Sins of the Fleshapoids

6.1| 0h43m| en

One million years in the future, the human survivors of a nuclear war are served by robots called "fleshapoids." One day, fleshapoid Xar runs wild, kills its mistress and seeks its mate, a servant of wicked Prince Gianbeno.


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Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
imdb-16001 I truly am at a loss as to why this movie has such a high rating. Campy is one thing. Bad is totally another. I thought I had seen all the horrible movies. I thought I had seen all the really bad ones. I was wrong. This film easily takes the spot in my worst movie category. The plot, the acting, the set...who am I kidding? There wasn't any! The soundtrack was horrible. The best way to watch this movie is with the director's commentary on. By far, it is funnier than the movie. He even says that the people in the film can't act. And that there was no script; the lines were all made up on the spot. Don't waste your money renting this one, but if you do, definitely turn on the commentary.
tmc-7 Basically there are only two movies you have to watch. One is Orson Welles' "Citizen Kane." The other is, of course, "Sins of the Fleshopoids." While Welles took around 2 1/2 hours and about a hundred scenes to define his genius, Kuchar did it in about 12 seconds in less than one. The shot in which mankind's ultimate utopia is described by an Adonis like man with wearing a futuristic Roman style abbreviated tunic (to show off his muscle-man physique) and 50's flat-top (think brown-haired counterpart to Kirk Douglas as Spartacus) lays on a divan surrounded by faux Greek columns contemplating the simple , understated beauty of a Clark Bar. "Sins of the Fleshopoids" in my mind, was better than "Citizen Kane," but hands down, everybody must agree that given the choice between watching it, and "Gone with the Wind," (an unwatchable movie - no joke here) you've got to go with the Clark Bar.The truth of the matter is that Kuchar knew exactly what he was making here, and did a pretty great job of winding some satire throughout his homage to the idiom.
jonathan-osborn If anyone knows what the melodramatic piece of music is that keeps being repeated throughout the movie, please let me know.It sounds like the closing theme to Alien, but this film is 15 years older than that.By the way, ignore the negative comments that others have recorded about this film. This is a campy underground movie, not some mass-market film. Judge it on what it is, not what you think it should be! I wouldn't criticize Scorpio Rising because it's not Easy Rider!And who keeps going on about Plan 9 From Outer Space in this day and age anyway?
alsandor It would appear the only point of this movie is to show a large breasted woman handling Christmas ornaments supposed to be jewels while a space pilot wears a football uniform in a palace which looks like a run-down house. The climactic birth scene has to be seen to be believed. Lots of wafting breezes.