Robin Hoodwinked

6.9| 0h6m| NR| en

Jerry and a friend overhear that Robin Hood is imprisoned; they set off to free him, but first they have to contend with his guard, Tom.


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MGM Cartoon Studio


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Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
BA_Harrison Robin Hood has been captured and locked up in jail. Brave mice Jerry and Tuffy decide to break him out, but in order to do so they need to get past guard Tom first.I like the idea of the setting for this cartoon—it's original, at the very least—but what the hell is going in with Tuffy's voice? The little mouse's English accent is worse than Dick Van Dyke's. Blooming this and blooming that! By the end of the cartoon, I was hoping that one of those arrows had hit the mouse rather than just snagging his nappy.3/10. Blooming bad.
benjamin_380xd As was the case with most cartoon studios in the 1950's, Robin Hoodwinked shows obvious and dramatic cost cutting. If you notice in the credits, only Ken Muse is the animator from the glory days. Not to slam the other fellows, but when compared to the 1940's and early 50's shorts, this one falls down in terms of style, animation quality, and overall appearance. Its a good story though and its been done countless times both in animation and film. As would be the case with future HB efforts, this one has dialoge. Lots of it. This would be a hallmark of HB in the 60's onward as the animation quality was in a state of irretrievable decline. Keep in mind that a T&J cartoon from the 40's cost nearly 60K to produce! Obviously with the advent of television and the decline in movie attendance, MGM was not keen on shelling out big bucks to produce these cartoons. Thus, when Fred Quimby left in 1955, HB took over both direction and production. Faced with declining budgets, animation quality suffered. Still, this cartoon is entertaining. The faked English accent gets a bit unnerving and Jerry is reduced to a bit part role in this outing. Its quite a departure from the earlier cat vs. mouse conflict that served T&J so well. In later shorts such as Tot Watchers, we even see T&J buddy up as a team. Again, the formula would work if only we hadn't known T&J from a bygone era.
Robert Reynolds This cartoon features the little mouse who was initially named Nibbles, a name that was changed to Tuffy at some point (probably when he became an action hero or shortly thereafter) by the powers that be. Nibbles (excuse me, Tuffy) speaks a great deal here, in order to move the plot along, but, while the dialogue is often funny, after a while, you wish the part had gone to Marcel Marceau. Failing that, at least elocution lessons would seem to have been advisable. Cute cartoon along the lines of the Mouseketeer series, one which has a cautionary warning on the dangers of strong spirits, which may lead the consumer to break out in song at inopportune moments, as well as neglecting to be aware of their surroundings. Well worth watching. Most recommended.
Antzy88 Jerry and Tuffy get news of Robin Hood's capture and imprisonment in a castle where Tom is on guard. The two mice head off to rescue him... This was the last of the Tom & Jerry series to feature Tuffy, and he talks a lot in this one. His voice did grate a little, but one scene involving a drink is hilarious!The cartoon itself may have been the penultimate in the Hanna & Barbera period of the series, but the artwork's not too bad for a cartoon made in the late 1950's. Pretty good cartoon, too...