
1998 "If you hear it... It's too late!"
3.9| 1h24m| R| en

Clark (Tanya Dempsey), a young Mathematics major at University, thinks she's found the best deal for student housing: a group of squatters who live in an abandoned hospital secretly. The quirky residents let her into their community provided she follow the rules, including not telling anyone about her living arrangements. All seems wonderful, until she discovers that the reason that the hospital was abandoned was a series of murders in the 1940s by a strange "shrieking killer" who was never captured - and the discovery that someone who's living in the hospital is using occult means to bring back the demonic "Shrieker".


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Full Moon Pictures


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WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Joanna Mccarty Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
Leofwine_draca A contemporary horror movie from Charles Band's Full Moon Entertainment, this is an extremely low-key and boring affair. The sorry excuse for a plot is stretched out to ninety-minute length and just doesn't hold up, in fact hardly anything happens in this film. The only merciful thing is that it feels like a lot less than ninety minutes. To make matters worse, the scriptwriter decided to steal a clever idea from NIGHT OF THE DEMON, where victims find a piece of parchment with runes on their person and are effectively marked for death.The acting is awful; yet again we have a bunch of pretty faces with not one single spark of acting talent between them. One pretty girl strips down to her bra in the final scenes as a desperate marketing ploy (this image made it on to the front cover of the video box, unsurprisingly!), another well-toned guy walks around half-naked for most of the time stressing the fact that he isn't homosexual (?!). There is no real drama, no comic relief, just the inevitable (off-screen) murders to take our minds off the banality of the story. A couple of bloody scratches across somebody's face is about as good as the gore gets.Let's face it, a film which begins with a voice over about demonology, which is laughable, is sure to be bad. The monster itself is quite nicely designed (looking like a mutant with two heads merged into one), but the execution is poor, with the creature obviously being a man in a rubber monster suit. The best bits of the film are shots of the creature creeping about in the shadows, but we've seen this all before - and better, too. Being a post-SCREAM film, there's the opportunity to throw in some self-referential jokes, which makes things all the more irritating.Not to mention the total anti-climax of the ending, where the baddies are killed in the easiest way possible, there's a short build up of suspense, and then...NOTHING HAPPENS! Sure, sometimes low budgets mean that there is a greater creativity to a film, but not in this case. It's just poor, generic trash. There are worse films around (but not many, it has to be said), but this had the potential to be something interesting which makes the final product look even worse.
Morgan Sometimes Full Moon makes entertaining movies. This isn't one of them. Full Moon is like a low-key Troma. Their movies aren't as violent or off the wall, but they're usually just as devoid of talent. The acting in this movie isn't terrible but the script is pretty bad, and overall it's pretty boring and it doesn't even contain any nudity (like many Full Moon movies) to somewhat redeem it. Skip this one, and go rent "Head of the Family".
contradiction I don't believe I've seen a horror movie this bad since...hell, I don't believe I've ever seen a horror movie this bad. The acting alone was enough to make one cringe. The bad acting went way beyond horror film cheesy. It was just plain awful. And did you check out those god awful special effects? When the demon (which looked more like a cheaply constructed puppet) came out of the wall I couldn't tell if I was supposed to be frightened, or laughing my ass off. As a huge fan of the horror genre, this film was more than mildly disappointing. I couldn't help but notice the director is from Portland, OR, which just happens to be my own hometown. I must say I'm deeply ashamed. If I could, I'd give this film a negative 500.
ric-29 The best thing about Shrieker is the dialogue. Like Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer, this movie is cognizant of the conventions of this type of horror movie and manages to come up with a few good lines and scenes that play on those conventions. Unfortunately, Shrieker is just boring. The plot is your basic Ten Little Indians whodunnit with a monster controlled by one of the suspects/victims. You know from the beginning that each of the characters will get bumped off until only the hero(ine) is left to defeat the evil. And this is exactly what happens. Absolutely no surprises and no tension. Production values and acting were ok, but I had no motivation to watch to the end (although I did) because I already knew how the end scene would play out. The ending did surprise me a bit, because it managed to fizzle out, literally, instead of throwing out a bucket of special effects. Maybe the special effects budget had been spent up by the end.