
4.5| 1h40m| en

12 year-old Gul becomes possessed by Satan after experimenting with a Ouija board. A troubled psychiatrist and an experienced exorcist become the girl’s only hope for salvation.


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Also starring Canan Perver

Also starring Cihan Ünal

Also starring Meral Taygun


Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
meathookcinema There was a long standing tradition for Turkish remakes of huge Hollywood blockbusters . These remakes have miniscule budgets and are made quickly so that they can be released soon after the original. The Exorcist was remade in Turkey for a tiny proportion of the original's budget. This means that we get hilarious special effects, truly garish decors and the worst hairstyles ever committed to celluloid.But whilst we know what we're getting this film is a true cult movie through and through. It might be cheap and tacky but its also what a lot of more expensive films struggle to be- utterly charming, engaging and a pleasure to watch.Let me leave you with a question- would you rather watch a film like this or a Hollywood studio multiplex movie that has a budget of millions but also has characters you couldn't care less about, an uninspired plot and CGI that makes the film look more like a computer game? I hope these Turkish remakes get restored and released on Blu ray. I'd buy them.
Boba_Fett1138 This is basically a Turkish scene by scene remake of "The Exorcist", so how bad could it be? Well, it also honestly isn't that bad but it of course is a totally pointless remake.It's always credited as a remake but somehow I doubt this is actually an official one. They were lucky Hollywood did not find out about this movie, or else they would has most likely been sued for it. It's just made to cash in on the success of the original "The Exorcist", in its native Turkey. Why else would you make and release a remake only one year after the original. And it's not like this movie is offering anything new or original, as compared to the original "The Exorcist". So seriously, I hope the Turkish people at the time were smart enough to catch the American version instead, which is of course also an infinitely better one.I don't know why anybody should ever want to watch a cheaper and weaker made version of "The Exorcist". And that's basically all this movie is; A really cheap looking one, with some poor effects, weak acting and some bad film-making. Even though it follows the exact same story, this movie yet never manages to become a scary or intriguing one in any way. As a matter of fact, the movie starts to drag and repeat itself pretty early on already and it never succeeds at rising above the level of average.The approach to the story is just boring and without any good ideas behind it. The directing and cinematography is the same, all the time. Often it starts with a closeup of a person and then zooms out. It becomes so noticeable and annoying after a while. It also just doesn't really manage to get its story of the ground and because of that its pace is also lacking, as is its horror. The movie still does has its moments but that is all simply because it's being based on some great source material, so can you truly give the movie credit for that?But it does make this movie still a definitely watchable enough one. Those who like trashy, cheap horror flicks should definitely be able to appreciate this movie and seriously, it isn't half as bad as the movie might sound. Sure, it's a bit silly and clumsily done at times but overall the movie still remains a decent enough watch, despite the fact that it's being nothing more than a blatant ripoff, that adds nothing good, new or original on its own.5/10
Michael_Elliott Seytan (Turkish Exorcist) (1974) ** 1/2 (out of 4) Turkish version of The Exorcist, which borrows nearly every scene from the classic movie and it also lifts the famous music score. This is the third or fourth Turkish film I've watched and this one took me by surprise because it actually tries to be a serious film and not just some sort of rip off or spoof. As you'd expect, a young girl gets possessed by Satan so her mother (Meral Taygun) gets help from a writer (Cihan Unal) who wrote a book on possession. As I said, I was really surprised that the film actually tried being a scary horror film and I was also shocked that for the most part it worked. There are some silly moments but overall this was pretty effective and gets the job done a lot better than many of the Italian rip offs out there. The opening sequences of the mother searching the attic and hearing various noises up there worked very well as did the final exorcism scene. I was also impressed by the performances especially Taygun as the mother. There are a few hysterical moments due to the lower budget and some of the possession scenes come off funny but I've found this to be the case in the majority of these films and that includes The Exorcist. The direction is a tad bit all over the place but for the most part it is good, although the zoom function is used way too many times and most of the time it's used very badly. Again, this film is far from a masterpiece but there's enough good stuff here to make it worth watching.I'll also comment on the "official" DVD of this. I guess you'd call this an official bootleg since Warner would never let this film out there since it ripped their film off and used the same music score. I guess whoever was doing the subtitles just wrote them down on the paper and the makers of the DVD just copied them over without reading what they were working on. There are several times where the guy's notes are put in the subtitles and this leads to some very funny stuff. At one point there's talk of a letter opener and the subtitles include "what's a letter opener". Another funny moment is when the text contains a question mark with an added note to "search Google". When the film is over a "The End" credit pops up and the notes include "finally".
slayrrr666 "Seytan" is one of the single best cheesy films ever made.**SPOILERS**After several weeks, Gül, (Canan Perver) a young teenager in Turkey, becomes concerned that her mother Aytan, (Meral Taygun) is more concerned with her own problems. When she finds a Quija board in her attic, she uses it to escape from the situations around her. Shortly afterwords, she begins to undergo a strange transformation, acting incredibly strange to her mother, and after repeated doctor visits and tests, she is still the same but are unsure what has happened to her. When the changes soon become violent and dangerous to her and others around her, she is finally able to call in Tugrul Bilge, (Cihan Unal) author of a book on exorcism that was found near her, and together they find that she's a vessel for a Satanic minion, forcing them to try to rid the spirit from her body before she causes more harm.The Good News: This here was a lot better than expected. One of the best parts to it is the incredible unintentional humor on display. The meeting with the hypnotist is a prime example of this. The girl pretends to follow his watch, then with comic timing beyond that of normal non-demons, she punches him square in the crotch. He crunches into a standing fetal position that is so well-acted that it'd be impossible to duplicate without actually ramming something dangerous into your groin. It's so outstandingly funny that it's impossible not to burst into a round of hysterics that last for several minutes. There's also some of the really bad special effects which come to mind, including the way that the self-urination scene is handled. The effect of pee by having a thick gray syrup slop from inside her nightgown and onto her feet in huge globular plops. The effect of the head-spinning and the bed-levitation are even better, providing more humor than outright necessary. The fact that the crucifix scene has been replaced by a letter-opener is one of the few scenes it does right and actually tense, since that's a much sharper tool used in the same area for the same purpose, and it's somewhat uncomfortable to witness the scene as it plays out here. The confrontation at the end is still really tense and epic, mainly because it plays out much longer than the other version and manages to stick out for it's rather insane use of vomit, which is much, much more than the other version and actually manages to creep out due to the sheer use and the fact that it doesn't look at all like an effect that the other one does. All of these give the film it's best part, the unbridled cheese. It's simply incredibly cheesy, due to the humor and familiarity, and manages to help it come out as rather enjoyable because of it. The fact that the scenes in the insane asylum are so fun is due to the fact that those there actually look like crazy people there. The actions, the behavior and the symptoms exhibited are real ones that would be applicable in a real insane asylum, and it's one of the few good scenes in the film. These here are the film's best points.The Bad News: There's really not a whole lot wrong with this one. The main one here is that it's so familiar. It uses the same exact set-up as the original film, where a young girl, living with her well-to-do mother, becomes possessed by Satan after tooling around on a Ouija board. Of course there's the head spinning, the mustard spitting, the message written across her abdomen and even the scene where she comes downstairs to pee herself to the dismay of her mother and her guests. Some of the shots are even exactly the same and the house they use as the setting for most of the film looks pretty much like the one in the other film. Even more is that the film doesn't do anything else drastic with the familiar scenes, simply content to present the same events in the same order with a just slightly-twisted sense of special effects realisticness. Hardly any of the big scenes are handled well, with the biggest one being the head-twisting scene. Here, the girl stands behind a mannequin wearing a different nightgown from her and slowly turns around, looking like an ugly girl turning around behind a scarecrow. It's nowhere near being realistic, but is merely commonplace for the kind of effects that are present in this. They add to the cheesy charm, though, and aren't that bad overall. The main one here will be the incredible familiarity to the other version.The Final Verdict: A really fun and enjoyable cheese-fest that only has the extreme familiarity to hurt it, winding up as a really fun entry. Give it a chance if you're into the extreme cheese side of things, enjoy this genre or having an interest and curiosity to compare the two, otherwise stick to the classy original.Rated R: Language and Violence