Silent Hill 3: The Movie

2012 "Everything you never wanted to see..."
8.6| 2h1m| en

Heather is a teenage girl who is suddenly thrust into a strange alternate reality filled with demonic imagery and twisted monsters. She quickly comes to find that the events unfolding around her have something to do with her past.


Matt Lagan


Producted By

Konami Computer Entertainment Japan


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SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
newmoon96 ((States that is may 'contain spoilers' for safety reasons.)) Recently, I have just gotten into the Silent Hill games, I was determined to play it for years now, but, I never got around to it, just because, I truly never understood what it was about, and even though I have a love for all things horror, I didn't want to get myself into something I didn't enjoy. So eventually, I purchased the original Silent Hill off of Playstation Network, and devoured it in two days, I laughed, I cried, I screamed, I jumped, it was an amazing game. Three months later, Easter was coming, and I asked for Silent Hill 2 and 3, upon realizing the HD collection was cheaper, my grandmother purchased that instead. Though, I wasn't pleased, I didn't fuss over it, because it was still Silent Hill, regardless of new voice overs. After completing Silent Hill 3 to six stars, I have to say, I like this game more than the first, and the second. The story was as immersive and appealing as I hoped it was, and I was pleased to find out that it was a direct(not so direct?), sequel to the first game. Like the second and first, I too, devoured this game in almost one sitting. It features everything I loved from the first game, as well as little easter eggs to the second. Heather, to me, is one of the most appealing Silent Hill protagonists so far, just because she has one of the most appealing back stories, I won't spoil it for anyone who hasn't played, but trust me, if you enjoyed the others, you'll enjoy this one. Buy this game, play it, and love it, just like I did, treat it with kindness and respect, and it will do the same to you.
witchcraftpentagrams This is a little fact for you here. "Silent Hill 3" is the scariest game in history. I am not joking it seriously is. If you ever play this game. it will make you want to scream and shout while your playing because it is so scary. The girl who you play as will get your juices going. The character and monster design is incredible and amazingly realistic. Some of the monsters which you meet throughout the game will haunt your dreams forever. Definitely not for the weak hearted and if your a fan of the series well then i suggest you get a copy of this fast because it was very hard to get mine believe me. and all those sound effects will make you want to kill yourself if you hear them in real life. The music i really great especially in the opening. so if you wanna to scare the crap out of yourself get this game but if silent hill 2 scared you. don't let the thought of playing it cross your mind.
marcus_fredriksson There are games you long to play and games you both long for and fear at the same time. Silent Hill 3 is one of the later. Survival horror genre was invented so many years ago with the great Alone in the Dark. Resident Evil rewoked what seemed to be dead. A great game but in comparison to Silent Hill, its a game for great old grandma. Silent Hill 3 is the latest in the serie and the best imo. You take control of 17 years old Heather, a girl that looks like a ordanary girl with sleep disabilitys, maybe even drug use.She´s agressive, maybe a little neurotic and totally unware of what hell could look like. We who have played the earlier Silent Hill games know to well. The game consists as earlier of two worlds. One dark and gloomy real world, or is it real? When you walk around you may found stuff that doesnt fit in. Like doors in a corridor, maybe to small or to big. Giving a feel of surealism. Nothing you can pinpoint all the time but its there. Its often pitch black where you walk. And the only light you have is from a lousy chestpocket flashlight. Luckily the batterys never run empty. This world is far more scary then what you see in the Resident evil games, mostly because of the darkness.The other world, makes the first world look like a paradise with little cute rabbits jumping around, peacefully eating flowers and stuff. The other world, is some alternative world. Full of dirty metalgrates. rusty walls with blood patterns. Sometimes the walls itself is made of flesh and blood. Ofcourse just as dark as the first one. In the other world, you could never trust that what you see really exist. Maybe just some mad hallucinations. However the creatures living there exists.Its been 2 days since i played it last time. And in a few minutes i will continue. I really recomend this game but for your own mental health, you should be around 18 or more and not of weak heart. If Silent Hill 2 had a Sado-machocistic theme with grotesque monsters like the pyramid head the 3´rd have a more blasphemous theme from a religous view. Monsters are well done and the graphics supreme everything seen in Silent Hill 2. You can also turn of the disturbing grain noice effect and even sharpening the texture. The result are a better view. You can also add more blood to the game, witc i did!Graphics: 10 (Cant really be better on a Ps2) Sound: 9 (Would have given 10 if it wasnt for the pathetic walk sounds) Gameplay: 9 Value: 8 (Rather short but you can replay it with extras)I´ll give it a 10! If you have the guts you should get this one! A true classic and the best Silent Hill yet!
abarsby Welcome back to Silent Hill - the third 'game' in the series, and second on the Playstation 2.All those familiar with either of the other two epics will immediately be familiar with this offering. This time however, you take the role of "Heather"; a woman battling to discover who true identity and destiny. It's rather difficult to discuss the game without spoiling the story, so i'll just briefly other aspects of the game.Silent Hill - the original on PS1, was a classic, it had everything; the story, the music, the atmosphere, tension, and the sickening creatures. Silent Hill 2, seemed somewhat rushed, beautiful lifelike FMV's (for a 1st generation PS2 game) , a truly twisted story, but long loading times and poor level design with pathetic monsters.With Silent Hill 3, the dirctor seems to have learned his lesson and got it right in all aspects. GONE are the hideous loading times between rooms and an updated interface now makes inventory interaction so much easier.The graphics are incredible, as good as you're ever going to see on a PS2, they are almost of XBox quality.There is now a massive variation in the types of creature that inhabit the World too, somewhere between 10 and 20 different types.The music is hauntingly familiar, and the atmosphere created by the sound FX makes the hairs on your arms stand on end sometimes - especially when the static from the radio comes on when a creature is close (brrrrrr)I'm not really into all this use of FMV for telling a story, so I am glad you can skip through it with the START button, although one nice feature is that if you have a SH2 save game on your memory card then you can interact with some of the FMV's which is a nice feature.This game definately is not for young children ! Also, not for those of a Christian persuasion, the game is EXTREMELY blasphemous ! (You want to see someone puke up "God" and then another eat the twitching Foetus ?? Well you will in SH3)Silent Hill 3 is probably overall, the greatest Survival Horror game on the PS2 - therefore on all consoles. It has everything the others in the series had, and yet whilst not genre defining, it certainly ups the ante and makes the rival "Resident Evil" series seem VERY creaky by comparision.