The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Brennan Camacho
Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.
IMDB Truth
I thought this one had promise... Soon after it starts it's made known that this is set in "south Texas", Which really piqued my interest, Because to people who haven't lived here, it's a little known fact that in small towns up and down the Texas/Mexico border, people have long feared abduction from satanic cults... People go missing from Texas border towns, then turn up decades later when another mass grave of dismembered bodies is found on the Mexican side of the border... Not to demonize the Mexicans for this, it's long been rumored that they are delivering people to be killed by powerful business executives from the US... But back to the movie... The acting/script was pretty bad overall... Pointless and long transitional scenes... No depth to the plot, and ... They do try to ad depth to the protagonist husband and wife characters, but all that does is magnify how poorly written and acted this film is... I kept hoping that there night eventually be a payoff, but no, no climax, and a dumb abrupt ending...
A former couple (it's all not very clear) wrangles with a Texan satanic cult when the pretty lady offs one of its members in self-defense.The bulk of the action happens in a motel and certainly reminds of the movie of the same name with Kate Beckinsale. The lead actress in this one is not as strong, playing every emotion to the hilt until you can't really make sense of what's actually feeling in the relatively short time span in which the action takes place.This and a stretched-out, unsatisfying ending are the movie's downfall, although it has its moments. The director is one to follow, making the most of the dark, confined spaces and simple, scary set-ups. The lead actor also makes up for his partner, counter-balancing some detestable, macho statements (if the girl was almost raped, that's because she put herself in that position) with humane actions. The movie loses momentum when he's killed by the cult two-thirds of the way. Still, a competent if unachieved time-killer at midnight.
My buds and I were looking for something to fill the void in our empty lives. I just got my man-cave finished and the little lady was away with the kids. It was time to tie one on. My job sucks and I hate my boss. His daughter is my immediate manager. She's built like a land- grader and is as ugly as a gravel road. She's also continually sexually harassing me. I'd like to get my revenge for the many times she's belittled me in front of my co-workers or made me shine her patent leather gym shoes. That's where Ritual comes in.The kegolater was installed yesterday. It was filled to the max with ice cold Yeungling. My buddy Hank Hill had gotten in a shipment of some of the best doobie this side of Mendocino. He rolls some of the fattest blunts you've ever seen. We all have med licenses for weed...naturally....but wished we had one to maim, disembowel, kill or at least commit manslaughter. I'm an open book when it comes to revenge and my friends follow my lead.I am the alpha. Those who have strayed from my will are disappeared. Anyways....Cookie Algonquin had gone to Mexico a few weeks previously and bought some of these killer goon masks. Won the money at a cock-fight and, for the first time, decided not to spend it on a bunch of lap dances from the greasy whores in Tiajauna. Good choice.Another friend brought in a little film he'd heard good things about called Ritual. Another even better choice. We all got totally heavy-lidded wasted....put on those masks and, after the movie, went to a local motel, where this blond bomber was cheating on her husband. She looked like a better version of my boss's daughter but my revenge gene had taken over. The rest is history....but so far we haven't been caught. Watch this movie, You won't regret it. Pass the dutchie.
That movie is one of the worst I have seen! If I could call Redbox I would tell them to take that out of the box and ban it! If I could have erased it I would have! Do not waste your money...very disappointing. If I was the writer of that story line I would hide...total garbage! A child could've wrote something better. They said it was a horror flick...really!? What were they thinking!! I think I would rather watch the Blair Witch project and that was a horrible movie too. I think Redbox should automatically refund everyone who wastes their money to rent this movie! This will not get any awards. Oh I might be wrong...maybe for the worst movie of all times!!!! Who thought this was good!? Two thumbs down!