Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
Frances Chung
Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin
The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
This is a really outstanding film. Steve Carell's is Dodge, as he attempts to cope with the impending apocalypse by embarking on a road trip with an off-kilter neighbor (Keira Knightley's Penny). The director Scafaria has infused the early part of Seeking a Friend for the End of the World with a comically (yet appropriately downbeat) vibe that's reflected in Dodge's encounters with various supporting characters (Rob Corddry's hedonistic Warren, Melanie Lynskey's sweet yet simpleminded Karen, etc), with the meandering atmosphere affording the early part of the proceedings the feel of a low-key character study. A rather funny part of the film is when Dodge and Penny stumble into a restaurant populated by drugged-out waiters and patrons, encounter a house full of survivalists, are arrested by an unreasonably rigid police officer, etc, etc. Some is good, some is just OK. There reaches a very specific point, however, at which Seeking a Friend for the End of the World finally morphs into the affecting drama promised by the setup, and the movie subsequently becomes more and more engrossing in the build-up to its emotionally-wrenching finale - with the irresistibly romantic bent of Dodge and Penny's relationship ensuring that the film, in the end, makes a far more pronounced impact on the viewer than one might have reasonably expected.I must admit I am a fan of both Carell and Knightly. Both bring a great deal of earnest sincerity, and talent to their performances, as well as humor and sensitivity. They carry the film.
Boy meets girl. They fall for each other... the end. Sometimes it's on a sinking ship. Sometimes it's while they're looking for treasure. Sometimes it's while people are trying to kill them. Sometimes it's just for the hell of it. This time, it happens when the world is coming to an end and there is only 3 weeks to live. Sometimes one dies, sometimes they both die, sometimes no one dies. Sure the occasional romance story can be entertaining, but does ever frickin story by default have to be centered around a romance? Will we ever be able to sink a ship, end the world, or anything we can name that won't be centered around a love story? I'm counting down to the day when that happens. Sure, hooking up with another person or finding the one is fun, but there's deeper meaning to the human experience.... isn't there? I'm glad that they didn't name this - Leon the Professional Part 2... In 15 Years It Won't Matter Anyways. Obviously they couldn't bring Leon back, but it was nice to see how Matilda ended up. Little spoilers below Random thoughts; I got a kick out of the meat head still going to the gym, however an entire restaurant staff still going to work with a less than a week to live... pretty lame.
In three weeks an asteroid will hit Earth, destroying all life on it. Dodge Petersen is unfazed by the news, a response which causes his wife Linda to leave him. While everyone else is behaving in typical fashion at the certainty of the world ending, Dodge carries on regardless, until he bumps into his neighbour Penny...Weak. I was expecting something more profound and emotional. Instead the movie mostly drifts, detours into lame comedy scenes, and ultimately is underwhelming. Has a few good moments, however, and the conclusion is quite sweet.Decent performances by Steve Carell and Keira Knightley in the lead roles.
While watching the first 15 min. I was thinking that this is just the sort of film I really like, science fiction with a little humour. I don't mean Star Wars or anything like that. Just one idea, the end of the world in this case, and then examine the effect this has on different people in different situations.In fact, I would recommend the first 15 min. to anyone. It's really well done.Unfortunately the film then turned into a love story. Not my cup of tea at all, especially as for me the chemistry between the two lead characters just didn't work.I watched it to the end but only because I was impressed with the start.To sum up:- I would advise anybody to watch the first 15 min.I advise everybody to stop watching if they find it becomes boring, because that's just how the rest of the film is.