewolf is transforming a few feet away from them. None of their weapons look anything short of comical, and none of the hunters know how to handle the weapons.That being said, while watching it I could barely even bring myself to criticize the horrible acting, or moronic dialog, or even the plot, because they all blended together to create one mind-numbing, boring mess.The only (and I mean ONLY) good quality about this movie was the antagonist, who showed a fair amount of acting talent.I personally would have deleted everything except around 5 minutes of footage. Overall, this movie has a few rare moments of quality, but spends most of its time lulling the audience to sleep, and isn't worth watching.
Warning, this may contain spoilers.Much has been said already about the CGI (get over it, it's a budget SYFY movie) and the atrocious acting and monotonous delivery already, so I won't expand on it.Instead, I'll focus on these so-called experienced werewolf hunters, one of whom is supposedly also a top-notch FBI agent who "kicked the ass" of the best in the Academy.Seriously, I've seen better combat skills from 17-year-olds at airsoft games.There's nothing in the manner that any of the characters act that lends any credibility to the idea that they routinely hunt werewolves or (in the case of the two Feds in the story) even normal human fugitives.Being a werewolf movie, Willing Suspension of Disbelief is required to accept the premise that werewolves are real for the sake of the movie.That Willing Suspension of Disbelief should not have to extend to accepting that this pack of useless sods has somehow managed to survive multiple encounters with dangerous shape-shifting monsters, despite their obvious lack of any tactical or combat ability.If you're going to portray hardened/seasoned combat veterans, at least watch a few videos of real soldiers in action if you don't want to spend money on a proper adviser.The scene that finally consigned this to the scrap heap was when "Red" ran upstairs in the midst of the fight: A werewolf starts climbing into the room behind her, making enough noise to alert the most obtuse or inattentive person and yet this "kick-ass" Federal Agent and seasoned werewolf-hunter does not notice it.And for dealing with attacking packs, you'd think - given silver bullets are specifically mentioned as effective and they use them in their pistols - that the heavy armaments on their house would be belt-fed machine-guns (you actually see Red grab an ammo belt at one stage but it's never used in anything) rather than single-shot spear-guns.
As with Tin Man, this is better than one would expect for a made 4 TV SyFy channel movie. While the story is anything but original, it gives us a somewhat darker view of the Little Red Riding Hood story, along with a cohesive afterwards.Dialog delivery is a little stiff, but considering the source, I really enjoyed this, and cannot wait for it to come out on DVD/Blu-Ray, to watch it again and again. Honestly, Underworld, it ain't, but it does have a good story, some great innovatives, and a plausible delivery. It runs well, exhibits well, and follows through to a satisfactory ending.All in all we recommend this one for any werewolf fan. It is more than just your run of the mill formula.It gets an 8.2/10 on the M4TV scale from...the Fiend :.