
2010 "Somewhere the truth is buried"
3.8| 1h39m| en

A taut reinvention of vampire lore, Shadowland opens in modern day North America, where construction workers uncover an old stone cross and what appears to be a wooden stake. They remove the stake from the ground, allowing Laura (Caitlin McIntosh), a slumbering vampire, to revive and rise from the earth. Beaten and weak, Laura is unable to speak, remember who she is, or even the fact that she is a vampire! As Laura attempts to make sense of the strange new world around her, she begins to remember not only an idyllic human life in 1897 but the handsome Lazarus (Carlos Antonio León), a mysterious lover who may not have had her best interests in mind. Soon Julian (Jason Contini), a world-weary vampire hunter employed by the church, begins tracking Laura, but as he closes in for the kill he learns that things are not what they seem.



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FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Leofwine_draca SHADOWLAND is one of the most boring low budget vampire flicks I can remember watching. The story has a female vampire uncovered at a building site before she wanders around for a while covered in mud, trying to figure out the reason for her existence. This is part police procedural but mostly boredom, with absolutely no plot or character development.
a_baron This off-beat vampire film is a superior presentation. In 1897, our blonde, ill-fated damsel is put to death as a vampire. A century and more later she is accidentally resurrected by a workman, part of a crew who are doing some work for the local church. She crawls out of her grave not only covered in mud and bloodied from her execution but struck dumb (initially) and with no memory of her misfortune, nor it appears of her previous life, and of course no idea how long she has been interred. Although a vampire, she walks in the sunlight, and is, as you would be if you hadn't eaten for 111 years, ravenously hungry. As slowly she adapts to traffic, aircraft, and not least, biros, things aren't looking at all bad for her. She scavenges some clothes aided by an ability to move only slightly less quickly than the Flash, and seeks out her former residence. She might have adapted to the 21st Century perhaps even without reverting to type, but unfortunately there is a vampire hunter in close pursuit who wants to save her soul in classical fashion. That is as much as you need to know apart from the film having a decent soundtrack; suffice it to say that even allowing for the development of the film-makers' craft, Bela Lugosi comes a poor second to the feisty Caitlin McIntosh.
bobjohnson994 I give this a solid 4 out of 10, without any curve adjustment for being independent, so that is not a bad score.I agree with one commenter that it is almost like watching a lost soul who is an addict, wandering around, looking for purpose.Also, I think if women thought they could get biceps like Caitlin, they would volunteer for vampirism!! What is going out in the day compared to having guns like that to show off? I also think Caitlin pulled off the contrast between her feisty, pre-vampiric self, and her broken, insecure post vampire self. She is a good actress in that regard.I fault the writing a bit. Some of the tension between the Hero and the black pastor was too contrived, they could have handled that differently.Still, an enjoyable watch, glad I rented it. I hope she does more work in the future.Caitlin! Flex for us! :)
kevin-cr Although this movie kept me entertained to a level in which i wanted to see how far they would take it, it's not something i would consider watching again.The acting was weak at best but not so much that you couldn't watch it or turn away in disgust since it did have its moments, this will never win any awards but it is entertaining.The portrayal of vampires was indeed its weakest part considering what fiction dictates to be a correct form for vampires, you shall see what i mean if you decide to watch it, and although my rating is low, the story is sound and is defiantly worth a one time watch.