Rubber Johnny

7.3| 0h6m| en

Rubber Johnny is a six-minute experimental short film and music video directed by Chris Cunningham in 2005, using music composed by Aphex Twin. The name Rubber Johnny is drawn from a British slang for "condom" as well as a description of the main character, which explains the title sequence.


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Warp Films


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Also starring Chris Cunningham


TinsHeadline Touches You
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Horst in Translation ( "Rubber Johnny" is a six-minute animated short film by Chris Cunning Ham and Aphex Twin. They worked together on several projects, and none of them are glorious gently-put, but this one here may take the cake for worst. This is listed as horror, but I don't know about that. I would rather describe it as weird. we see some deformed creatures, a dog with (not really) scary eyes and a train. And some more stuff, but it was all so insignificant and forgettable that I don't even remember, although I just watched it. The music was pointless too. Cunningham worked with Madonna in the past, so this is really a massive step down for him here in this 10-year-old short film. And the result would be a step down for basically every filmmaker. Highly not recommended.
toxiemite Rubber Johnny is conceptually brilliant but fails on several levels. The first problem is that is runs for a minuscule 6 minutes.... take away the credits and you're left with a 4 minute film. That in itself would not be a problem if the narrative was better.With such rich material here, Cunningham really could have stretched this out a lot longer... 30-45 minutes would have been excellent. This would have allowed for us to fully understand Rubby Johnny.... it would then be a feast for the mind as well as a feast for the eyes.Not to mention that there was a big teaser trailer released to promote this film... was it worth the wait? Not particularly. But is good eye candy.
bikerpug This short film has a "night vision" appearance, that is it looks like it was filmed in darkness with a infra-red camera. It starts with a blurry twisted "thing" speaking gibberish in a dark cellar, while a voice attempts to converse with it. Soon the "thing" becomes agitated and must be sedated.The faceless voice leaves, and a broken florecent light flickers as a small dog walks nerviously looking at the strange being in the wheelchair. Then you get a good look at the twisted creature, a distorted nude humanoid in a wheel chair with a huge bulging head mouthing bizarre sounds. Then it starts to get weird....
g8jedi The first time I watched this I was seriously disturbed. I couldn't take my eyes off of it. My girlfriend had to leave the room, because she couldn't watch it. Every time we show it to someone they leave feeling uneasy and weirded out. Chris Cunningham's precision and attention to every terrifying detail make's Rubber Johnny the most memorable thing I have watched in a long time. I became interested in his work after seeing the Bjork Robot Video 'All is full of love'. He also did 'Come to Daddy' for Aphex Twin, 'Frozen' for Madonna and Portishead's "Only You". "All is Full of Love" was nominated for a Grammy and won Best Breakthrough video and Special Effects at the 2000 MTV Video Awards.