Rising Fear

4| 1h36m| en

When a former marine is framed for a deadly terrorist bombing, he must track down the mastermind behind the plot. But soon he discovers an even deadlier conspiracy that threatens the nation. One that will force him to choose between the freedom of millions, and his own survival.



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Acrolight Pictures


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SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
carlman-98246 A $6000 budget (ok, estimated. I'm sure it would've been a lot more than that had it had real actors) and you're going to snark about it? The story is good. The twists are good. The acting is, ok, wearing a mask is good. You can get an Oscar by painting your face. Just ask what's-his-name the drug addict in the Batman movies.Ok, yeah, it needs real special effects. And real actors. But on a $6k budget? I think some costs were under reported. Maybe financed by the CIA or something. Enjoy the movie. Have a couple drinks and enjoy the movie. Give this kid some $$ to do a real film and you'll find something good.
rcowles0324 This genre of movie (apocalyptic, end of the world) are a dime a dozen. Most aren't worth the time invested. I have no idea who in the world Tom Getty is, but him and his family, who got 90% of the credits, hit a home run on a $6K budget. I can't imagine how they did it.Let me give you a hint. Prior to putting this movie in the DVD player, I was re-watching huge budget ID2 on HBO.Rising Fear / America Has Fallen kicked ID2's butt. Yeah, there were some lame parts to the film, but overall, it held together until the final frame. There are not a lot of movies that can claim such an accomplishment.Tom, if you're reading this: Hope you get a nice deal for your next film. You and your crew deserve it.
lavatch This film originally called "Rising Fear" was subsequently released under the title of "America Has Fallen." It is well worth the price of a rental or a streaming, due to the fast-paced action and suspense.The DVD version of the film includes a commentary track in which Tom Getty describes how his film was made on a shoestring budge of $6,000. (That figure is correct--not $6 million, but $6,000!) Getty also discusses how he wore different hats of writer, producer, director, actor, editor, visual effects designer, and musical composer. In short, the film was his baby.The film's concept sought to go beyond a simplistic "man-on-the-run" action film to make a statement about the nature of modern terrorism. Out of the chaos of the bombing of the Snyder Building in Pittsburgh comes the dictum that "fear is the one true God." In turn, Franklin D. Roosevelt's famous speech suggesting that "there is nothing to fear but fear itself" is invoked in the film.Much thought and creativity are apparent in the film, including the portrayal of narcissism, grandiosity, and megalomania, as opposed to religious belief, as the salient characteristic of the terrorist. The hero named Ryan, who is played by Getty, is not a superhero, but closer to an anti-hero. Early in the film, he is taken for a sucker by the character Amanda, who gives Ryan her phone number, which is instantly used by Ryan to ignite the bomb at the Snyder Building. The protagonist then gets deeper and deeper into the vortex of chaos as he attempt to clear his name.The technique of the film was far from perfect, as is acknowledged by the director in the commentary track. A number of the scenes were poorly edited, leading to confusing moments in the convoluted plot. Still, one has to admire the effort and inventiveness of the film artists, a number of whom were amateurs, in realizing a project that eventually found its way into Redbox machines. Kudos to Tom Getty and his crew!
tuco-63815 What a find. Never heard of Tom Getty before this film, which is entirely his: script,lead roll, directing, and editing. Real talent flying under the radar. Great twisting plot and everything Rothschilds said in his review.Like other films in this genre the antagonist gets his 15 minutes to explain his motives which are thought provoking and jarring, bringing to mind Gary Oldmans speech in Air Force One and Ned Beattys in Shooter. But Rising Fear has an element of originality I rarely see, especially in a film with such a small budget. And on that subject the special effects are quite good, and I would like to see a Tom Getty film made with some real money backing so that he might branch out more, even though I don't see how more funds could have improved this effort. If you're a fan of action flicks you really don't want to miss this one.

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