Saving Marriage

6.6| 1h30m| en

A landmark court decision in Massachusetts allows gay people in that state to marry - forcing activists, legislators, and ordinary people to reconsider how they view same-sex relationships.



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Breakinger A Brilliant Conflict
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
alassenamos "Saving Marriage"A Must SeeAmos Lassen and Cinema PrideI had heard great things about Michael Roth's documentary "Saving Marriage" so when I sat down to watch it last night I was ready for something amazing. This is one of the most powerful and well made documentaries I have ever seen and it is absolutely a must see film for everyone regardless of sexual tendency or political alignment.When the Commonwealth of Massachusetts became the first state to recognize gay marriage, a constitutional amendment suddenly is presented to take that right away. With that the Massachusetts legislature became a battleground and activists and newcomers found themselves involved in a fierce political war. The future of American gay rights was the prize to be won and it is very, very close. The battle to save gay marriage would change the way people view same-sex relationships and the history of civil rights takes n a new meaning with this fight. The movie is a record of that. This is the movie that will change the way one values gay marriage as it shows why it is an absolute necessity to the our survival as a community."Saving Marriage" is moving and highly emotional and it is not just about gay marriage but about the rights of all humans. It is a detailed view of the entire gay marriage issue in Massachusetts and presents both sides of the issue. One of the main things that it does is give a very careful explanation as to the difference between marriage and civil unions. Civil unions are only band-aids for a short term solution, a kind of appeasement and not a term of equality. The message of equality and creating a better life for all is the true values of "Saving Marriage". We are taught that the government is supposed to protect citizen rights and not deny them. I would venture to say that many of us have no idea of how the issue of same-sex marriage came about and this film gives us a time-line of events showing the role of the courts and legislatures. The interviews are enlightening in the way that they explain why politicians voted "yes" or "no" on the amendment but it is even more engrossing to see the process by which an ordinary person, the man on the street, can make difference.By seeing the first gay marriages in Massachusetts during which the amendments were proposed to shoot down and ban the practice, we are taken on a tour of emotions as both politicians and "little people" fought out the battle for equal rights in the New England legislature. Coming together for a cause such as this shows how laws can be changed, altered or done away with and that we as ordinary Americans can change lives.I have always considered myself an activist, especially since I moved to Arkansas but after seeing "Saving Marriage", I see how little I have done. Here are people who have devoted their entire beings to bringing about change. I feel so insignificant.This is also a film that is filled with passion and as you watch you heart fills with pride. I found myself wondering why I have not worked harder in the fight for equality. The beauty and sadness of the personal stories in the film is an extremely moving experience.Told from a GLBT perspective, the filmmakers incorporate all points of view, showing both sides of the issue. Here we get the human face of the same-sex marriage debate. We see wedding ceremonies, we see same-sex families. We see love. Anyone who claims to be apathetic about what the word "marriage" means as opposed to "civil unions" has to see this film. As Americans, we are all entitled to the very same rights and privileges without regard to gender, race, creed and sexual identity. This movie will make us realize how important that is. The suspense, emotion and drama in "Saving Marriage" should be a wake up call to all of us who have nothing to advance the way our community lives today. This just one beautiful film that shows us not only how we live, but how we should live. It is one film that everyone, straight, gay, black, white, Jewish, Christian, whatever owes it to himself to see.
matt_theodoroff This film gave a detailed view of the history of the gay marriage issue in Massachusetts. It gives the viewer both sides of the story (though in truth the opponents of gay marriage border on self-parody) and allows the viewer to make up their own mind. The film opened my eyes to the difference between "marriage" and "civil unions". As a former supporter of the notion of civil unions I now realize that is simply a term of appeasement, not a term of equality. I emerged from viewing this film a more educated and compassionate person. It would be beneficial for people across the United States to be able to view this film and see the story behind the controversy for themselves. This film will impact anyone who sees it.
njcronk I was very moved by the personal stories in the film. The movie had suspense, emotion, music, and drama, which I didn't expect from a political film. I think the movie can be very useful for communities trying to understand the legal process of changing gay marriage laws, and the personal ramifications of the changes themselves. As we left the movie tonight, my husband said, "That was much better than I expected it to be." We were both very impressed by the professionalism of this film. I hope it makes it to the big screens.I really like documentaries. I would put this one right up with Michael Moore's and Jesus Camp for bringing home an issue in a very personal, and profound way. Great job.The only small complaint I have about this film is that the scenes with the political election near the end seems to go on too long. I would love to see that edited some more, and then an update on what has happened since. The film needs a more dramatic ending, but 99% of it was stellar film-making, in my book.I wish them well with this extremely important subject.
peacam Saving Marriage gives an emotional and compelling look into the controversy surrounding same-sex marriage in Massachusetts. This film informs viewers of the struggle it took to achieve that feat, and the fight that know goes on to have it overturned.Saving Marriage weaves its way through both sides of this political issue in a way that's easy to follow. It also puts a face to this volatile issue, and it makes you confront your own prejudices. If you have an open mind and view this film objectively, you might find yourself changing your opinions towards gay marriage. It's extremely well done and I applaud the filmmakers efforts to tackle this issue head on.