Stylish but barely mediocre overall
It is a performances centric movie
I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Roman Sampson
One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Basically 'Costa' in the snow (Johan Nijenhuis was one of the producers of this flick), so the story goes like this: 'Ugly duck falls for the wrong guy and overlooks the really nice one until the end.' The 'ugly duck' as I named it, actually is Hanna Verboom. As we see in her trivia, she is the Winner of Dutch Audience Elite Model Look 2003. If a girl with her looks and sweet character as shown in the movie can't get 'a guy to look at her', something's wrong with the guys at her school, that's for sure.She and some of her 'friends' take a skiing trip to the Alps, in which they encounter with womanizer Ryan, his sweet brother Erik and some Tiroler idiots. You can tell which way this is going from minute one.So, yet another weak Dutch attempt on making a teen-movie, it has only one good (action)scene, in which the brothers (well, their stunt doubles anyway) are boarding together with 'Charlie Big Potato' coming out of the speakers. Love that song, hate this movie.2/10.
These dutch filmmakers never intended to shoot at the Oscar nominees for best foreign movie. And that shows. Snowfever is a film without any real story, inspiration or lessons. But that ain't that bad. I mean, you gotta go watch this flick when you're in the mood for a light feel-good movie. A story about a very good looking girl with nerdy habits, clothes and friends. She wanna go for prince charming and during a snowboard weekend in the Alps she learns that she must be happy with herself. She also learns that life isn't about being popular or chasing guys. It's about being yourself and being close to your real friends. During the movie she shows a guy that nice guys don't always finish last.This movie is nice to watch when you are down, with your girlfriend or when you're a snowboard freak (very nice snow-shots and scenery). But don't expect a good storyline. Or any storyline for that matter.