It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Erica Derrick
By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
In 2008, Seth MacFarlane realized that Family Guy's revival and American Dad were not enough to help support his expensive lifestyle. Before The Cleveland Show, he made an entire 50-episode web series based on cutaway gags removed from Family Guy. Despite having the same professional TV animation budget as Family Guy, it does not have to abide by any network standards and it can have as many curse words as they want.I think most of this is okay if you're old enough to enjoy it. Some are funny, but there are also some disturbing shorts with blood, deaths, and there are also 2 shorts with poop and 2 shorts with nudity. It really depends on what sense of humor you have, but there are also a few shorts that are too cruel for most people to find them funny. My most favorite episodes were the Scotsman yelling at stupid movie characters, the gay knight, the glass house, Barry Gibb singing on the roller coaster, and 10 things you never hear, like "Stressed Eric is a comedic masterpiece!" That's just 1 I thought up myself. It wasn't 1 of those things they said.This was so interesting that it inspired me to write my own Cavalcade of Cartoon Comedy for Daron Nefcy. Since Seth McFarlane's Cavalcade was animated exactly like Family Guy, Daron Nefcy's Cavalcade will be animated exactly like Star vs. the Forces of Evil. Both of these Cavalcades like to make fun of other media and have social commentary on those media and celebrities. Stay tuned for Daron Nefcy's Collection of Cartoon Comedy! Coming 2019.
John Kenny
It must've been a painful evening for the crowd that went to the release of this trash-bucket. I'm a huge fan of Family Guy and American Dad. I think it's some of the most brilliant cartoon humor around. This, however was base, crude, sophomoric and flat-out embarrassing. If I was at the premiere, I'm sure I would have had to leave. I was truly deeply shocked at the difference in tone between FG, AD, and this. Also, Seth M. continually, obnoxiously jumps up and down on, and smashes the toes of Christian believers with ever-present offensive references to Jesus and God. God in bed with his "girlfriend" and because it's His birthday, he wants to skip the condom. NOT FUNNY. Let's see you make a caricature of Mohammed. See what happens. You do that to Christians because you know they won't fight back. McFarlane is his funniest when he just sticks to good ol' crazy "generally-offensive" humor, where every stereotype just gets whacked. Equal-opportunity discrimination, if you will.
Andrew Pelechaty
In the world of animated comedy, Seth MacFarlane is probably the busiest at the moment. Not only is he behind three prime-time shows ('Family Guy', 'American Dad', 'The Cleveland Show') he also does voice work for 'Robot Chicken' (the side-project of his 'Family Guy' cast-mate Seth Green).The 'Cavalcade' was originally broadcast in 2008 in an online format. Away from commercial pressures, Seth uses this freedom to deliver sketches with an abundance of swearing, violence, sex scenes/references and gross-out moments, as well as the usual pop-culture reference : The Flinstones, Super Mario Bros, Looney Tunes, as well as – surprise, surprise - a number of eighties movies) and you get the feeling it's something he wanted to do for a while. The style of humour is far more vulgar than 'Family Guy', and at times seems there purely for shock value, lacking the cleverness (and nostalgia value) of 'Robot Chicken'. The problem is, in a society desensitized to all but the most explicit content,it's hard to get away with shock value for the sake of it. Most of the punchlines tend to be fairly predictable (a depressed Wile E. Coyote turns to Jesus, a horse in a bar is actually Sarah Jessica Parker, Helena Bonham Carter is mistaken for a corpse etc).It's fair to say this collection could even pass as a montage of 'Family Guy' cut-away gags, especially with a lot of 'Family Guy' voice talent (including MacFarlane, Alex Borstein and Green), and guest appearances from Gilbert Gottfried and Will Wheadon, both playing themselves. Gottfried's performance is a highlight, willingly taking the mickey out of himself.Overall, 'Cavalcade' is not one of Seth MacFarlane's best works. While you can appreciate it is a passion project for him, fans of his previous work have seen it all before (or variants of it) and the reliance on shock value doesn't have the same impact.
I have read many reviews of this title and concluded that you will either love most of the skits or hate them all.If you are not thick-skinned, not dirty-minded and are offended easily, do not watch this title. It IS very vulgar, but personally I can see through it to appreciate the sense of humor.The skits range from multiple "Sex with ________" skits to a sheep REALLY enjoying being sheered (shorn) {watch it and you'll see what that's about} Do not let the kids watch this.If I haven't scared you off, I also recommend watching it in 20 minute increments. All of the skits have the feel of Family Guy when they do the "That's like that one time where ____________ did _____________" flashback things. Watching that for an hour got a little tedious.So, if you're still interested after watching this, enjoy.