
3.7| 1h34m| en

A rare astronomical event causes a permanent worldwide black out, forcing residents of a middle-class suburb to get by with no modern conveniences. The community pulls together and adapts to a simpler way of life, but their success draws the attention of the less resourceful residents in the area and soon results in a war between subdivisions. This is their story. Written by Anonymous A catastrophic solar flare plunges Earth into global darkness. As society teeters on the edge of total anarchy the President and top government officials are swept away to a Cold War bunker in search of a solution. While the politicians fight insanity and each other, a group of middle-class suburbanites take survival into their own hands. With bullets and seeds, this neighborhood of schoolteachers and businessmen transform themselves into a village of self-sustaining warriors. Can they hold on until power is restored, or will they fall to the starving masses?


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Tockinit not horrible nor great
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Alistair Olson After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Jesse Boland It has been a few weeks since I last sat through something this bad from start to finish, and really the story, and a few of the stand out characters were the only thing that kept me hanging on through out. The story is really a shambles, but it is trying really hard to be The Stand from Stephen King, but it is telling so many little stories that you can feel that the production crew had not decided who the story was actually about, and for the viewers the problem is how should you care. The parts of the movie set in the cul-de-sac are actually the best over all with the way the small group form up, and bond (lucky there is a survivalist in the bunch) The story if the completely inept government officials is ridiculous, and just way to muddled, they had hours to warn people, and no one once says turn off, and unplug your stuff, or put it in the microwave, then in the fridge, or something, anything. This movie is really not Enjoyable, there are no channels of communication, yet somehow the people in the bunker "know" stuff but they have to use paper, that someone must be printing for them somewhere, and why is a kid in North Carolina wearing a Michigan school jacket? Too many problems, and the only solution never really makes any sense either, like thinking that if you dream about how to design a car, then in the morning you should be able to draw up the plans, but that is not how things work. So avoid this movie I am sad to say that I can not recommend it, the acting is over the top, and abrupt most of the time, and the story really needed to be read before they started filming.Jesse of
Lauren Addams I loved this movie! I loved the parallel story lines. I thought it was great.I thought actor Rob Pralgo did a FANTASTIC JOB; solid work.SPOILER ALERT: My favorite scene was when the entire government was down in the bunker arguing about what to do. I thought it was really intense and it kind of had me on the edge of my seat. I really loved the helicopter scenes. I thought it added a bit of expansion in the film and got us out of the "community".I do agree that some of the army terminology wasn't SPOT ON (I've heard from other friends who have seen it), but overall the movie was a great effort, had great affects, great cinematography and shone a light on something that I didn't even know existed. Now, more than ever I am interested in the prepper world and am looking for more films like it. I am also interested in other films from these directors. I'd really like to see what else they have out there in terms of this. Overall, I thought that Remnants was a great movie, with a good story and highly artistic film aspects.BRAVO Remnants!
speargun-615-202935 First, let me say this: If you are a hard core prepper, survivalist, etc..., you are going to see some "flaws" in the story line or the way people may do things. This is no different than when a cop watches a "cop movie" or a doctor watches some medical miracle on TV. For the rest of the world who aren't "specialist" in the field, it's just good FICTION, put together by good people, who worked hard to bring it to you without a Hollywood budget to work with.Now, on to the film. This film is about what MIGHT happen and how a group of people MIGHT handle the situation. Some of the acting could use a little polishing, but the overall story is very good. While this is a work of fiction and the trigger is a "rare astronomical event", I believe that the response of the people involved is a fair representation of how things could go should any major catastrophe befall the general population.This film is a good "eye opener" to anyone who thinks that they don't need to worry about preparing for emergencies or think that there will always be someone (the govt.) there to take care of them. Just consider all of the troubles at home and around the world today and you could easily replace "rare astronomical event" with "collapse of the economy", "government confiscation of firearms", or what almost happened recently in Russia "meteor strikes heavily populated city, explodes with a force 300 times greater than the Hiroshima bomb, killing thousands, injuring millions, and destroying billions in infrastructure."No matter what the trigger, this movie will make you think about some of the realities of life, but it's not doom & gloom. There's plenty of drama with family, friends, & neighbors, as well as lots of action. LIKE this movie, let all of your friends know about it, and help support it so that you can see it in a theater near you soon.
sgtgunner-1 I'm not sure what happened to my first review. So, I will write another.I was looking forward to the release of this film and maybe I hyped myself up too much. I will start with the acting...for the most part, it was solid. In fact, I believe some of the 'newer' actors were better than the veterans.I could have done without the parallel storyline of what the government was doing to solve this crisis. It seemed shoehorned in and I feel the only reason it was approved was that Sizemore showed an interest in the film.The film would have been much better if they had just focused on the community and the struggles of coming together. I understand there is an original version that does not include the government storyline. I would like to see that version.SPOILERS BELOW: I could have overlooked the inconsistencies with the uniform - but to have a 4 Star General not holding a firearm properly is unforgivable. I understand that some people will overlook these as they are not experienced as a prepper or ex-military. But, that does not make it right...the producers just need to do a small amount of research to get things right. That is what makes a good movie.Then we have the prepper, who is a Special Forces veteran. He has been preparing for something like this for years, stockpiling food, weapons, ammunition, generator, etc... But, for some reason, establishing a perimeter and organizing guard duty are not anywhere near the top of his priority list. I can't get past this...being a prepper, these scenarios play through your mind on a daily basis and security is in the top five.END SPOILERS Overall, I say this is a good 'eye-opening' movie. Our society has become accustomed to the many conveniences of technology and has lost the ability to function without. I would recommend this movie for this reason alone. This movie does a good job of showing that the government will not be there to help you. YOU need to prepare for the unexpected.

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