Santa Claus

1960 "Better Than a Visit from Saint Nick Himself!"
2.7| 1h34m| NR| en

Pitch, the mean-spirited devil, is trying to ruin Christmas. Santa Claus teams up with Merlin the Magician and the children of the world in order to save the day!


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Cinematográfica Calderón S.A.


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Matcollis This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.
ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Aaron1375 This film comes to us via Mexico and features a bit of a different take on Santa Claus. I saw this film as an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000, as I am sure a good many people did. I do not recall ever seeing this one as a child, and that is probably a good thing as it is bizarre to the max! Santa looks pretty much as one would expect; however, he acts in an almost insane way, his flying fortress that he apparently shares with Merlin the magician has all the most advanced spying technology imaginable and instead of elves this Santa uses children to work in his toy making factory! His reindeer are strange maniacally laughing automatons that will turn to dust if exposed to the sun! That does not even make sense! Santa's biggest nemesis is Pitch, a demon who resides in hell! So, yes, this is quite the different take on Santa with only Santa's look being what one would expect. The movie does look good as the quality and the effects are pretty good especially considering it came out in 1959, but it is just so off the wall and some of the things it depicts will make you wonder how did Santa deliver presents to all the good children in the world as apparently there were only three bad ones.The story starts us off by showing Santa's fortress in the sky as kids from all over the world must make toys for the rest of the world. Not sure how these children became slave labor and it seems an odd choice that they are kids and not elves. They could have given them pointy ears and passed them off as elves, but no, they are children from around the world. Then we meet a girl who wishes to have a doll, a boy who just wants his parents by his side and three bad children that want nothing more than to serve Satan and bring Santa Claus down! We also meet Pitch who does a rather good job in stopping Santa in certain areas, the four houses we see Santa deliver presents to, takes forever! It takes him so long that you wonder how he did get through the entire world! This made for a rather good episode of MST3K because of the sheer weirdness of the whole film! The strange lipped machine that talked, the crazy looking reindeer and the fact Santa was battling the devil left the gang on the satellite of love with plenty of things to riff! I believe this one was even more bizarre than a previous Christmas film that was riffed on the show, "Santa Conquers the Martians" and that is quite a feat because that one was rather bizarre too.So, the film looks good for the time it was made and there are a couple of good scenes within as the scene with Santa making the parents remember their son is somewhat touching. However, the sheer oddness and the lame humor take this film down a few pegs. If I were a child watching this I would literally be worried every Christmas because Santa does make such slow progress in the homes that are shown.
William Samuel No, this is not Tim Allen's The Santa Claus, but rather a Mexican film that tells the timeless tale of the battle between Santa and Satan. Yes, Santa must contend with the Devil, or rather his not so sinister minion Pitch, who plans to corrupt the world's children into being naughty. Did I say the world's children? Well actually he focuses his efforts mainly a poor little girl named Lupita, who resists his efforts, and a trio of brothers who fall all too easily, and hatch their own plan to kidnap Santa and steal all his toys.Sound weird right? Well it only gets weirder. You see, in this story Santa doesn't live at the North Pole, he lives in a space-castle directly above the North Pole. And there are no elves. Rather he's aided by stereotypical children from around the world, who are introduced in an endless scene with no clear purpose. Come to think of it, where do they live the rest of the year? Oh and his ability to "see you when you're sleeping" and "know when you're awake," well that's because he has an array of surveillance equipment that would make Langley drool. He's got a massive telescope with an eyestalk that can see anything, anywhere, even through walls. Plus there's the ear scope, a plastic dish with an ear that can hear anything, plus a machine that looks into children's dreams. Creepy might not be strong enough of a word.You might reasonably ask where he gets all this stuff. Simple, he has Merlin running his own personal Q branch. Besides all this spy gear, Merlin also provides Santa with dream dust, which makes children fall asleep, the "flower to disappear" which makes him invisible, and his reindeer. Yes, the reindeer are oddly creepy mechanical constructs- wind-ups in fact. And if they're exposed to sunlight, they'll disintegrate, leaving him stranded on earth, where he'll die of starvation because he and his people eat food made from clouds because he can't digest our food, and… I swear I'm not making this up. I'm not that creative- or crazy.Once all this is set up -and believe me it takes a while- most of the movie consists of Santa and Pitch playing childish pranks on each other; using a blowtorch on a doorknob to make it red hot, firing toy cannons into each other's backsides, that kind of thing. The biggest moment of suspense comes when a dog trees Santa and the neighbors think he's a burglar. I don't think I'm giving anything away by saying that Santa gets home safely, or that poor little Lupita gets the doll she's been wanting for Christmas, or that the bad little boys get what they deserve.So there's no real storyline, not much in the way of excitement or laughs, and you have to wonder just how powerful the denizens of Hell are if all they can accomplish is to make a trio of brats throw rocks through a department store window. This movie also gives us the most distorted view of Christmas since the even worse Santa Claus Conquers the Martians. And yet Santa Claus is apparently considered a holiday classic in Mexico, with showings on network television every year in December. I guess there's no accounting for taste, although this is more the kind of thing I would have expected from Japan.
Syl After watching Santa Claus conquer the Martians, this film is a classic. By today's standards, this film looks cheesy but good cheese. The story of Santa Claus who must the devil who really isn't that evil but a nuisance. This Mexican film is quite a treat to watch with its colorful art direction and costumes. The beginning shows children of all cultures in celebrating the Christmas holiday. My film version was dubbed in English with an English narrator. It's the story of good versus bad. The devil here is known as pitch who must answer to Lucifer in hell. Pitch isn't necessarily an evil but funny looking in appearance and mostly causes trouble for Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. This film shouldn't scare children too. This film was included in a Christmas DVD collection.
connorstelle I got this movie imported from somewhere as a gift. So I sat down and watched it. As soon as it was over, I just sat there with my mouth open, thinking "this is the worst movie ever made." Here's why: The film opens with something like 20+ minutes of Santa playing an organ and making weird facial expressions as the narrator shows all the stereotyped children working in Santa's workshop. I guess the elves wanted to stay in The Lord of the Rings series. Then we see Santa's magical spying machine to watch the children on Earth. By the way, did I mention that Santa's castle is sitting on a cloud? Anyways, Santa's magic machine consists of a giant set of swollen-looking lips, a radio antennae with a large ear on it, and a large telescope with a tiny plastic eye on a stick attached to it.Then we meet Pitch. Pitch is a pathetic demon sent by Satan himself to stop Santa from coming to town. With the sound of an annoying piano key, Pitch literally pops up here and there, trying to convince children to be naughty.Then we meet Lupita, the girl who wants a doll more than anything, and she's determined to be good. But when she finally does get a doll, which is about as big as she is, she appears to care very little! Then there's Merlin. Merlin lives in Santa's castle and spends his time making odd things for Santa, such as a "flower to disappear". Merlin is also just filler to lengthen the movie. In one scene, he needs to brew something for Santa in an urn. Now, Merlin walks in a very slow, limping gallop-ish walk. Every time he walks across the room to get an ingredient, guess what? He forgets the urn! Then he has to walk all the way across the room in his weak, Merlin-walk.As the film progresses, we meet three little boys who Pitch has under his spell, and a boy who is neglected by his parents and wants "their love" for Christmas. Boo-hoo for little boy. Then it just gets weirder as Santa begins flying around in his sleigh (flown by plastic reindeer!) and also, as we soon find out, Santa brews magic cocktails! This is the weirdest and worst movie I have seen (so far), but I recommend that every person see this at least once in their lives.