Scenes from the Suburbs

7.2| 0h28m| en

A resident of a suburban dystopia tries to reassemble his fragmented memories of life as a teen.


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Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Cassandra Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
ElPolloHermano but i liked the album more. The actors in the film didn't sound like the singers on the album so it wasn't really the same experience. Plus the actors were much younger than Win, Will, Regine, Richard, Sarah and Jeremy. Tim also. The movie was too long for my taste but my dad thought it was OK. My dad is also younger than Win, Will, Regine, Richard, Saraj and Jeremy. Tim is about the same age. The music in the film was really good because it was made by Win, Will, Regine, Richard, Sarah and Jeremy and Tim. The scene where one of the boys meets the girl is exciting because it reminds me of a personal experience. I thought the ending was confusing but that might me because I didn't watch the beginning. I'm pretty sure Will Smith wasn't in the film. What do you guys think? Private message me if I'm wrong! :D The directing was good. I also enjoyed the music by Win and Will and Regina and Jerry and Sara and Rick and Timothy. (When I say Will I don't mean Will Smith. I'm 92% sure he wasn't in the film.) But
Spockfan This film reminds me of my childhood growing up in the suburbs, and the music is from one of my favorite albums. I think both of these qualities are required to get anything out of this picture.The images of the houses rolling by, airplanes overhead, and neighborhood kids playing made-up games under an overpass evoke memories of simpler times. This is the theme of both the album and the film: the loss of purity. It's a nostalgia film.It is a genuinely different movie. For those of us somewhat jaded by the Hollywood-franchising-machine, this may be the refreshing respite you were looking for. The deeper subtext of the character's relationships gets lost beneath the fantasy concept. But its short length is its greatest strength. It says what it wants to and rolls the credits. But even then, if you do not care about the album it is based on, it would do you no good to watch this movie.
Patrick A. Hauber Before I watched this, I watched the complementary music video to "The Suburbs" (the first track on the album of the same name). I recommend watching both.As someone who is questioning society's ideas of what it means to grow up, this story is a touching one. At first glance, to the uninitiated, it could come off like just another teen drama love triangle. That would be a tragic misinterpretation of this fine, authentic piece of art, and it would fall short of Arcade Fire's sensibilities and desire to deal with what's really going on with "America" beneath all the "issues." (At least, that's my interpretation of most of their work so far.) For, as opposed to some Disney story that pits friends against each other for a girlfriend/boyfriend, this isn't about that kind of relationship. In fact, it has nothing to do with the female character--it's about a friendship between two guys. A friendship torn apart by change (not good change) and fear as one of them pulls away from the group as accepts the deeper disease behind what the authorities in his life are telling him, and portraying.The unique symbolism of how our "communities" have become is a minimally-important background for a youthfully-, authentically-acted short drama between childhood best friends.I don't want to give the plot away, so I'll just end this by saying I now understand the album lyrics "With my old friends I can remember when / You cut your hair, I never saw you again." The questions it leaves us with are deeply important in this nation of detached souls.Should we look a certain way to grow up? Should we surrender to the world's system to grow up? *Should* we grow up?
Steve Brindle On first viewing, I found the style and the pace of the piece to be a barrier, and the apparent ambiguity a bit of a let own. For example, due to the deliberate narrative direction, getting to know the characters in the time and context we spend with them is pretty difficult.However, watching accompanying the music video to "The Suburbs" fills in some, but not all, of the blanks, as it shows some parts of the story from a different perspective. I then couldn't wait to get to watch this film again. The second viewing, aided by an additional few moments of insight, that the main protagonist does not have, makes whole thing click together and become very rewarding. The questions that remain unanswered, that on initial viewing would appear massive, ultimately have no real relevance to the main story at all.A great enigma that, once revealed, leaves a satisfied feeling.