
1986 "From a distant star a powerful and mystical force comes to Earth. And for those brave enough to follow, it will change their lives forever."
4.8| 1h34m| PG-13| en

In a future in which most water has disappeared from the Earth, we find a group of children, mostly teenagers, who are living at an orphanage, run by the despotic rulers of the new Earth. The group in question plays a hockey based game on roller skates and is quite good. It has given them a unity that transcends the attempts to bring them to heel by the government. Finding an orb of special power, they find it has unusual effects on them. They escape from the orphanage (on skates) and try to cross the wasteland looking for a place they can live free as the storm-troopers search for them and the orb.


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GazerRise Fantastic!
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Tacticalin An absolute waste of money
Skyler Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Kyrasu I really like this movie. The story is good and well told, but I would love to see it remade with what they can do today...
Takeshi-K All I can say is that Jami Gertz is hot. Thats really the only reason you would watch this movie. I cant remember or think of any other reason to recommend this movie over countless others that are more deserving of your attention. And that's all I have to say. Oh yes and Jami Gertz is hot.
dmdb I only write reviews of movies with low rating, which actually are not that bad. Give them a chance!If you like apocalypse / post-apocalypse and you are aware that this is a teenage movie, I don't know why you wouldn't like it! It is really cool, story is good, they made an effort to create post-apocalyptic world and everything else works fine. Kids are not acting well, that I must admit, but they are kids... and pretty much all other 80s teenage movies have the same problem, but that does not mean Solarbabies should have 4.8 ( as in this moment ). It is a solid movie, and if you like apocalypse I am sure that you will like this one, too.6/10
godlovesaliar Roller skates, James Van Der Beek, (in a brilliant cameo), Dogs with flashlights taped to their heads, Cardboard covered transport vehicles, speaking orbs with miraculous healing powers--all wrapped in a thin veil of sado-masochism.This movie is The Road Warrior without the road, without the warrior, and without the "the." If you enjoy watching teens play roller hockey inside an abandoned quarry, this movie is for you!Oh and lest we forget: you will slide down a shame-spiral after your eyeballs are accosted by a robot who is proclaimed to be able to deftly pluck the eye of a bird and suck the color out of a ruby--- and "he's been programmed to enjoy both"... You will feel betrayed, confused, bewildered, sexually aroused, furious, like putting copious amounts of hair gel in your bangs and then dramatically tearing off your already tattered t-shirt in a (unaccountably) sexually charged cage fight.