Second Coming

3.5| 1h25m| en

Growing up as identical twin sisters, Lora and Ashley Gerritson always had a special psychic bond. When one would feel pain, sorrow or happiness, the other felt it too. Lora's life is suddenly changed when she begins to receive chilling visions from her sister, Ashley. Something is horribly wrong...she can feel it.


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Yacaman Productions


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Also starring Michael Ray Davis


Inclubabu Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.
Manthast Absolutely amazing
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
guntario Second coming failed to capture my attention. The story was over-dramatic, poorly written and the situations were unbelievable. It seemed to have been written by someone who had never been through anything similar, and wrote about what they imagined it would be like. About a quarter of the way into the movie, I realized that the story was not interesting, and my mind started wandering. By the end of the movie, I was having to rewind just so I would be able to see what happened. And when the movie ended, I had not even realized this until about 30 seconds into the credits.I can, however, say the camera work was well done. It's just unfortunate that the camera had to be focused on such poor acting. If visuals made a movie good, this would have been a great flick.
Guffinator2003 So the wife and I just finished it despite several threats from both of us to turn it off. For the most part boredom was the worst part of this movie, there was just very little excitement. The acting was atrocious, to the point where we actually chuckled several times during some of the worse scenes (the church lady for example). The dead sister was using paranormal means to contact her living twin, although rather then send useful information she focused on trying to scare the hell out of her instead which looked a lot like The Ring. Rather then get the police involved -- which I'm sure those earplugs she found would have DNA all over them -- she instead devises a horrible plan to 'get' the man who covered up the accidental death of her sister. I call it a horrible plan because in the end she allows him to kill her too, which the movie then fades to black. Bad dialog, bad acting, bad ending.
kornstress_81 Okay at first this movie seemed pretty good even though it was moving rather quick and even though they only had a $60,000 budget it was good but if you found your sister dead in a lake and found out who might have killed her why would you go chase him around and pull a gun on him with only one bullet and waste it and end up running from him all retarded and get yourself killed? Plus after you found your sister dead in the lake and found a clue and figured out who the killer was why wouldn't you hand that clue over to the police who think you killed her? And at the end of the movie when she acts like her sister who was a waitress and she is talking to the bad guy she should of met him somewhere and recorded him saying she was dead and what happened for her "proof". I don't know I was not happy with the ending. This movie could of been so much better if it lasted longer and the acting was better and if the ending did not suck so bad! Do not waste your money on this movie because if you do you will be writing a review on here too and will not be happy.
isaksson-sara There is so much that is wrong with this film, but to sum it up: Terrible acting- so bad it must have been on purpose. poor script - they may have had some good ideas but this was not the best way to present the story. ridiculously bad ending- in some cases the ending manages to save the film-not in this case. if you manage to sit through the entire film you will want to kick yourself at the end because the ending is not even worth waiting for. This is the worst film i have seen in a long time. It was complete torture sitting through this film, i would have appreciated someone warning me in advance. So do yourself a favor. Watch this film only if you have absolutely nothing better to do. Even then you will regret having put yourself through the unspeakable torture.

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