
5| 1h39m| en

A policeman investigates the apparent suicide of a man whose son has just returned to the town.


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Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
fgardenflower I am local to the area that the movie is suppose to be set in and was wondering if this is a completely fictional story or if it might be based on a true story. Also, were any scenes actually shot in Reeseville? I noticed one mistake. The Sheriff said he was going to go and get a judge in Watertown and it should have been Juneau.It was an interesting story in any case, but I found many of the lines to be unbelievably artificial and the character of the Sheriff to be a little far-fetched.Most of the actors did a great job of portraying their parts and could have used a little better writing, but did well with the lines given. I would say its worth watching, but I wouldn't pay to see it twice.
Vallygirl34 Being a fan of both Majandra Delfino and Mark Hamill I got this movie last year when it came out on DVD in Europe. When I watched it last year I felt that it wasn't a bad movie but I did think it could be better.When I saw the official site had the DVD with deleted scenes for Region 1, I figured what the heck I would get the new version. I was right, this movie could have been better.The theatrical version was cut to be a thriller but the deleted scene had more of a character study feel to them. They also tied together scenes that didn't really make sense in the theatrical version. Like how Iris got David's mother necklace that Jason grabs from around Iris's neck before the big showdown when David hasn't given it to her yet.In the deleted scenes we see Athee actually gave Iris the necklace for David after Iris and him had a fight and that the scene where he tells her about the necklace actually took place after they had gone out on a date bowling and David walked her home.Iris and David relationship also seem too rushed in the theatrical version. There are a couple of nice scenes with them that were cut which would have made their relationship more plausible and it's too bad because when I first watched it I didn't think Majandra and Brad had a much chemistry but when you see the deleted scenes when they were allow to relax a little you could see that they did have chemistry. Especially the scene that was cut where Iris goes to see David while stoned.Mark Hamill was great in this movie and it was so nice to see him in this. He really has turned into a wonderful character actor. Also Missy Crider as Athee steals every scene she is in. Her and Majandra had such a great chemistry together.The 'mystery' isn't that hard to figure out and is pretty paint by numbers. Also why Iris continues to live with her brother Jason after he beats her old boyfriend to death is never explained, which is one of the plot holes this movie suffers and the movie does suffer from a few plot holes but nothing that should keep you from checking the film out. So if you are looking for a mystery with a big surprised ending, you probable won't be too impressed by Reeseville but if you want a nice little mystery to watch on a rainy day then give it a shot, especially if you can get your hands on the DVD with the deleted scenes. Also if you are a Mark Hamill fan this is a must see!!
Alfredo at the projector The most interesting aspects of this film is the pacing and small town feel to it. The passage of time can be tedious but to me that is what the film maker was trying to pass along to the viewer. Similar to a frog in a pot of water. When the temperature is turned up slowly will characters and audience pay heed? There are some flaws to the film. It makes a real point to this being a small town as the locale but aside for a few major characters you don't really get a feel for that town and how the characters fit and are perceived in this town. Mark Hamill works brillantly in this piece in a role I never would have thought him for. Also well cast were Majandra Delfino. Many of the elements of this story were well telegraphed to the audience when I think the writer should have give the audience a little credit. A capable work but it left me wanting.
peeters-ml1 The summary was promising but watching the movie was a huge disappointment. Nothing happens in this movie. Plot is linear and without surprise. Normal characters stay normal until end of the film, weird characters stay weird until end of the film. There is even not a single tentative to foul the viewer into thinking that the bad guy is someone else than the most obvious candidate. On the positive side, actors play quite well, and there is a tiny bit of atmosphere in the movie, but much too little to be any significant.People who vote 10 for this movie either didn't see it, or are member of the movie production team ! 4 is well paid.

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