Silver Dragon Ninja

4| 1h29m| en

Roger Kimsky runs a huge arms-dealing organisation, the Black Ninja Empire - a ruthless band trying to gain control of the free world. Whatever the reason, whoever he has to kill, Kimsky will do it to achieve his ambition. A policewoman, Jane, undercover as a boutique sales girl, manages to capture the affections of Mark, a significant figure in the Black Ninja Empire. Risking her life she must get closer to the Empire's headquarters. Detectives Alex and Jerry Brown want justice. The two together determine to put away their deadliest opponent, Mark. In order to prevent firther investigation, Mark orders the deaths of Alex's wife and son. The two bloody deaths drive Alex into an uncontrollable rage of revenge, a rage which could put Janes life into further jeopardy.


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Filmark International Ltd


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GetPapa Far from Perfect, Far from Terrible
ChicDragon It's a mild crowd pleaser for people who are exhausted by blockbusters.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
HaemovoreRex An uncredited, Paulo Torcha headlines in this typically daft but fun Filmark International cut & paste job as Silver Dragon; Interpol agent, ninja and judging by his headband, a man with Mitsubishi sponsorship to(!) Anyway, Jerry and his ninja buddy (who only appears in two scenes in the entire movie!) are out to bring down the evil black ninja organisation which is run by Roger Kimsky, a man who has a curious propensity for giving rousing speeches to his decidedly gormless ninja cronies when he's not dipping his toes in the gun running trade. Meanwhile, in a separate story i.e. a completely different movie into which the ninja scenes are edited, Alex Ho, a tough cop who doesn't play by the rules, is trying to bring down crime lord, Mark. Alex's methods prove to be a little heavy handed however and subsequently get him into some deep shi- erm, trouble with his superior, Morrison, who it later transpires is on Mark's payroll....erm, OK..... Mightily peeved at his reprimanding, Alex subsequently quits the force but is still targeted by Mark's goons who go on to blow up his kid and rape and murder his wife! Meanwhile, Jerry, a fellow officer and Alex's friend, sends in Jane, an undercover police woman to ingratiate herself with Mark in order to expose his criminal dealings.Matters reach a somewhat less than thrilling climax in a make shift court room set up outside the toilets in a multistory car park(!), when an enraged Alex holds Mark hostage and threatens to blow himself and his arch enemy sky high. But what of Silver Dragon you might ask?Well, in a even more hilarious finale, Silver Dragon's friend seems to have a psychic premonition that his pal is in trouble so goes to his aid.......and is promptly killed within about ten seconds! Fear not, our main hero fares somewhat better and eventually manages to defeat Roger, his arch nemesis. But wait! this isn't quite the end, for in one final, demented scene, Roger rises from death to utter one last rousing speech, complete with maniacal laughter no less! Yes indeed, this is about as demented as it sounds and for fellow trash movie lovers, will prove all the more memorable for it.
PeteThornton This is one of those 80's Ninja flicks that combines footage from a cheap police thriller with footage of ninjas running around. The makers of the police film surely ran out of money, for example a murder trial scene is set at a parking garage. The Ninja action is very fun and the acting and dubbing totally hammy. The black guy who plays Silver Dragon's sidekick is hilarious in his monotony. The police story, again, is boring and uninspired. It is very clear when the police story begins, and one soon gets bored with the cheapness of it all. If they could have put just a little more Ninja footage instead of the cops, "Silver Dragon Ninja" would have been watchable instead of tedious.For B-movie and Ninja fans only. "They were a symbol of sacrifice, strength and power." Yeah, right.
drydem1 While wonderful in it's camp value, this movie is terrible. It appears that somebody with a video camera sat down and made a simple movie about some Hong Kong cops and their struggles against Filipino gun smugglers and then found it was about 30 minutes shorter than they wanted. But they didn't want to get the actors back together so they just shot a whole bunch of footage of ninja running, a few moments of the silver dragon ninja answering the phone and two book-ending sequences involving the silver dragon ninja which have nothing to do with the remainder of the film. It's just bizarre. worth watching, but not sober.
LThomas72 As a Ninja movie of the classic 80s type this really stands out as being one of the most comical, poorly dubbed and hilariously acted martial 'arts' romps you could ever wish to witness. Anyone who hates this film must be an idiot or had their sense of humour horrifically or surgically impaired. Silver Dragon answers the phone by saying "Hello, Silver Dragon here" for god's sake and the opening sequence has got to be one of my faves of all ninja movies. The story is confused, the actors far more's a real treat taken with a six pack, some mates and 12 to 24 poppadoms and assorted chutneys.