Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.
Mischa Redfern
I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Lachlan Coulson
This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
The movie is surprisingly subdued in its pacing, its characterizations, and its go-for-broke sensibilities.
'Say Yes' is one of those flicks that you keep hoping is going to get better, but it never does. It's the kind of 'motiveless psychopath decides to menace an innocent couple' crapfest, so beloved of straight to video film-makers. The dialogue is clunky and, in several places, poorly translated. The acting is uniformly poor, especially from the villain of the piece, played by Joong-Hoon Park. He seems to think that by not blinking and trying to talk in a deep voice he is making his character seem threatening, when all it really does is make him seem a bit simple.The plot deserves special mention, as it is idiotic beyond all belief. The 'heroes' don't think it overly strange that their hitchhiker threatens to kill them. The 'heroine' twice manages to miss seeing the villain when he is no more than a foot away from her. The villain gets past a police checkpoint (while wearing a shirt covered in blood, and a bloody head bandage) by showing the cops a burnt corpse in the passenger seat of the car he is driving. The villain is punched, clubbed with a shovel and stuck through with a pitchfork, but never seems to be impeded by these, rather serious, injuries. And don't even get me started on that terrible 'twist' ending. Sheesh.The only plus point in this film, for me, is Sang Mi Chu. Who is very pretty, but really no more than a mediocre actress.Overall, this film comes off like a poorly written, flaccidly acted and shockingly directed attempt to copy 'The Hitcher' and 'Spoorloos', but it fails at every turn due to a lack of talent in everyone involved.
Claudio Carvalho
In Seoul, when the aspirant writer Jeong-hyun (Ju-hyuk Kim) finds an editor for his book, he buys a car and calls his wife and translator Yoon-hee (Sang Mi Chu) to travel to Sokcho to celebrate in style their first anniversary of marriage. He promises an unforgettable trip to her, and their happiness is briefly interrupted when the couple has an incident with a drifter (Joong-Hoon Park) that asks them for a lift. The guy chases them and irritates Jeong-hyun, provoking his reaction in public. Along the next days, the expressionless man proves to be a psychopath to the couple, but always without witnesses. When Jeong-hyun and Yoon-hee believe they have escaped from the man, they find that he is a sadistic murderer in their tail and they have to fight to survive."Sae-yi Yaeseu" is an excellent combination of "Cape Fear", "The Hitcher" and "Duel" but with a great difference in its conclusion. Hollywood would never let a gore and noncommercial unhappy end like in this movie. Joong-Hoon Park is perfect in the role of a deranged psychopath that decides to destroy the life of the couple just because they are happy. His exaggerated indestructibility recalls T-1000 in "Terminator 2: Judgment Day", but it works, increasing the action and the suspense of the story. The gorgeous Sang Mi Chu shows a wonderful chemistry with Ju-hyuk Kim, contributing to a darker and also ambiguous end. I regret that this film is totally underrated in IMDb User Rating. My vote is eight.Title (Brazil): "Morra ou Diga Sim" ("Die or Say Yes")
This Korean 'Hitcher' may lack Rutger Hauer but it still has style and if the, admittedly disturbing, first half strikes one as fairly mild watch out for the bone crunchingly wild last 40 minutes or so, which are so, over the top.If as seems possible, Hong Kong is having to reign in some of it's cinematic excesses under pressure from their new bosses on the mainland, then this little domain seems keen to take over in the torturous, gut wrenching and bloody stakes.Not overly original but tough indeed and some really nasty stuff. So, why not say yes to this little seen film?
Say Yes is a taut, slick, thriller that deserves to be seen. Well made, well acted, well directed. It is fast paced, twisted and sick, as a good thriller should be.This is a film that balances nicely between gritty realism, and heightened-realism, without falling into the realms of "hollywood-realism". For example, there are car chases and crashes, but nothing explodes, and the cars stay crashed! While the story of a couple picking up a hitcher who then terrorises them has obviously been done before, this movie has enough originality and realism to make the simple premise fresh and entertaining.There are some quite gruesome and bloody moments to keep you squirming, and plenty of tension. This is a great little thriller and well worth a watch.