Santa Claws

3.1| 1h26m| PG| en

Santa is allergic to cats, so he has a policy against delivering them as gifts, but little Tommy has been SO good, and all he wants is one small kitty. Santa says OK, but instead of one, the whole litter climbs into the sack. When Santa has a major allergic reaction, the kittens have to take over and deliver the presents on time.


Dylan Vox


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The Asylum


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Libramedi Intense, gripping, stylish and poignant
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
divyanka The most lame, boring, plot less movie ever seen, complete with absolutely lame actors and annoying cats. This movie is not a cute one where cute, charming cats take over. It is an extremely annoying, plot less, and arduous one to watch. The mother, in particular, was beyond limits in her level of annoyingness and bad acting. It was shocking to see her just sit there while the 'Santa Claus' was choking - one could not even tell if her look was one of concern or one of disgust and hate. The child's acting was much better than that of the adults. Santa Claus also acted well - BUT, the storyline was very poor. Nothing was coherent or synchronized well, the Santa Claus's personality was made into an annoying one, the mother was despicable from the start, the child could not act well for the life of him, and the annoying cats never took anything seriously, despite all the catastrophe. A big waste of over an hour watching this crap.*2/10*
Ami Oco Unintentional parody? pretty sure EVERY animal welfare organisation will tell you not to give animals as x-mas presents. If the mammy cat in the film had been neutered, there wouldn't be 3 unwanted kittens looking for homes anyway. Some guy randomly adopts 3 kittens even though he hated them 5 seconds previously - at least look into expense and care involved before adopting, and get them and the mammy cat neutered or there will be 200 more kittens looking for homes by the end of the year! Peanut allergy subplot? If allergic: Don't eat strange food without asking if it contains nuts, and carry an epi-pen with you at all times. At least the kittens were cute though :)
Jean John I like Christmas movies and live with a cat. So I guess I should be a the target audience for this movie.But the movie is terrible and unenjoyable at every level.The production is cheap, acting is bad, and story is uninteresting. The Santa Claus character is not really likable and there is no magic about him. The premise of the movie is that Santa is allergic to cats and has pretty much every common allergy. The story takes place 95% in one house and the block around. There are only 4 characters (excluding the cats) and they are pretty much all the human beings you get to see in the movie. The movie feels really... Small.Other reviewers say the movie is so bad it's enjoyable for laughs, or they think some of it is made in purpose. It's not. This movie will only make you cringe.Maybe some young children could enjoy this movie, but then again, why not have them watch something of better quality that is enjoyable for all the family?
stevefulton-1 This is either the worst Christmas movie ever made, or an amazing parody of terrible Christmas movies. I choose the latter!What we have here is a concoction of nearly every trope of throwaway Christmas movies, tossed into blender, pureed to perfection, and served in glass with a side of winking wry humor. (I hope).-Spoilers- The on-screen events range from mildly affecting (the boys and his home-made Christmas tree) to downright creepy (all the adults and everything they do). The cats do talk, but their mouths move in only one scene, which is fine by me. The rules of Santa's magic change from one scene to the next, as the movie tries to cram everything magic (sleighs,reindeer,bags, hats, snow-globes, presents,etc.) until the very last scene. It's truly a bizarre and interesting combination. What really sets the movie apart from the rest of the throw-away pack are the existential questions it raises from what is off- screen. Where are all the people? How did these two people end up in the same houses they grew-up in 30 years later, yet their parents and siblings are no where to be found? What did they do with them? Does seeing Santa when you are 6 years old turn you into a complete psychopath? Apparently, yes. Also, why everything is so clean? -Spoilers- The people involved were responsible for the technicals on many low- budget horror movies (including Sharknado 2 and Mega Shark vs. Mecha Shark). In fact, you see their allegiances to the craft of film making at the end of the movie, where all the skilled labor and technical jobs get credit before anyone else. My family watched it, we laughed at it, and now we promise to make this movie family tradition for years to come. Well worth 85 minutes of my life.