
2005 "Some wounds never heal."
3.2| 1h32m| en

While hiking in a remote forest, college student Zack disappears, leaving nothing but a bloody trail for his traumatized friend Tom. Now a year later and plagued by nightmares, Tom returns to the woods with Zack's girlfriend Jenny in a last attempt to find out what happened to his friend. Following a trail of dead bodies, each one bearing a bleeding scar, Tom and Jenny soon find themselves unraveling a string of cryptic secrets and caught in an intense struggle not only for their sanity, but their survival.Everyone in the small town seems to have a secret and when the dreaded scar suddenly appears on Jenny, the two race to find out what evil dwells in the woods.


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Also starring Paul Darrigo


Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
Lawbolisted Powerful
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
twg88 Just came back from a movie night with my friends. We rented a movie and we were ready to rumble with a horror movie. We were ready to be scared! But already from the first couple of minutes of watching Scar we found out that this wasn't as scary as we hoped it would be.The first thing you notice at the very beginning of the movie is how bad the quality is and it seems like its made with a cheap camera from a crappy store. Another thing you notice is that the cast can't act!Although this movie wasn't the best when it came to quality, it sure was well worth seeing it. All through the movie the room was filled with laughter and we had heaps of fun when we were making fun of the actors, plot and the whole movie:) And we actually screamed a lot during the movie because of a couple of scary things. If you're looking for a horror movie- DO NOT WATCH THIS ONE! If you're looking for a good laugh and a good time with your friends-WATCH IT! I won't see this movie again- ever. But I actually had a good time watching it, because it was heaps of fun! HaHa. Good Luck!
Arlis I usually can't make it through a bad movie. I turn it off and go on to another, but this one the actors made me want to finish.I bought about 10 movies that K-MART had out because of Halloween and they all looked like they would be low budget crap, but I am a horror freak and love a lot of the low budget crap. I watched one of them called 13 SECONDS and it was one of the worst movies acting wise that I'd ever seen.I was reluctant to watch this one, but decided I would give it a try and I set there watching thinking they focused way too much on a story that was stupid, and was very laughable.The acting was bad for the most part, the directing was dull and I can't say enough about how dumb the story was but thats all the bad things I have to say about it.The production wasn't as low budget as I expected. The sets and such were okay. The special effects weren't Tom Savini great or anything, but they weren't that shabby.I love Dee Wallace-Stone and have the highest respects for her, so it was good seeing her, shes a great actress. Joe Estevez is likable, but I don't think he's a great actor, just simply unique and I like that about him. Charlie Sheen is the only one in that family that has real talent if you ask me - Martin's okay but no better than Joe. Dee and Joe couldn't hold this movie up with their smaller parts, but star Randy Wayne did a great job keeping this stupid story interesting.Randy Wayne is a guy I'd seen on a few MTV shows and then forgotten about. He is a natural in my book, he doesn't seem like a guy thats just reading lines, he seems to play the part well. There's a few lines in this movie that I thought he could've done better, but thats up to the director to re-do it. He's going to play in the new DUKES OF HAZARD - THE BEGINNING movie coming out in 2007 and I am glad to see that. The new movie is cast much better than the last. Johnny Knoxville and that other idiot from American Pie sucked as Bo and Luke and made the Dukes of Hazard movie one of the most worthless films I have ever watched. Lets hope Randy Wayne does a much better job and helps make that movie better, like he did for Scar.If You like any of the actors I've mentioned - watch this film, other wise don't waste your time - its pretty bad.
me_penfield Agree with the poor quality production and actors, but it was mildly entertaining. A bit cheesy-horror, but then again, isn't that a genre of its own? Plenty of cheesy-horror buffs will like it. Sound was similar to telephone-quality, and some scenes look like 8mm, and cheap film too..some scenes look like they were dubbed straight from a camcorder. I have seen worse in my time, however. It will not please the Spielberg audience, but those who like "Evil Dead" and such may like it. One more thing, take a look at the DVD cover and purchase accordingly! If the cover looks cheesy (which it does), then don't expect Jerry Bruckheimer or Tom Cruise
bobby.joey g.o Just to let you know.... this movie is incredibly cheesy but good at the same time. It isn't creepy, scary nor freaky. But Roy's accent and just the lines are just hilarious. i suggest if you want to just watch a movie for the hell of it and have a good laugh. you should get this!!!the acting in this movies is not the best but Definitely not the worst. okay so it's just another crappy movie but it's a good crappy movie. *SPOILER* people that haven't seen it LOOK AWAY!!! the movie makes sense until when they go to say thank you to BILL and when Dauphne kills Roy. how is bill dead? how did Dauphne kill Roy? i don't understand.

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