SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
Sadly Over-hyped
not horrible nor great
Staci Frederick
Blistering performances.
This really isn't a good documentary about the topic of "Snuff" but is mostly about movies in the open market that has some realistic looking killings on camera. It's interesting though, for the most part but a lot of it seems to be over done. And I did enjoy it talking about real snuff films around the world, particularly about the Russian crime ring tale even if some claim it to be fake and if it is, it's a interesting lie. But as a whole this really isn't a good documentary and you will not gain that much info about snuff but more about realistic killing in certain films that is in the open market like I said, and I do agree with a lot of what the other reviewers are saying, some of the stories in this does sound a bit fishy. Cause they mention a interesting topic they can really get into, but after mentioning it, they never really get into it. The main flaw with this documentary is how it goes way past it's point and not in a good way either, it should of just stuck with the main topic at hand instead of stretching it. So not a good documentary, but interesting to say the least.4.6/10
After seeing the trailer on Youtube, I wanted to track this down and see it for myself; since the subjects and topics like this interest me. And this was pretty good. It doesn't only talk about snuff; but touches on topics of serial killers, war and the media; and includes two parts with Mark Rosen's stories; about a disturbing thing he seen and a case about porn/snuff industry.We have a lot of interesting people taking part in this. Former FBI agents, cinephiles and others that know their sh!t when it comes to the history of snuff films. A few things I noticed that a few things were left out. One of which was Tsutomu Miyazaki,who was a Japanese child murderer who reenacted the dismemberment scenes on his victims. That was never mentioned. Websites like rotten and ogrish were also not mentioned either. And the last thing that could have been included,but wasn't because of the time schedule were the Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs. If you don't know them by name,you'll know of their infamous video thats been mentioned a lot across the internet; which was the "shock" video, 3Guys1Hammer that depicts the violent murder of Sergei Yatzenko.[ From what someone told me,the video found its way to the internet about six months after this was filmed ] If this waited a few months,and got mentioned then it would be the cherry on the top of this bloody sundae. Great documentary on its own.
Anthony Pittore III (Shattered_Wake)
Man, were my hopes crushed after watching this 'documentary.' It's supposed to be discussing the existence of actual snuff films (films of murders produced for profit), but it fails so miserably at this that it basically turns into a group of random people talking about gory movies (like Flowers of Flesh and Blood, Cannibal Holocaust, Henry, Trouble Every Day, etc.). Also, the 'professional' views seem more like they're just fa group of friends hanging around talking in front of the camera. I mean, their key 'witness' is a 'cinephile and filmmaker' with no real credentials other than he's watched some movies. His role as a filmmaker? He wrote one movie 10 years ago that has 74 votes on this site. So, literally, a single-film maker, I suppose.Anyway, it could've been an in-depth and intelligent look at the snuff film 'industry,' but ends up being just a bunch of people without real reason talking about gory movies, war, and serial killers. Interesting subjects turned boring by uninteresting speakers on them.Oh, also, I don't think I could get more annoyed than I do when I hear someone say, "It is very unlikely that ever in the history of cinema was a person killed on a camera for the purpose of profit." Really? Unlikely? Of the billions of people in the world and the many million that could've afforded to pay someone to do that, you have to assume that at no point did some rich guy have a murder fetish and paid someone, say, $100,000 (or more) to film someone getting killed? The odds that that NEVER happened are extremely slim just by the fact that EVERYTHING is done. Rant over.Final Verdict: 5/10. Simply for the gore scenes and occasional bit of info.-AP3-
Razvan Alexandru
It has to be said from the get-go that this is no proper documentary as it's circumstantial and somewhat manipulative (maybe even insufficiently documented for all I know). But while the case studies it brings about certainly have this feeling of tabloid garbage fed to the masses by the teaspoonful, what it all boils down to at the end of it all is that it manages to raise the question of whether or not snuff cinematography is more than an urban myth (again). The answer it seems to convey is a definitive yes and, knowing human nature as I do, I tend to agree. Sadly though there's just too much beating about the bush. Snuff and mainstream cinematography ('Cannibal Holocaust')? Snuff and war footage? You're missing the point here and stretching the concept way past the rupture point. That said, if you happen to have a chance to watch this and can put up with its violent content, do not hesitate. And I mean really, really violent 'Saw'-has-nothing-on-this kind of content.