Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Movie

5.9| 1h23m| G| en

Young Rudolph suffers a childhood accident that sees his nose turn from the publicly accepted norm of black to a glowing red colour. His parents worry about him getting teased, and indeed he does in the end. When he is beaten in the reindeer games by his rival for a doe he fancies, Rudolph runs away and moves into a cave with Slyly the Fox. However can he overcome his fear and reach his true potential?


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Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Jerrie It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
joebrian55 Get ready to hear this, but I actually used to like it when I was little, but for some reason I grew out of it.I can't believe I have to live with this abomination. What was the point of making this movie if there was already a Rudolph special in existence? Were the producers afraid everybody would forget about the Rankin-Bass special? I mean, go on to Amazon, type in "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer", and you'll see how much we've forgotten about it.The animation is beyond terrible, you may as well be letting whatever kids you're babysitting (if that scenario is the case) watch some college graduate's show-reel.The voices in this movie are annoying. I'm very much offended that Eric Idle (who came from the UK) would be using a Brooklyn accent in this movie. I hope he knows how awful this movie is. The fairies that tell the story are utterly annoying.On top of that, the movie has pretty much no silent moment. There isn't one scene in the movie that doesn't have any noise blaring through the speakers. When you put on this movie for any children, your basically just banging pots and pans and dancing like an idiot in front of them for an hour and a half.The songs in this movie are plain terrible, the inclusion of Paul McCartney's "A Wonderful Christmastime" is overly offencive to me. And what sense does it make when Rudolph's singing voice sounds like Justin Bieber on sulphur hexafluoride while his speaking voice sounds like Ash Ketchum?Pardon me if I sound like a sadist, but there are almost no useful scare tactics in the movie! That just makes it whimsical pandering! When a kid cartoon has frightening images, it teaches children that the world is a dark and cruel place. Even the villain is not scary enough.What also annoys me is that rather than the villain, Stormella, simply falling to her death and hip hip hooray, cue end credits, Rudolph and the others just SAVE Stormella from plummeting to her doom even though Rudolph sent her to her near death in the first place! What kind of a lesson is that to teach your children? Just rescue a bad guy from their near death even if they attacked you to begin with? Talk about insulting your child's intelligence!But as if that's not bad enough, Rudolph just wishes for Stormella to be nice, and lo and behold, she becomes a good sport. OK, that's just ASKING for your kids to get critically injured or murdered! That's just BEYOND disrespectful to a kid's intelligence!It's beyond believable this was shown in cinemas before it was tossed into the Safeway bargain bins (if you know what I mean). I wouldn't be surprised if it was a box office bomb, which certainly doesn't matter since this movie probably didn't cost too much to make.All I can say now is that the rest of the family I live with (even my 19 and 18 year old brothers) think this is such a good movie, but this makes Troll 2 seem like The Shawshank Redemption (never seen either films, but you can figure out what I mean). Even A Troll in Central Park is better than this!
video kid If you do not like this see your doctor immediately your heart has turned to coal.It is instant Christmas classic! Great cast (voices)(though I wouldn't give it a grade A for animation but hey, that my opinion) make this a family classic for any Christmas occasion. Considering the fact that this film isn't Disney, it belongs in the category of excellent animated films. On a Friday afternoon of September 1998, I came across "Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer : The Movie" opening today in limited release. Fortunately my movie theater was playing it and with a cast including Whoopi Goldberg, Bob Newhart, Sarah Jessica Parker, Debbie Reynolds, & John Goodman, I couldn't resist. Why Legacy Releasing opened a Christmas movie in the fall I'll never know, but if you haven't seen it with your kids, get it this Christmas season. Soundtrack includes a special musical performance of "A Wonderful Christmas Time" by Paul and Linda McCartney and show me the light is a very good and sweet song. Now on video from Goodtimes Entertainment.Though the sprites I think really ruined the movie. and the romance between Zoey and Rudolph is quiet sweet.(by the way I hope a remake of it comes and DEATH TO SPRITES)Good points- * The romance beetween Zoey and Rudolph* Whoppi Goldberges portrayal of the no-nonsense villain Stormella* The song "show me the light" one of the only three good songs in the film* like the fellows comment the second bellow me, It shows being brave in the face of fear and rising above the mockery (i'm teased a lot at school so I know how it feels)* Some of the humour that some people miss is quiet funny-Bad points (do not let these ruin the film just fast forward through them)* the sprites and their singing arrrrrrrrrrrrrgh, ahck DEATH TO SPRITES* some of Slyly's script was pathetic in the leonard cave incident* the songs: It could always be worse, santas family and Christmas time are awfully bad
musangl I liked this movie and thought that it was great even for adults. I didn't find the music distracting from the overall message of the film. The wonderful fact that it teaches courage in the face of insecurity is one that is lost in a lot of movies that are made today. It also teaches that we do not have to be the same as everyone else around us. We can be different and even if we get teased about it we can find solace in ourselves in the fact that we are the way we are because that is the way that we were made and we are each special and unique. I found it a joy watching it by myself for the first time and again watching it with my 4-year-old nephew. It is one that I am glad that I bought and will watch many times over the holidays.
bohemiaisntdead I thought this movie was very adorable, and I'm surprised it didn't get more recognition. It's nice seeing so many famous actors doing a kids' movie together. Especially Eric Idle doing the voice of the fox with an American accent- he's truly delightful...I could barely tell it was him! OK, so it was a tad cheesy, but what's a feel-good family movie without a bit of cheese thrown in? I haven't seen it in a while, but I remember loving the voice of the younger Rudolph. I'm surprised he hasn't gotten more roles, or more of a bio on IMDb! So, if you've got kids, or you just want to giggle at how cute/corny it is, rent it or buy it. Sure, it's not a classic like the one with the Abominable Snowman, Yukon Cornelius or Hermy the elf, but it's just as delightful.