Rise of the Fellowship

4.1| 1h32m| en

Randall Dooley is a geek. His three best friends are geeks too. He works in a game shop, he spends all his free time playing online games, his older brother bullies him unmercifully, his widowed mom doesn't understand him, and he's hopelessly in love with the prettiest cheerleader in high school. In short, he's a loser. All of that changes when he hears of the Lord of the Rings gaming competition in Orlando, Florida. Finally! Meaning in life! The FellowsHip is a buddy-comedy written in honor of online gamers and The Lord of the Rings. Full of Tolkien-references and good-hearted parody, The FellowsHip will appeal to Tolkien-fans and gamers alike, as well as anyone who's never been part of the in-crowd.


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Also starring Cole Matson


Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
Leofwine_draca RISE OF THE FELLOWSHIP is another indie comedy that owes its existence to LORD OF THE RINGS. The central characters are a group of geeks who are into cosplay and the like and who plan to attend a Lord of the Rings-themed convention. As a film, it's packed with the usual unfunny humour and bad acting; it's worthless even for like-minded fans such as myself.
Nardac Blefscu Sharing some cinematic DNA with 2002's "Max Magician and the Legend of the Rings", "Rise of the Fellowship" is another Mid-Atlantic lensed, low-budget fantasy epic that lucked into a wide release by being marketed as a quickie "Lord of the Rings" cash-in. "Fellowship" can at least boast the nice professional look of a Syfy or Lifetime original, but past that, "Max Magician" wins out in this dubious race to the top of the Walmart cut-out bin since it actually has some plot and structure-- cliché, simple- minded and predictable though it may be."Fellowship", on the other hand, is just a clumsy stringing together of imagery from the "Lord of the Rings" without regard to coherence or meaning; it's like being trapped in an elevator with a foaming-at-the-mouth Peter Jackson ultra-nerd ranting along the lines of "Remember that scene where that thing happened? Wasn't that great? And that other scene where that other thing happened? So awesome! And then that...." Within five minutes of watching this film, you'll seriously consider taking your own life; after ten minutes, your loved ones will be making funeral arrangements. Normal folks with critical thinking facilities intact will want to steer clear of this but if you're an undiscriminating dork who's a sucker for shameless fan boy pandering, bring a large spoon because you'll want to savor every delicious drop. Bon Appétit!
patpowers1995 The script for this movie set me on edge. It reinforced every superficial stereotype about gamers, its characters were extremely shallow, both the heroes and villains, and it used obvious, cheap gimmicks to push the audience's buttons. The bullies were cartoonish stereotypes, the good guys were cartoonish nerds. The notion that the very attractive girl nerd would associate with them was laughable. The acting was also poor, I didn't believe any of the characters at all and had to stop watching because I was cringing too much at it.This movie was literally disgusting to watch, not because of what occurred to the characters but for the way the movie creators tried to manipulate the audience. It is a totally paint by numbers effort. Do not bother. Watch The Guild on Youtube instead. If you honestly like this movie, I honestly feel sorry for you.
Paul Magne Haakonsen Despite having spent somewhere around 3 years on playing Lord of the Rings Online and about 27 years of playing tabletop Dungeons & Dragons, then this movie wasn't really all that exciting.There were some nice moments here and there, but in overall, there wasn't much enjoyable material to be found in "Rise of the Fellowship", despite all the references to the Lord of the Rings and also with all the outtakes from Lord of the Rings Online.The storyline was predictable and basically just trotted ahead in a fairly slow and monotone pace, which really never enthrall or captivates the audience. There weren't any overall coherency in the build up of anything really, nothing lead up to anything climatic, and you knew exactly how the movie would end right from the very beginning.The acting in the movie was one of the stronger aspects to the movie, as people were doing good enough jobs with their given roles, and thumbs up for that, because they had very little script-wise to work with.I am sure that there are some fans out there who will find some kind of amusement and entertainment in this movie. However, I didn't really find much of anything in the movie, aside from some good chuckles and memories from back in the day when I spent countless hours playing Lord of the Rings Online. This movie, however, didn't really do anything for me.If you are a gamer then your money is better spent on the movie "Zero Charisma".

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