
2015 "Resistance will be erased"
2.7| 1h34m| en

After a devastating terrorist attack annihilates New York, Chicago and Los Angeles, the US government develops state-of-the-art drone patrols to counter terrorist activities and police the population. When Patterson Endcott, a scientist and drone controller, finds his name listed as a potential terrorist, he unites with a group of resistance fighters to spearhead the fight against the tyrannical government.


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Also starring Joshua Marble


Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Marva-nova Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
Brooklynn There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.
Allen Selner Sr Drops the ball in several areas. The first was the obviously "canned music". Some of the cast came off no better than that of a high school play. Well choreographed and cinematography, it moved along nicely in spite of what must have been a small budget. That, I believe was the downfall. I'll take a science fiction "B" movie over a romantic comedy any day.The best I can say is that in spite of shortcomings, I watched it to the end. Given more time, better casting, and an original sound track and it would have had my vote of 8.5 rather than 6. This movie had to have been well written as a short novel. As a film, it's subject the those shortcomings mentioned. Worth watching? Yes, in a pinch.
zombie-32 May contain spoilers The overall idea had merit the script jumped around abysmally. Continuity or what passed for it was a complete joke.You have an squad of elite "Erasers" who start off able to shoot a feather off a flying finch at 2km but by the halfway mark none could shoot the broadside of a barn even if they had been shackled to the wall. I was amazed that none of the Erasers managed to shoot themselves in their own face they had become that incompetent.If they were the elite then they would have gunned down the resistance/terrorists/bible bashers at range before they would have known that they were under attack.Why were the only long range drones used to attack cities but could not be used to hunt down the resistance? The acting was so wooden it was a major fire hazard.I want my life back that I spent watching this failure
vindalootiger While I can not agree that this should be in the theater, it was fine for a B wanna-be action thriller. While the writers show a profound disconnect between current political realities, it has been amusing. If you need a good background move or just need something mind numbing this is good.What really nauseated me was the religious connections made about the main characters, it seems obvious that parts were intentionally cut not to irritate the current religious right. Sadly this is a rather ignorant way of writing, that being said, conservative extremists survivalist types find this movie great.Acting started good, 30 minutes in it got way worse. I think what bugs me the most is that no one seems to know how actual military personnel act. There were soooo many technical holes, writing holes, direction holes, I could not list them all here, artistic direction was very low par too. I strongly suspect that this movie had many parts cut in script revisions and the editing room floor.Generally the cliché laden dialog, technical writing problems, and absurdest understanding of world politics, killed this movie. The cg effects were OK, foley and muzzle flash syncing was bad, just bad, as one other reviewer put it "1980's quality"
Paul Nik Well I was disappointed that there is no review for this wonderful film, so I took it on myself to write one. I'm going to mention some of the (very relevant and current) themes that I think are going on in this film, so that I help you judge whether it's worth your time or not:Enforcer turned rebel (akin to the film/book Cloud Atlas) Modern warfare tech: mass government surveillance, drones, exoskeletons, mass incarceration, corporate mercenaries Notion of terrorism expanded to include potentially everyone Manhunt of rebels in the woodsGraphics, sound, action, acting and dialogue, the film is above average, so I think the deciding factor for whether you'll like it or not is whether you enjoy the above themes.