Sasquatch, the Legend of Bigfoot

1976 "The incredible story of seven men who defied death in a primitive wilderness where no man had gone before.... and survived to tell the shocking story of this legendary creature."
5| 1h42m| G| en

Scientists mount an expedition to find a Bigfoot-type creature.



Producted By

North American Film Enterprises


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CommentsXp Best movie ever!
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Hulkeasexo it is the rare 'crazy' movie that actually has something to say.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
devilsdna this is one of the best docudramas i've ever seen ... it is way ahead of its time and it held my interest even in 2008.the couger attack is well taken considering the lack of special effects and the time the movie was madethe amount of bigfoot shown if just right ... not too much or too little favourite part of the movie is when the sasquatch shrieks ... gave me goosepimples .. haha its a must watch for all bogfoot buffs and for that matter all people who like creature features ...
dbborroughs Fiction film (it lists as based on a story though it does have a "documented by" credit) about a group of scientists going into the wilds of Canada to try and find a Bigfoot.(They want to capture one and then attach a tracking device). Its lots of scientific mumbo jumbo mixed in what is really a dull film of a bunch of people wandering around in the wilderness. There are some attempts at creating tension and scares, but to be perfectly honest there is nothing here worth seeing outside of some great looking shots of the wilds. This is a perfect definition of an exploitation film, it promises you so much, a look at Bigfoot, but in reality it delivers very little. Recommended for insomniacs only
slake09 This is a typical low budget 1970's mess. It's supposed to be a docudrama about a crew hunting Bigfoot through the Pacific Northwest. Every character is a stereotype, from the Native American to the cynical cowboy. The acting and narration are a complete joke. If you're hoping to see a lot of bigfoot footage - keep hoping. There won't be much, and what there is you could do in your backyard with a cheap costume and a camcorder; it would look better than this movie.It's not that I don't like 1970's low budge fare; I do. It's that this is such a mess of bad acting, bad characters, lousy story and no thrills that you just can't enjoy it. It does not fit into the "so bad it's good" category, nor can you get a laugh out of how bad it is without the help of illicit substances. It's mostly a lot of boring footage of the people camping, hiking, riding horses, and watching wild life. There is a bigfoot attack which is completely stupid; supposedly our friend Sasquatch is throwing rocks down on the campers from above while they fire their rifles back at him. By that point you are rooting heavily for bigfoot to drops some rocks on the filmmaker's heads and stop the whole thing.
MisterZ123 Although I was a scant 11 years old when I saw this, it left quite an impression on me, as I was just developing my fascination for the big fella. For a lower budget attempt, this movie serves the subject well. Unlike Legend of Boggy Creek, it purports to dramatize true events rather than serve as a quasi-documentary. I remember buying all the materials sold in the lobby after the movie...the one I wish I had held on to the most was the 33 and 1/3 "soundtrack" on a disc the size of a 45 single. Again, for a lower budget attempt, the music was highly effective, and contained "actual recordings" of a Bigfoot howl....recordings which were also used in the movie itself. The movie also had several moments of levity to offset the overall mood of the picture, which was a bit heavy and serious. After all, this movie was purported to be made by actual Bigfoot investigators and enthusiasts (at least that's what they said when I bought all their goodies!) designed to raise money for future expeditions. If you're a bigfoot enthusiast, do yourself a favor and locate this video online somewhere, as there are so few quality theatrical treatments of Sasquatch (the aforementioned Boggy Creek, the spooky Creature from Black Lake, and Those Mysterious Monsters being the better ones).