Masterful Movie
Let's be realistic.
The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Griff Lees
Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
This is not a perfect movie, but it's very unlike anything I've ever seen and the execution is very good. It's not preachy but great moments hit you out of the blue, just like in real life. Dialogue is also very funny but some of the funny Chinese bits are not translated in the subtitles (I can understand most of it, but most non-Chinese won't). Very moving at times, and the sense of being lost and bumbling around resonates with me. Kelly Hu's character is probably the weakest and her Chinese is quite atrocious but she makes up for it by being gorgeous. Hayden P's character is a little hard to believe but once you suspend disbelief about that, she's a very lovely character indeed. Ken Leung is very good indeed, I must say, he seems almost like somebody I know.
I recently saw this money and found that it was a great representation of the typical Asian-American as well as the way of life in this city.Some of my friends commented in how we have been in these very situations such as when the taxi driving was instructed to drive to Jin Mao tower, but actually drove to the countryside. I felt that saw awe feeling that the character was portrayed as feeling when I first arrived and was surrounded by bright lights and tall buildings.I did not find any inaccuracies in this movie and I would like to point out that I often see western women with Asian men, house prices have indeed recently risen dramatically, and that (from the experience of others) KTV girls do not always have a fee and can very well have emotions too.The plot aspect where the guy's girlfriend is abused by a rich man is all too true. I have seen this myself and know someone who this happened too.So for anyone that wants to say that this movie is inaccurate, you should try living in this situation. The living situation here is much different than in America so things that would seem impossible there are very much the standard here.
might have spoilers!!!I m still confused why this movie received such a high rating on IMDb. It is poorly directed(so what if its his first), has average actors and a shitty story line. This is an attempt by an inferiority complex-ed Chinese guy to lash out at the "snobbish" Americans. Ken leung is rather pathetic, he manages to "score" white chicks with stupid lines and then gets to act all superior towards them. And whats with the stories of childhood harassment(we are discussing a 7 yrs old's penis...??) Hayden is rather irritating at times and obviously retarded cause she picks up bored looking Chinese men from a bus.Then tries desperately to act like a 16 yr old, with her weird antics. and kelly hu, although hot, is useless, whats with all the crap about Chinese way of life and low wages.?? Give me a break. Please avoid this by all means.
There is so much that has been said already about this film in the previous comments. I just want to add my bit about what I liked in the film. Recently lot of films coming out of Hollywood are daring to explore the question of identity. After 9/11, US government and its institutions are now looking beyond Latin America and Europe. There is both a positive and negative engagement with the other cultures and civilizations. Negative comes out in its dealing with Iraq, Afganistan, Korea and Iran.Positive form of engagement is seen in the genuine interest in their language, culture and migrants from these countries. There is now a renewed vigour among the American students to learn Arabic, Urdu, Bangla, Hindi, Chinese and other Asian and African languages. Now there is more grant for University Departments dealing with these areas in US. Overall, people are reading more, listening more and watching more to understand more about these people. These nationalities are not just "out there" but they are also "in here" living amongst them as a silent, though a vibrant and prosperous minority of the US society.Two films dealing with the similar theme of cultural identity and rootlessness came out in theaters this year namely, The Namesake and Shanghai Kiss. Both of them describe a protagonist who is lost and feels isolated and rootless in the cold and desolate American cities. Both have a protagonist that undertakes a journey home to rediscover his roots but comes back feeling more rootless. Both explore the basic question that every migrant faces: Where is the Home? And both the films in some way or the other try to answer that question by invoking a universal emotion called LOVE.I being an Indian should identify more with The Namesake but thats not the case. I found Shanghai Kiss a lot better. The Namesake was backed by the bestselling book by Jhumpa Lahiri for its story but the story limits the flow of the movie in more ways than one. The pace is slow, very slow and it drags. Arty Stuff, Haan! But Shanghai Kiss dazzles us with its witty dialog, fast pace and great performances by all the actors. Even when it explores the question of identity it never resorts to over-sentimentalism.I recommend Shanghai Kiss to everyone who is looking for a great Comedy. Although I am not a big fan of comedy (Drama is my thing) But once in a long while there comes a comedy that makes U sit up and take notice. Last time it happened when Elizabethtown was out and now it has happened with Shanghai Kiss. And you can clearly see why? Both films explore the same themes, both involve a journey for the protagonist to trace one's roots, both have great dialog and both are also cute love stories.Go and watch Shanghai Kiss, if you loved When Harry Met Sally you are going to digg this one too.P.S. I heard the producers trying hard to get The Namesake nominated for Oscars. Producers of Shanghai Kiss Wake Up!