Silver Man

2000 "Mob rule is made to be broken."
4.3| 1h38m| en

A street performer fights a pathological man for his girlfriend's love.


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Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Stephan Hammond It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
merklekranz No question Eugene Levy is the best thing in this film, playing a Jewish mobster. Believe it or not he is the most interesting character in "Silver Man", although his screen time is minimal. Who ever thought of using Audrey Lupke as the girl that men are fighting over? She is so self centered and unlikable, that all the audience could pray for is that someone, anyone, would kick her to the curb and let her go. But no, the entire plot revolves around her biker boyfriend and Silver Man fighting over her. Throw in a totally unnecessary sympathy angle regarding Silver Man's circus childhood, and an ending that comes out of nowhere. This movie tries to do way too much with characters that no one gives a damn about, and that is it's fatal flaw. - MERK
rgmusic A little bit in the vein of the film, "Powder," Silver Man is a quirky independent drama with nice direction and some strong performances.The story deals with a street musician with gray/silver skin known only as Silver Man. Raised by circus people, Silver Man feels very much like an outsider till he meets his beautiful neighbor, Tivoli who makes Silver Man feel normal for the first time. They soon fall in love, but Tivoli's crazed ex-boyfriend Jake returns and before long gets her involved in a violent crime. Silver Man risks everything to save her but their relationship is not meant to be.This is fun visual film and Eugene Levy is outstanding as a Jewish mobster who is caught between his devotion to his God and his greed. Derek Hamilton is scary as Jake, the "f-bomb" dropping boyfriend and Paul Popowich gives a fine, nuanced performance as the sad but gifted Silver Man. Production values are strong, and the film has a gritty, European look. Surprisingly, it was made in something like 18 days.Silver Man was lost in distribution hell for a number of years but has recently been released on DVD by Echo Bridge. There is an entertaining director's commentary on the DVD release that reveals how difficult and how much work goes into making independent movies.Silver Man has a lot of soul and is well worth a look.As a p.s. there have been several cases of real silver/gray skinned people in the news recently. Seems they self medicated with some silver compound to treat a bad case of dermatitis. Go figure. Art imitates life.
Jennifer I really enjoyed this film, depsite not being a fan of swearing in films - though it was only the one actor who seemed to do it and it did help in creating the character.A touching story about a girl who can't seem to help herself when it comes to her boyfriend, despite getting a much better offer from the guy next door Silver Man. The one thing that struck me about the opening scenes was how Paul Popowich's character didn't even speak until the movie was when under way.It is truly a great film with a lot of heart, anger and frustration. I think that in a lot of ways we are all a little like Silver Man, different in our own way.
Debbi Pascua This odd film benefits from the talents of the older supporting actors, who hold your interest far more than the lead actors. Although they do not appear for very long at a time, Joe Pantoliano adds the interest, Louise Fletcher adds character and the amazing Eugene Levy adds fire and energy to what is otherwise a rather slow movie. Honestly, I might not have finished the movie and was very tempted to fast forward to the next scene with "Leon" the Jewish gangster just to see more of Levy's sinister insanity, which actually drove the movie along more than the lead plot. Most of us are used to seeing Levy's dorky, sweet, everyman persona, but this is a step WAY WAY out of his box. Not since "Splash" has he played a "bad" guy, and never have I seen him play someone genuinely SCARY. And he plays nicely off the lead actress with a very charismatic attitude in a very quick but character revealing scene. So if you do rent this movie and it seems a little slow, stick with it for the heart-stopping finale. You'll be amazed. Movie: 6 of 10, Eugene Levy's performance: 10 of 10.