Sin Sisters

2003 "These Sisters "Share" Everything..."
4.1| 1h20m| R| en

When a classmate is accidentally killed, real-life sisters Misty and Chelsea Mundae have to work together to try and hide the body. At a remote cabin in the hills they encounter Juli, who tests their loyalty.


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Seduction Cinema


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TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
ChampDavSlim The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
The_Void I saw the nymphet Misty Mundae for the first time in the best episode of the patchy Masters of Horror series; Lucky McKee's "Sick Girl", and have been hoping to catch one of her soft porn flicks for a while since. Sin Sisters, therefore, is my first Misty Mundae porno, and while it's difficult to be over-impressed with a film as lacking as this one, Sin Sisters succeeds both as a porn flick and (almost) as a thriller, so I can't be too hard on it. It's obvious that the behinds the scenes crew at Seduction Cinema aren't exactly cinema geniuses, as numerous sequences in this film go on far too long; and despite the fact that the three female leads spend most of the film without much on; the overall result isn't very erotic, and this is only slightly better than what your average Joe with a video camera could do...but I suppose it would be silly to expect anything else. The plot focuses on two sisters; Cynthia and Morgana (played by real life sisters Misty and Chelsea Mundae), who accidentally murder someone at their college and end up packing the body into the boot of their car. However, while on the way to dump it; they come across a playful Julian Wells...'Cheap and nasty' is a phrase I would use to describe Sin Sisters' cinematography as it's extremely bland and looks like it cost the studio but a few pennies. Director Tony Marsiglia relies heavily on his lead star and doesn't seem to care too much about the rest of the film. It's not hard to see why Misty Mundae is so popular either, as despite not being your average porn star and looking about fourteen; there's something captivating about her, and the paradox between her innocent looks and filthy actions gives her a style of her own. Chelsea Mundae, unfortunately, hasn't quite got her sister's charm; but the film is given an extra dimension courtesy of the experienced Julian Wells, who is chalk to Mundae's cheese. The scenes between the three leads aren't as good as they could be, and sequences that see the younger girls recite every possible name for various body parts is an unwelcome intrusion. The music used helps to enforce the cheap porno atmosphere, and while this movie would have benefited from better production values, a competent director and more variety; if you're after some soft porn, this may well do the trick...
Son_of_Mansfield With a title like Sin Sisters, I was expecting a dark and smutty affair. The movie finally gets to that point close to the end when Misty beats Andrea to death with a frying pan and gets done against the wall by Julian with her boyfriend's severed member. That is a movie worthy of this title. Unfortunely, that is the last fifteen minutes. First, there is some dorky guy lip locked with Misty, but he will soon be a fisherman without a pole, so it's OK. Second, you have to sit through some overblown sisterly hate scenes, which since they don't include anything sexual, have no place in this movie. Then misty has a shower, but comes out dirtier. Third, when the naughty Julian finally arrives, she makes them...say dirty words! All in all, a mixed bag, but with a couple of nice flesh scenes and a slightly darker tone than your average Seduction Sinema flick, it will get you where you wanna go.
TrashFilmFriendly WOW. was I ever surprised with this film. OK, I admit, i am a huge fan of Alternative Cinema, and all of their different branches (Seduction Cinema, Retro-Seduction Cinema, After Hours Cinema, Shock-O-Rama, Video Outlaw, W.A.V.E., etc...), but this was by far the best Seduction Cinema film I've ever seen. Most of their films are just raunchy borderline XXX lesbian pornos that parody mega-budget blockbusters, but not this one. If you can get past the first two ultra explicit um..."finger" scenes, this turns into a pretty twisted, ultra darkly sensual movie. Definately the best role I have seen Julian Wells play. Also, Chelsea Mundae actually upstages her real life sister Misty in the acting category. Granted, you don't want your Grandmother to get ahold of these movies...("whatcha got there, sonny-boy?"), but for what it is, its a great flick.
movieman_kev Misty Mundae teams up with her real life sister, Chelsea, in this noirish softcore film. Misty plays Cynthia, a slutty schoolgirl, who accidentally kills her rival, Beth, after she finds Cyn pleasuring herself in the school shower (yea, i know how it sounds, but you just have to go with it). While driving to get rid of the body Cyn and her sis run into Juli, a girl who likes to play mind-games. Those who know Seduction Cinema by their softcore movie parodies, (ie. Lord of the G-strings, Spiderbabe, etc...) will be pleasantly surprised that this is a fairly competent original thriller. Twists and turns abound.My Grade: B-DVD Extras: 2 theatrical trailers; a Making of featurette; trailers for 9 other Misty Mundae moviesEaster Egg Alert: Go to extras, highlight the second picture to the left & you'll get bloopers from the "making of" featurette