
1996 "Eighty-six floors of action-packed terror!"
3.1| 1h36m| R| en

A helicopter charter turns deadly when the pilot finds that she is on a building held by terrorists. It is up to her and her husband to save the hostages.


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Also starring Charles M. Huber


Executscan Expected more
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
SeeQuant Blending excellent reporting and strong storytelling, this is a disturbing film truly stranger than fiction
Ricardo Daly The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
natporthunter This movie was one of the most profound movies ever! Anna was trained at Oxford and it is evident by her capabilities in her role.She is an all natural woman who has to save the day from evil terrorists and at the same time pleasure her self in rather odd ways.The anal rape scene was very artfully done and the use of natural light accentuated her beautiful body.Anyway, the action was none stop (both the sex and the fighting)and I think that ever child, man, woman, animal and child should experience the breathtaking view from the top of the skyscraper.RIP ANS! You fablous woman
Jim 1) To be in the cast, you had to have an asymmetrical face.2) The computer props were originally used in "Desk Set." 3) When the crotch in the guy's jeans split wide open, it was barely noticeable. Really.4) Anna Nichole's son had no idea he was being used as an homage to "The Shining". 5) Nobody else involved knew that either.6) International Male sales exploded when this movie was released.7) Somebody LOVED high school French class.FYI - Comcast info gave this movie 2 stars. I would love to find out what exactly warranted that extra star. And if anybody has any information on the behind the scenes story of this meisterwerke, please let me know.
gridoon something around a "5 out of 10". If you take Anna Nicole Smith out, it is a decent action film, with nice explosions, respect-worthy stunts (people falling from great heights or being burned alive), and a few surprisingly solid martial arts fights with Branko Cikatik. And yet until today more than half of the 700-something people who have voted on "Skyscraper" gave it a "1" - obviously because of ANS (and quite a few people gave it a "10" - again, obviously because of ANS). Yes, her acting is on a high-school play level, and her grotesquely over-sized breasts are a matter of taste, but you can't say that she doesn't make an effort. But if you're thinking of getting this movie just to see her nude, don't - the two sex scenes run a total of 5 minutes in a 90-minute movie and feel like they were added in post-production (and in what might be an attempt to keep the ladies happy as well, the film includes a fair number of hunky males in it - seriously, these terrorists might have a more profitable career as fitness models). Overall, this is about on a par with ANS's other film, "To The Limit"; take that as you will. (**)
claudemercure Skyscraper is Die Hard with Anna Nicole Smith in the Bruce Willis role. In an effort to differentiate the two movies, they made her a helicopter pilot. Normally this would make the plot highly unbelievable (she takes on a gang of terrorists). But by the time the plot kicks in, you will already have given up on any hope that this is anything more than soft core porn.The sad thing is, Anna Nicole's acting skills aren't even up to that level. Actually, they don't exist. She reads every line in exactly the same monotone, whether whining to her husband that she wants a baby or pleading with the terrorists not to shoot a hostage. On the plus side, there is lots of nudity that gives new meaning to the word 'gratuitous'. Early on Anna Nicole gets home from a hard day's work and relaxes with a slow-motion shower. She seems to really enjoy it, giving special attention to her big-as-your-head breasts. Actually, that's the high point of her performance. But I don't think even Meryl Streep could have done much with this material.You've got your multi-ethnic team of what another reviewer called "Chippendales terrorists", each one a stereotype of some kind (my favourite was the French one, who would sprinkle his dialogue with exotic French words like "mes amis"). You've got your "brilliant" terrorist leader whose brilliance is supposed to be conveyed by his pretentious habit of meaninglessly quoting Shakespeare and by his lofty world-accent line delivery. I could go on about the brain-dead comic relief, the cheesy take-over-the-world plot, and dialogue that's beyond wooden - it's more like petrified wood - but I don't want to ruin the experience for you. That's right - I think you should see this film. I haven't laughed this hard since Showgirls.