Soul Plane

2004 "Announcing the arrival of the first airline with soul."
4.6| 1h26m| R| en

Following a ridiculously awful flight that leads to his pet's death, Nashawn Wade files a lawsuit against the airline, and wins a multimillion-dollar settlement. Determined to create a better flying experience, Nashawn starts his own airline, one that caters to an African-American clientele. Going into business with a tricked-out plane piloted by the smooth Capt. Mack, the airline hits a snag when it has to deal with the family of Elvis Hunkee.


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Ameriatch One of the best films i have seen
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
diestoffel First off all I would like to say that people who complain about things being offensive are the worst . Everything can be turned into comedy gold . This movie isn't offensive , it's just lazy . It's 90 minutes of product placement occasionally joined by overused jokes about race , sex and of course farts .
eric262003 While putting in the efforts of spoofing the 1970 film classic "Airport", "Soul Plane" freely utilizes stereotypical jive lingo as an homage to 1970's blaxploitation films has its share of slightly amusing moments, but the final product falls flat and is quite tedious in terms of detail. The story tells the tale of sadly unlucky airplane passenger Nashawn Wade (Kevin Hart) who's had the worst airplane flight of his lifetime. His dog was regarded as checkout baggage, the food on the flight was gross, plus his behind was stuck in the crapper during turbulence and if that's not enough, his dog gets sucked into the jet engine due to a stewardesses carelessness. Nashawn sues the the airline with a whopping amount of money of close to $100 million and it was granted to him. With that amount of restitution, he establishes his own airline company, the NWA (Nashawn Wade Airlines). The abbreviations have a certain wink to something straight out of Compton. The airline caters to African-Americans and the hip-hop lifestyle. Even the terminal is named Malcolm X and the airlines come complete with hydraulics, spinners and a dance club. Surely Nashawn shouldn't have another troubled airplane ride. Right? And don't call him Shirley.In the spoof of disaster film "Airport", "Airplane!" went all in in lampooning all the seriousness that "Airport" possessed. They showed no apologies to its audience who felt offended by saying you can't be serious all the time. Fun should play an important role in life and I couldn't agree more. What made "Soul Plane" irksome was that it was lampooning a a film that' already a parody of another film which makes everything seem odd and really out of place. The sentiments in this film is handled with a superficial texture in the script that is only manifested by its insensitive approach which seems very accepted in its delivery.The gratingly long scene in "Soul Plane" deals with Nashawn's awkward moment while he's stuck on the toilet and the loss of his dog plus the overlong court case settlement. At first glance, screenwriters Chuck Wilson and Bo Zenga seem to be aiming towards a human emotional comedy where we do take pity for Nashawn and his misfortunes. But this scene is only just a small detour for "Soul Plane" to fall into an array of politically incorrect humour and scenes that truly generate laugh out loud moments. Even though Nashawn's misfortunes tend to go on for too long, it's easily one of the funniest scenes in the movie. Once the NWA gets under fruition, everything is just over-the-top and tedious.What differs "Soul Plane" from "Airplane!" is that the focal characters are around the passengers as opposed to the crew. The only exception is around NWA flight Captain Antoine Mack (Snoop Dogg) as he's trying to overcome his fear of heights. A stewardess named Blanca (Sofia Vergara) get into the melee where one of the more famous tropes to the disaster film has to have a civilian to eventually save the day. Most of the film's plot seems to veer vaguely into the lives of the other people on the plane. The only Caucasian family on the flight are the Hunkees (racist humour right?). Any film that stars are more calmer Tom Arnold character (who plays Elvis Hunkee) does get some credit for doing a very good deed.Though he he has starred in bigger and better things in his career, Kevin Hart has claimed that "Soul Plane" was pivotal in the jump-start of his career and to his credit he does deliver a serviceable acting job. Sadly the film was just poorly submitted that it just wastes the talent here who poured their heart out in making the film work. This is one film that wasn't ready for takeoff.
view_and_review Offensive. Absurd. Low brow. Those are just a few words I can think of to describe this movie. I didn't see this when it came out and for good reason. "What would it look like if a Black person started an airline" is the premise of this movie. Well, think Birth of a Nation in the sky. Talk about setting black people back about 50 years; the Dolomite movies of the 70's wern't this stereotypical. I think they hit EVERY known stereotype! From weed smoking to Colt 45 drinking to bling obsession and worse. I don't want to even get into the sexual stereotypes. It is so wildly offensive that I'm surprised anyone would do this movie unless his career was on life support or he had no problem shamelessly accepting a paycheck.In defense of Kevin Hart, this was before he was known. As for the Rappers in the movie... well, they are rappers. Their songs are an embodiment of the movie if not worse. And I know Tom Arnold is no "A" lister, but he must have fallen on hard times to be in this drivel. I mean his last name was Hunkee. How pathetic. The entire movie is shameful and it's too bad too because there were some really funny people in it. No, Mo'nique and Sommore were not amongst the funny ones. How this movie is averaging a four rating is beyond me. Thank God they didn't make a sequel.
bastard-cynical This movie patronized black people to such an extent that I found it offensive. e.g Black pilot hangs fluffy dice in cockpit!If you are able to see past the stereotyping without squirming too much out of sheer embarrassment, it still wasn't a particularly funny movie about an (arguably mildly amusing) pimped up plane with extrovert cabin staff and very little else. Fun? I suppose some people might find that mildly amusing, but it just didn't come together at all well in my opinionNo real plot, dull scripting and mediocre acting made watching this movie a waste of part of my life that I will never recover. I rate this the worst I have seen in a very long time