Rise of the Scarecrows

1.7| 1h34m| NR| en

Officer Brown, a big city cop comes to Adams, Massachusetts to get away from all the crime, but stumbles across a deadly secret. Adams is the sort of town that you can visit but never leave. Officer Brown soon discovers the horrible truth that is THE RISE OF THE SCARECROWS.



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Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
CraigHollands Rise of the Scarecrows is in it's own right an excellent example of how not to make a low budget horror film. As every minute passed i felt a tiny piece of my soul leaving my body, I would really like to say that this movie is so bad that it's good, but it really isn't. The only redeeming factor is the occasional cheap laugh from the expertly executed acting and script writing, yet i can't seem to stop watching it. I am currently into my 5th viewing of this movie as i type out this review, all the time wondering, "why?, why am i doing this to myself? and why can't i stop?" Although i have rated this film 1/10 i am extremely thankful to Geno McGahee for making it, this film has changed my perspective of life and why we exist on this floating rock we call earth.
kpreston2010 My mom and I decided to watch this movie last night. After the first 30 seconds my mom wanted to turn it but I told her that we should watch it just to see how bad it really was. I was beyond right. It looks like a bunch of high school drop outs had nothing better to do than try to make a movie. The language was crude, very crude. I'm a teenager and I thought MY generation was bad with the way they speak; These people obviously never opened a book. The way the "Scarecrows" killed people was seriously the only reason why my mom and I continued watching because it was so funny seeing them pretend to hit the "victims". The blood looked more like liquid JELL-O rather than anything that remotely looks like blood. I've never seen anything this poorly made. I would not recommend this movie to anyone. Not even a dog because they would howl out of pain just by watching it.
capkronos This is not an actual movie; it's a bunch of people goofing off with a 200 dollar Sony Handycam. It's also the kind of talentless garbage that somehow manages to get distributed and goes on to discourage anyone who stumbles upon it from checking out other independent horror films in the future. Trust me, I've viewed a lot of low (or no) budget films and the majority of them deserve better than to be lumped together in the same category with this crap. The worst thing about it is that you're left with the general impression that the people who made it didn't even try to make a good film. How else can you explain the ridiculous choreography of the fight and attack scenes? When people are fighting, they don't even bother adding sound effects. When someone is stabbed, the weapon never makes contact with the body. When someone is hit with a stick, it looks like a gentle tap and then the person falls over. If someone actually cared, they'd do sound looping during post production. If someone actually cared, they'd watch the film back and realize machetes and knives aren't even coming close to the victim. Then they would take an hour of their time to shoot some close-ups of the weapon entering a body using a cheap prop dummy or something. These people apparently just didn't care.The plot is basically about zombie scarecrows. But the majority of the movie is actually people aimlessly walking around in the woods throwing out profanities left and right like it's high comedy. Unfortunately, the dialogue isn't the least bit amusing. Aside from the corrupt sheriff and his new deputy, the main characters are three male campers. One of them is sad because his wife left him. Another is basically around just to die. And the third is an obnoxious fat guy you'll want to punch in the face every time he recites a line. Others include a psychic artist, a redneck mechanic and some guy who beats his wife and wants to start running a whorehouse in his home. The performances from most of the above are laughably awful and many of the subplots and side characters serve no purpose other than filling time.The scarecrow design is limited to flannel shirts and guys with sack cloths over their heads. There is almost no gore to speak of. The best they could come up with were off-screen kills or a couple of people spitting up fake blood. The only possible redeeming factor is when the mechanic's wife takes her clothes off and hops in the shower. Other than that, it's virtually unwatchable. God forbid you actually pay 20 dollars to buy something like this. I saw it for free and still feel ripped off.The people who made it also did a film last year called EVIL AWAKENING (which I haven't seen) and are currently shooting their third movie. Hopefully they'll manage to improve. Hell, there's nowhere to go but up from here!
jonb-29 This was truly a freaked-out effort. I noted that "Dicky" wrote, directed and acted in it and made sure that the only nude scene was of his "on-screen" wife. Nice one! This movie is worth it just for the gratuitous nude shower scene, Amanda is very photogenic. Aside from that the sheer bulk of the actors is awesome, this is what the real USA looks like. The acting is substandard, in some cases you can tell the director (Dicky) said "Look, just wander around bitching about kids hassling you". The fight scenes are laughable. But the lack of "POW, SMACK, BIFF" somehow work to make this a more realistic movie, maybe. The plot would easily fit on a napkin, OK maybe half a napkin. We took three nights to watch it all but it was worth it. Because now we can say in all honesty, "We have seen the worst movie ever made, and we loved it!"

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