
2012 "Man's World. Sister's Hood."
4.7| 1h23m| R| en

When a young woman is cruelly and indiscriminately attacked by a notorious gang led by the violent Trey, her little 16 year old sister Kayla wants revenge and will stop at nothing to get it, even if it means joining a rival girl gang led by the volatile and damaged man-hating Danielle.


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Cortechba Overrated
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Allissa .Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Rich Wright For those who care, a 'sket' is a slang word for a young woman who sleeps around and is a bit... rough for all intents and purposes. So, now you know.The plot revolves around a Geordie lass who's recently moved to London, and her exploits with a girl gang she joins, mainly so they can help her get revenge on the drug dealer who killed her sister. You wouldn't think this by reading the back of the box though... which references no-one but bit-part-player Ashley Walters (From So Solid Crew and Kidulthood) and makes it out to be a very different film. There's marketing, and then there's blatant lies.What a grimy, depressing place inner city London looks. Rubbish everywhere, rundown buildings and yobs lurking behind every corner. Something tells me they didn't have to make much of an effort with the set decoration for the atmosphere they wanted. What transpires in this place where life is cheaper than a bag of crack, is nothing new or interesting. The acting is okay, the story is seen-it-all-before, and the obnoxious wall-to-wall rap songs nothing short of a headache.I have little else to add. What the makers have done is taken segments from every 'street' drama set in our capital city ever made, washed, rinsed, hung them out to dry, then stuck them together and try to pass it off as something new. Sorry folks... it didn't work. 5/10
Theo Robertson One of the reasons I despise EASTENDERS is that it's a politically correct BBC wish fulfillment fantasy made by the chattering classes . For example every black character must be a positive role model which means any character who is a violent psychotic wife beater called Trevor must have a Scottish accent . This means that anyone who is talented and black and in possession of a British Equitity card must relocate to America if they want to play a multi layered character who is on the wrong side of the law . Think Eamonn Walker and Idris Elba to name but two black British actors who hit the big time stateside . After seeing SKET all I can say is we should sometimes be thankful for the PC nonsense the BBC often serves up to us . I now almost look forward to seeing Paterson Joseph playing a Mandela type character in Walford You'd be forgiven for thinking this low budget movie called SKET was a call to arms by the more right wing elements of The Daily Mail readership . The characters are so deeply unpleasant you might think the makers are setting an agenda to galvanize the great British public in to setting up state run fascist death squads that are still popular in some Latin American countries . I was genuinely shocked that many of the names behind the scenes didn't have traditional sounding British names because watching SKET I thought it might be some sort of UKIP equivalent of a Nazi propaganda film , a sort of THE ETERNAL CHAV . There's no sense of irony however and worse still there is zero entertainment in watching it . One should always be on guard about the ruling class making films featuring the lumpen proletariat because they're wasting their money , wasting the audiences time and helping to bury the British film industry .You can tell the production team are out of their depth and feel the need to patronize the audience . Stick in a drum and bass soundtrack that will instantly give a real sense of time and place innit bruv for real ? No it won't . Despite their numerous flaws the working class aren't stupid and we're not going to be patronized by middle class posh boys who have led very sheltered lives . As has been pointed out a gang of four girls beating up a couple of blokes on a bus is ridiculous and doesn't ring true . None of this film rings true but some scenes go beyond ridiculous such as a character being so drunk that she has to stagger to the toilet to vomit but literally a minute later she is able to outrun a character chasing her . There's also several scenes where someone just happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time in order for the story to progress in to yet another contrived and under developed plot turn . The cast are the usual young team straight out of drama school who over egg the pudding with their chav mannerisms with the only exception being Ashley Walters as Trey who is so despicable you're tempted to switch as soon as he appears on screen . Anyone who watches this awful , badly made film from start to finish is deserving of some sort of valour award . The Order Of Lenin perhaps ? Lenin would have shot the makers of SKET but regardless of your politics you'll feel like carrying out your own summary executions of the production team if you're unfortunate enough to see this movie
M MALIK where do i begin for this i am actually out of words when some project like this exist & to be honest appears below average but when looked up it turns out to be heavily underrated in other words its simply great.that is the case here with Sket 2011 i picked up this disc and it does have a good and never judge a book by its cover theme someone said this totally right as this film proves it.Plot:Under certain circumstances Somewhere In Europe a young woman named Tanya is attacked by Trey a gang leader now the sister of Tanya a 16 years old girl Kayla wants revenge.this is the basic plot and the director i have to say did his best here this film showed exactly what was needed to be told i mean the narrative was so good that i got hooked upon one time watch i wish more filmmakers try to do this but what i loved was the simplicity in the story its a story of revenge the girl wanted revenge whatever she went through and she became friends with other gang members who are only girls and it never showed any twists & turns with gambling and the usual stuff that we see in many films and Trey is not leaving Kayla too every chance he gets he wants to hunt and kill her but Kayla is no less she a strong person.the cast is really impressive Katie Forster Barnes,Ashley Walters but Aimee Kelly stole the show she just showed mass amount of expressions & details of acting i was not expecting.this film came out in 2011 but its not famous i don't know why maybe because there are no gun fights in this film.and i am not sure where in Europe this was filmed or the story was set in so maybe London,its a low budget film.overall Sket 2011 is a simple tale of a very simple revenge we all have seen revenge films but this is the best in the genre.My Rating Is 10/10 A Must See Underrated Film
thebogofeternalstench Couldn't finish SKet, turned it off 30 mins into it. Just pure garbage.You are bombarded with terrible music every 2 mins, grime or whatever the f*** idiots are calling it these days.A young girl from Newcastle gets involved with a bunch of older girls and it all goes downhill.Its just unwatchable. It goes nowhere. 1 million quid spent on this would of been better spent funding a decent film with substance and a plot.The bus scene for example. the group of girls beat up 2 older guys which wouldn't happen in a million years.Can't stand the dialogue.After the black guy kills the girls sister I lost interest.Another British film that takes itself far too seriously. Total waste of time.