
1987 "You'll never get out in one piece!"
5.2| 1h25m| R| en

Faced with the town lawyer, the sheriff, and a rival slaughterhouse owner trying to purchase his land, Lester Bacon decides to take matters into his own hands, ordering his hulking and mentally deranged son to permanently dispose of anyone who conspires against them.


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American Artists


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ClassyWas Excellent, smart action film.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Aspen Orson There is definitely an excellent idea hidden in the background of the film. Unfortunately, it's difficult to find it.
Woodyanders Bitter slaughterhouse owner Lester Bacon (robustly played with tremendous zest by Don Barrett) and his dim-witted hulking brute son Buddy (imposing behemoth Joe Barton) exact a harsh revenge on both young adult trespassers and several folks who want to foreclose on Lester's property.Writer/director Rick Roessler relates the familiar, but still enjoyable story at a brisk pace, makes excellent use of the sprawling abattoir main location, crafts a reasonable amount of creepy atmosphere, delivers a handy helping of graphic gore, and tops everything off with an amusing sense of pitch-black humor. Moreover, it's competently acted by a capable no-name cast, with the fetching Sherry Bendoff a particular stand-out with her appealing portrayal of the perky Liz Borden. Joseph Garrison's hum'n'shiver synthesizer score hits the shuddery spot. Richard Benda's slick cinematography provides an impressive polished look. A nifty little slice'n'dice flick.
sorendanni I found this on VHS at a local flea market. Had a lot of fun with this old thing, and the pizza I ate while watching was delicious. I say it better right away: that movie is never scary, let alone terrifying. But it is fun if you like the 1980s, especially of teenagers with Gothic rock and / or hair metal outfits. My advice: fun for the enthusiast, e.g. people that like The Lost Boys, the late 80s A Nightmare On Elmstreet (from part IV onwards) franchise, Elvira, Night of the Creeps and many other stuff of this like. Skip this one if you are looking for some serious frightening stuff, but don't miss it if you like this sort of movies.
Adam Foidart The only thing that differentiates "Slaughter House" from other "slasher" or "dead teenager" films is that in this one, the killer makes oinking and other pig noises whenever he appears. Other than that there's nothing that really stands out from other typical 80's horror films except for the horrendous soundtrack of the film. At times it sounds like someone was banging pots and pans with a wooden spoon and calling it a day. You think I'm joking, but I'm not. Even for hardcore horror fans, there isn't much gore and absolutely no nudity (and if you're going to make a crappy R-Rated movie, at least give me something to garner my interest). The story is so paint-by-numbers that you'll be able to predict every scene, making this an incredibly dull horror film. (On VHS, August 18, 2012)
Catlin Massier I don't know whether to love or to hate this movie because, despite it being a obvious ripoff or omen to "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" it wasn't all that bad. The one thing that it was missing tho was, female full frontal nudity, if there was some of that if the movie I would have rated it higher. The killer in this movie is a mentally challenged boy witch doesn't have anywhere close the the horror appear that "Leatherface does" and while running around he constantly makes pig noises which I thought was just stupid and didn't add to the scare factor of the movie. But it quite funny seeing how similar it is to the chainsaw movie. If you like horror movies you MIGHT like this. Give it a try