Shaolin Popey

6.4| 1h35m| en

A high school loser dreams of winning the heart of the principal's daughter, but his chances are slim as long as her bruiser boyfriend's around. Fortunately, a chance meeting with a pair of Shaolin-trained kids (previously seen in DRAGON FROM SHAOLIN) gives him the fighting skills needed to come out on top. An unusual but entertaining blending of teen romantic comedy and martial arts slapstick


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CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Steinesongo Too many fans seem to be blown away
Solidrariol Am I Missing Something?
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Chung Mo I watched this based on an enthusiastic review on the internet. I'm not sure what film the reviewer saw since it was no way as wild as he claimed. What you get is a mostly medium high school comedy with some wacky off the wall stuff. Similar to Stephen Chow's films of the same time but less weird.The story follows the travails of a modest high school student as he falls for the principle's gorgeous grand-daughter who is dating the assistant principle's son who both go to the school. Along side him is his best friend, a tom boy girl plus his much younger brother. They uncover a treacherous plot and must find a way to save the day. The film is pleasant and watchable without the aggressive craziness of other Hong Kong films. Well, I might have to take that back. There is a scene where the Street Fighter video game comes to life in the younger brother's imagination. I also didn't know that high school students were allowed to tend bar and drink in Hong Kong.Aside from a couple of jaw-dropping car stunts, well they weren't really stunts it's just cars being flung thru the air, the spotlight is on the two kids in the film. The kid playing the younger brother is natural born comedian. His timing is out of whack with the film but he's lots of fun to watch. The other kid playing the Shaolin monk is really good also. He does stunts that adults would find difficult. Is this a warning? Yes. the film is very cute. It's not great film making at all but I've seen much worse.What's a "Popey"?
Zargo I bought this movie to see Vivian! ...and she looks fab in her school uniform!But moving on from that important fact, this movie is moderately entertaining, though it's 'borrowing' of scenes from other movies such as the 'Back to the Future' series, and 'Home Alone' is fairly obvious.The first half hour is the most enjoyable, with an amusing opening sequence featuring a 'cupid's arrow' flying through the air at people. The scenes featuring the little kids are less appealing.If you are a fan of Jimmy Lin, or want to see Vivian Hsu looking her usual delectable self, then worth a look! Those two actors would later be reunited in 'Chivalrous Legend.'