Slumber Party Massacre II

1987 "Sleepless Nights."
4.7| 1h25m| R| en

Courtney is tormented by dreams of the infamous Driller Killer returning to wreak havoc... only to find that the murderous monster is reincarnated as an evil rocker.


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WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Micah Lloyd Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.
Cassandra Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Mr_Ectoplasma "Slumber Party Massacre II" follows Courtney, who survived the first film's events as a child, and now as a teenager is plagued by horrible night terrors in which the killer has reincarnated as a greaser armed with a drill bit-adorned guitar. She and her friends, who have their own band, go away for Courtney's birthday weekend to one of the girls' parents' condominium, located in an undeveloped complex out of town. Needless to say, the killer crashes the party.This is a film that I expected to hate based on the sheer absurdity of the plot synopsis, but I'll be damned in this isn't one of the more fun late-eighties slasher entries. It's patently ridiculous-everything from the killer's methods of dispatching victims to the corny rockabilly tunes he belts out as he stalks them. He looks like an extra from "Grease" crossed with a late-eighties Los Angeles hair-metal singer, but there is something bizarrely charming about the character."A Nightmare on Elm Street" was a clear influence here, and the film is chock full of overt references to other films, primarily in the characters' tongue-in-cheek names. Speaking of the characters, they are each wildly likable, and the performers are all attractive and have a spunky chemistry that makes the proceedings even more fun. The film is also surprisingly well-shot for a production of this caliber. At 75 minutes, the film is lean and mean, with most of the slasher action barreling onscreen around the 60-minute mark. The ending is silly, but somewhat ties up some loose ends as to why on earth the hapless teens are being stalked by such a ridiculous villain.In the end, "Slumber Party Massacre II" is logistically a much better film than it should be. The premise is absurd and its serves up the late-eighties cheese that a faction of slasher devotees live for. I couldn't help myself from enjoying all of it, from its most absurd elements to its most competent. 7/10.
BA_Harrison Rather than visit her sister in a mental hospital, pretty Courtney Bates (Crystal Bernard), one of the survivors from the original The Slumber Party Massacre, opts to spend her birthday weekend with her friends at a remote condominium. Unfortunately, her fun is spoilt by terrible recurring nightmares, waking dreams of death and murder, and, ultimately, the appearance of a rock 'n' roll singing psycho killer brandishing an electric guitar with a huge drill bit attached to the neck!It's not often that I try to analyse a horror film and credit it with having some kind of Freudian subtext (in fact, this may be the first time), but Slumber Party Massacre 2 makes me think that, although it might appear to be just a very silly and rather strange 80s slasher on the surface, the director was actually attempting to make a movie with a little more substance than your average stalk 'n' slash (they might not have succeeded particularly well, but at least they were trying!).It seems obvious to me that, due to her dreadful experience with the maniac from the first film, Courtney has developed a fear of men and sex, and that the leather-jacketed nut-job menacing her in her dreams is a manifestation of that fear (let's face it, the film-makers couldn't have given the lunatic a more phallic weapon of choice if they had tried—except, perhaps, for a massive killer phallus).However, I'm not entirely sure whether the imaginary killer actually becomes a physical reality at the end of the film, or if the whole experience is only happening within Courtney's unhinged mind. Not that it matters much, because, with its decidedly unusual murderer (who actually stops mid-slaughter to perform a musical number!), several decent gore scenes (including a great drill/guitar through the chest and an exploding pustular face), an entertaining soundtrack, hot babes, and general bizarreness, this is one sequel that can be described as genuinely unique. And in a sub-genre that is very often predictable, we should at least be grateful for that.6.5 out of 10, rounded up to 7 for IMDb.
Boba_Fett1138 Well, you have bad horror movies and you have BAD horror movies. And this one is BAD alright! You also have bad horror movies that actually becomes good and enjoyable to watch because they are so bad but no, this movie unfortunately is not one of those. It's such a silly movie, in which also not an awful lot is ever happening. The movie is like one big boring drag, until the driller-killer finally first shows up, which is really late into the movie. The movie however after that soon also turns from silly to sillier.The Slumber Party Massacre movies are perhaps the only chick-flick horror movies, also not in the least because all of them (expect for part IV, that from I have heard is more porn than horror.) are directed by female directors. So expect lots of jumping around, dancing, crying, yelling, silly laughing and halve naked men. It's sort of a nice touch for a change to see an horror movie made as a chick flick. It puts a whole other light on the slasher genre.The movie only gets its trills from the dream sequences, that are well made and provide the movie at times with a good surreal like atmosphere but real problem with those dream sequences is that they EXACTLY show what will happen all later in the movie. How stupid is that. So nothing in this movie will really come as a surprise anymore, also especially of course when you have seen the first movie you will know what is going to happen all. The movie however is letting you wait for so long until these things are finally happening all that you will have difficulties keeping interest throughout.The driller-killer himself is this time definitely more interesting and entertaining than the one in the first movie. This however in this case also means that a lot of the mystery and suspense of the character is taken away this time. Horror likely wise not a great move of course. But oh well, he still is the highlight of the movie, thanks to the wonderful enjoyable campy over-the-top acting by Atanas Ilitch. Silly, silly, silly. Oh and before I forget, the ending makes this movie even sillier.3/10
udar55 Courtney, the younger sister of the survivor from the first film, suffers from nightmares about the incident. How does she relieve this stress? She and the other members of her female rock group go to a condo for the weekend to play music and have fun with their boyfriends! But her recurring dreams of a leather clad driller killer sporting a electric guitar drill (!) start to mess up the party, especially when the killer enters the real world and kills everyone. I am damn serious when I say that I think this film is one of the best low budget films to come out in the 80s. This movie has it all. It is funny, gory, bizarre (a raw chicken attack; the zit scene), features good acting, has a unique location and stars Crystal Bernard! There is even a musical murder number! The real scene stealers are Joel Hoffman as TJ (doing Spicolli meets Chrisitan Slater) and Atanas Ilitch as the Driller Killer (looking like a cross between Elvis, Corey Haim and Andrew "Dice" Clay). Keeping with Concorde tradition, this entry is also helmed by a woman, Deborah Brock. Most surprising of all is Playboy playmate Kimberly McArthur keeps her clothes on the entire movie. Definitely one of the top 5 films released by Roger Corman's Concorde label.