Safety in Numbers

2006 "Reality was their worst nightmare"
3.1| 1h30m| R| en

Several survival contestants return to the island for a weekend TV reunion show get more than they bargain for when they disappear one by one.


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Also starring Tory Mussett


Tockinit not horrible nor great
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
michellehagger Truly one of the worst movies I have seen in years. There is absolutely no tension, shocks or scares. The cast members are despatched in an entirely perfunctory and unimaginative fashion.The story and scripting is stupid beyond belief. At one point a character falls off a cliff and instead of trying to help him the girl he is with runs miles back to the camp to tell the others that he has fallen off a cliff. They don't actually decide to do anything about it and then seem entirely unsurprised when he shows up again with what appear to be only minor injuries (a bit of a cut on the side of his head). And how come the female actors have American accents (sometimes in some cases) whilst the males speak with Australian accents? And don't get me started on the ending. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.I have seen infinitely better low budget films produced by students.Avoid this at all costs.A pretty good cast wasted.
richard-1878 It takes a long time for the film to get going. Not at all gripping, exciting or scary. I was very glad that there was nothing else on TV to watch. If you have seen The Breed then you have seen the better version of this film. If you have not seen it then watch it rather than this film. It is the type of movie that you watch to the end hoping that it will get better.The film actually gets going after about fifty mins, not that it's to going. The sound track is typical early nineties and the acting matches the soundtrack, Although this review is very negative, if you do watch this film for more than forty mins then keep going you may see a little blood...... Typical low budget cast and low budget effects.
tomelgdoyle-1 i thought this was a truly awful film . Nothing in it made any sense , even by horror movie standards.The premise wasn't too bad but it just fell to pieces after the first 5 minutes its an Australian movie and the male actors have Australian accents but the women have these terrible fake American accents and one of the womens accent is so appalling i have no idea what country she is supposed to be from . the ending made even less , i presume it was to set it up for a sequel but there is no way this dog of a film would get the funding for a sequel . i was surprised it got the funding at all sense than the rest of the movie. after watching this movie i tried to find a way to get in touch with the director to sling some abuse , no other movie has driven me to that point before don't watch it unless your video store has a ' didn't like it? get your money back ' policy
toronaga Silly cheesy horror movies, man how they make a Saturday night. You can pretty much tell from the box it comes in whether it's a dud or a gem in hiding. This one was of the former persuasion. The actors were capable and the overall production quality was good. But the STORY - that's where this falls into the toilet. It's not scary in the slightest, it's just a ripoff of that classic short story "The Most Dangerous Game" where a guy is trapped on an island trying to avoid some killer (there's even a pit trap just like in that story). In this case it's six people trying to avoid a killer---Spoilers follow ---who is revealed to us pretty much at the beginning of the movie in a flashback. They spend the rest of the time doing the stupid things people in every horror movie do - split up into smaller groups of 1 or 2 to make it easier for the killer to do his thing instead of staying together. You expect this in this genre but you at least want some tension, drama, or at least a "boo" moment or two. There's none of that here. Each person is dispatched very matter-of-factly without the slightest scare. The ending is incomprehensible and makes no sense - I didn't understand what happened to the two who got away and I didn't really care. Pass this one by, folks...

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