The Worst Film Ever
One of my all time favorites.
Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
Ezmae Chang
This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Scorpion is one of those movies which you will watch for the sake of watching. I mean french action movies are rarley boring, and Scorpion ain't no different. Okay it sets the mood nicely however the acting may not be the greatest but it certainly is entertaining. Check it out if your a fan of mixed martial arts movies , however don't expect anything big or like the best mixed martial arts movie. The acting is cheesy , the script is crap but the story told is a good one and thats what keeps you watching , its like one of tough guy movies you just watch for the sake of watching.SCORPION 6.7 OUT OF 10
This film is brilliant. The acting is good and i believe that the story line although simple it does the job. The fighting in it will please martial artists because people who have trained in thai boxing, mixed martial arts or a form of ground fighting such as Brazilian ju jitsu will recognise some of the moves.The moves that are real techniques will please martial artists who are sick of karate kid style martial arts techniques in movies.The plot uses emotions that many of us have felt at one time or another.All in all a brilliant film with good acting, simple but effective plot and good fights
I remember seeing the trailer on a DVD about a year ago, and I had forgotten all about it until I was browsing through our TV movie rentals. The trailer showed very little so I looked up the film on IMDb and found an average review of 5.1. Nonetheless, I watched it anyway and I must say I was not disappointed.Perhaps my expectations were low given the reviews, but I also think that with the type of 'Martial Art' films coming out nowadays, it seems a fight scene that has been adulterated with showoff moves is coming hard to find. Scorpion does not do this. It shows not just the sport, but the powers behind it, as brutal and unforgiving, in and outside the ring.The film opens up a well for the main protagonist to deal with his personal flaws, which we see head on in an early scene. It really allows us to see a flawed fighter, lacking discipline due to inexplicable rage, despite his love, dedication and respect for the sport.Fight scenes are not as extravagant as something cooked up in a current Jet Li film. They are raw and closer to something seen on UFC. If anything, I respected the film for this. The scenes made more sense, and they weren't about declaring a winner, or making our protagonist look like a superhero. What was there was pure and a lot more believable that what is seen in movies today.By the end of the film, the was a real sense of accomplishment for the major characters. Loyalties shifted to where they were of genuine importance, and there was a learnt understanding for the key characters of why those of us need strength through violence to survive through difficult circumstances, whereas others find that violence itself is no substitute for things in life that are more important.I would urge those who prefer classic fighting movies to watch this, but that wanting another over the top, severely choreographed Jackie Chan show-off ride, should look the other way.
Go easy people its real hard being a pioneer(joke).....but this film is an attempt to at least try to use 'real' fighting in a fictional story.It is notoriously hard to make most effective techniques used in MMA to look good on the big screen,so i think its a darn nice try!Obviously you must be open minded when were brought up on a steady diet of such spectacular footage that we all are nowadays-there is no comparison.However i do advise giving this one a try as i sort of enjoyed it(in the dark with loud surround sound guys).....maybe i am a little biased seeing as though my favourite K1 fighter is in it(Jerome Le Banner) but hey what u gonna do?