
2015 "The Ultimate Predator"
2.4| 1h19m| en

A group of conspiracy theorists watches a top-secret military base in the desolate Welsh mountains.



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Groom Lake Illusions


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Ehirerapp Waste of time
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
aimeloche If you're looking for an American Werewolf in London, then you've come to the wrong place this is definitely a B Movie as many have already made it very clear that it is. I have seen worse I have seen better this is not one of the baddest movies. It does start off slow, story leaves something to be desired but the creature and special effects are fairly good. Worth a one time watch. But for true horror and great creature effects and Gore we all know American Werewolf in London and my favorite the Howling are the to go to for horror fans.
rpaleschi This movie is so very dull that I found myself reaching for my phone to check my Facebook status within the first 10 minutes. I'm a real fan of low budget horror but this was probably one of the worst scripts I've seen in a long time. It just labours along like an asthmatic jogger and if someone told me a guy down the pub just grabbed a few of his mates to act in it I wouldn't be too surprised. If any of the cast act for a living I'm worried that after this they might starve.Sorry to be so negative but if this movie had a face I'd punch it!Oh and the monster is rubbish.
andy read This film is a fun B-Movie, let me repeat B-MOVIE!!! If you are expecting Underworld or Godzilla or some $100 million movie look elsewhere. It's wasn't made for mainstream morons like Davanna Carter (see her review) who has probably never made a film much lest ever got one released –Gee, these armchair filmmakers… It's easy to criticise when you've never done anything yourself isn't it? Anyway, the normal mainstream people should stay away, they won't get it. They WILL never get it. (Do they ever?). This is a low budget film made for cult fans and schlocky horror aficionados. Don't be confused by the packaging (like I was – This film is being a bit mis-sold it looks like a Hollywood production from the DVD case, whereas it should be being packaged as a GRINDHOUSE movie – for B Movie fans, there it sits right at home, Mainstream no. (If it's case reflected its cheap and schlocky look it might be attracting the right type of people who would actually understand it) Anyway, it's old skool, its rubber monsters, 80's style, if you grew up in the 80's (like I did) and saw all the low budget monster films this would be right up your alley. It's a midnight movie, John Waters style, trashy, gory, sleazy etc so don't be surprised if it's not what you're expecting. This was rough, fun, interesting, atmospheric, schlocky, and nostalgic, Its pure 70's/80's Grindhouse, so put your old black Cramps T – Shirt on, get some friends over at Midnight, crack open some beers and get some popcorn and Party! – (and keep the mainstream straights out)
chrismackey1972 OMG, that was boring. It can cure insomnia. The creature looked so silly, which is most likely the reason they only had the face in it for two frames at a time.For a low budget indie, the acting was about what I expected. The storyline was boring, boring, boring. Seriously, I think I'm going to sleep when I finish this review. There was nothing thrilling about this.And what is it with movie makers and the moon? Hello to all of you out there, the moon does NOT act like the sun. It doesn't have moon rays. If you walk outside during the night, the moon can be seen, but it does not illuminate the ground. However, in this movie, it did. It was so annoying.I don't know what they spent 100,000 on. Maybe it was the insane amount of moonlight :/I gave this a 3-star rating. Maybe that's too generous. It was boring and a waste of time. Skip it. I do not recommend.

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