Shy Guy

5| 0h13m| NR| en

Phil, a student who recently transferred into his high school, keeps to himself a lot, spending time in his basement building radios and record players. His dad notices that he has no friends, and tells him that, like the electronic parts he assembles, "you have to fit in with all hte other parts." Realizing that the reason he has no friends is because he's not one of the "crowd," Phil studies the most popular kids at school, in order to see what traits they admire most, so he can be like them and fit in.


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Coronet Instructional Media


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Diagonaldi Very well executed
SoftInloveRox Horrible, fascist and poorly acted
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Sanjeev Waters A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.