
1993 "It's not the size of the dog in the fight, It's the size of the fight in the dog."
7.5| 1h54m| PG| en

Rudy grew up in a steel mill town where most people ended up working, but wanted to play football at Notre Dame instead. There were only a couple of problems. His grades were a little low, his athletic skills were poor, and he was only half the size of the other players. But he had the drive and the spirit of 5 people and has set his sights upon joining the team.


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Pluskylang Great Film overall
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
marvinkalngan Another inspirational movie. It is about chasing a dream. It was showed in the movie that chasing a dream is not that easy.
classicalsteve Part-way into the film, Daniel Ruettiger, Sr. (Ned Beatty), the father of "Rudy", tells the story of how his immigrant father, Rudy's grandfather, came to America and gave his family a new life. Later he decided to create a dairy farm out in the country. He bought land and about 200 cows, probably on credit. Unfortunately, according to Beatty, the cows died of disease after only a few months. Because it was the Depression, they couldn't sell the land. As a result, Rudy's grandfather disappeared, never to be seen again, and younger siblings were split up to live with other family members. We assume he left his family because of the shame of failure. Rudy's father then goes on to say that universities like Notre Dame just aren't in the cards for members of the Ruettiger family of laborers. Institutions like Notre Dame are for rich and connected people, not for those who don hard-hats at steel mills and factories.The moral of Beatty's story: if you try and don't succeed, it would have been better if you hadn't tried at all. Rudy's father tells him this story at a bus station where Rudy is going to travel to South Bend, Indiana, hoping to not only enroll into Notre Dame University, but also play for their illustrious football team. Rudy decides not to take heed of his father's story and instead travels to South Bend anyway with nothing except a cheap traveling pack. Which is I think the point of "Rudy": that we must try and risk failure if we are to have any chance to succeed. Rudy's chances of getting into Notre Dame as a student are slim at best and almost negligible in regards to joining the Fighting Irish football team. He has every disadvantage imaginable. But he has one thing in his favor: he has nothing to lose, and he knows he will have to put in 400% to achieve his goals. To give him an edge, Rudy thinks outside the box and does things other kids wouldn't have thought to do, such as befriending the grounds-keeper at the Notre Dame stadium and introducing himself to the Notre Dame coach even before he's a student. But his road is hard and arduous. In a very interesting shot about mid-way through the film, we see Rudy on the outside of the Notre Dame stadium while a game is in-progress. The shot is a bird's eye view with Rudy at ground-level to the right of the large wall of the stadium to the left. This is the seemingly impenetrable wall Rudy is trying to climb. Physically, he is right near the stadium yet he is still on the outside.This is a remarkable film about a highly implausible story that is truly a great inspirational films. While the supporting cast is perfect for the film, it's the performance of Sean Astin as Rudy which takes us all the way. Every step of Astin as Rudy is completely believable. And the film never lapses into cliché sentiment but sticks with the facts of most of the true story, with one small change towards the end. If Astin and/or the script had ever once lapsed into idealistic fantasy it would have become almost satirical farce, but luckily it never does. It ranks as one of best sports films of all time.
Filip Radojcic It's about the guy who once had a dream, but he was always listening others about how he cannot reach it. His name is Rudy and he's big fan of Notre dame football team, his childhood dream is to play for them or at least to made a debut for them.Whole his family was watching them and they were big supporters of them, every Sunday they were in front of television watching them. After graduation of high school, he couldn't go to Notre dame college since he had bad grades so his dream just fall in river. He decided to start working family job, in steel mill. After death of his best friend, Pete, he decided to get back to college, but yet again his grades were too low for this one, so he had to go to other one called Holy Cross College. After some years in Holy Cross College, he got applied to Norte Dame and his dream got real. He was good student, he was getting better and better grades, playing for football team and one pretty impressive fact is he never missed any of trainings in those 2 years of playing. But, he wasn't good enough for those guys due his psychical problems. His teammates were just too strong for him, but Rudy had a faith, he had a dream that he's going to reach one day and hearth. His teammates noticed it and they respected that. They were impressed of how he can go so hard even though he got refused many times. And before their last game, they decided to help him reaching his dream by talking on their trainer to put him in first team. Trainer wasn't alright with that decision but he made it, he put him as sub. He made his debut match against Georgia tech, whole stadium was screaming his name. Rudy reached his dream, his parents, brothers, friend were proud of him.If you like inspirations movies this one is perfect for you, for binging up your motivation. I must mention that this movie is based on true story.
Perry Bee I just caught this on Sunday afternoon TV, I live down under, born and bred in Holland, and have no real interest in Grid Iron, hey I only know the real Football (soccer), but man I really like this great story.It was great to watch a film that had no sex drugs or rock and roll, just a great story about a small bloke trying his best to prove every one wrong, that size does not matter! I myself am 6'4' 250 pounds, and grew another foot in height on the inside, just a great simple direct to the point film about courage and inner strength! 8 out of 10 for this most see good feel film