South of Heaven, West of Hell

2000 "It's A Little Strange Out There..."
4.3| 2h11m| R| en

Valentine Casey is a Marshal in the desolate Tucson territory of the early 1900s. On Christmas Eve, his outlaw family pays him a disturbing visit. He must confront the sins of his past. He and his partner, U.S. Christmas, journey through the desert to a small town that the ruthless Henry Clan has hit in order to save Casey's love, Adelyne.


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Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Laikals The greatest movie ever made..!
Breakinger A Brilliant Conflict
Cassandra Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
LeonLouisRicci A mess of things here to both love and, well not love. It is a wild experiment that is nothing if not different and it is something to behold. A long and sometimes tedious Movie with a great deal of quirkiness and a meandering mystical story.A daunting task, undertaken by the Star/Director/Writer, this is an impressive first time effort. Not without some self-indulgent flaws and failings, it nevertheless is an Artistic array of elements that dosen't quite mesh with moments of confusion.For a Western that is quite violent, it is the gunfights that seem flat and uninspired. Especially the more elaborate confrontations containing multiple participants with dynamite and a machine gun. These come off as less than exciting when they are surely meant to be.The more close-up, gritty altercations work much better and overall it is the bizarre characters and the pithy, dark writing along with some excellent Cinematography and staging that make this quite an off-kilter combination of a standard Western template with unexpected genre concepts.
katesgram2000 We (hubby and I) love westerns and I got a deal on this one at Walmart. We sat down to watch and it was so full of needless profanity not to mention a badly written story that we could neither one sit through it to the end-after about 45 minutes we took the DVD out and put it where it belonged- in the trash. What a waste of money not to mention 45 minutes we can never get back. Go back to singing Dwight. I hate that I have to add more to this review because the movie doesn't deserve to have any more written about it but this thing is telling me that my review isn't long enough. I wish I didn't have to give it one star because it didn't deserve that!
samkan Yet I finished it. Makes me wonder why some of the pro actors, some of whom are friends with Mr. Yoakum, didn't bother to suggest to him, "Uh, Dwight, you can't write or act and you have not a clue what it is you are doing." Is it a matter of the actors and others involved not wanting to hurt Yoakum's feelings? Were some involved looking for a paycheck? Maybe there's a code involved in movie making; e.g. don't mess with someone else's vision. I'm wondering if it isn't possible that its difficult for those involved to read how well filming is "clicking", such that no one wants to predict the outcome. On the other hand, I cannot imagine Thorton, Vaughn and dad and daughter Fonda not being consciously aware of how bad things are going.I'm trying hard not to be sarcastic but this film was simply excruciating to watch. Truly, TRULY don't waste your time, not even for a laugh. NOTE: I save the "one star" rating for films that are offensive. If there's one good thing about SOH,WOH, its that it doesn't descend to that level.
dezertblu I had high hopes for this film based on the cast, this was the absolute worst film I have ever watched in my entire life! There were 2 lines in the entire film that were any good and they weren't spoke by main character.....many of the costumes used weren't even clothing of the time! back in those days BLUE jeans were not made of denim, or form fitting! I am sorry but I don't even understand how the actors who played in this film were talked into doing it was a complete let down in all ways....the acting was less than a child's junior high play, the plot jumped from left to right , then back again...some characters are introduced, then disappear never to be seen again, leaving you wondering about the point of them even existing, this movie made people of the old west look as though they were all idiots and inbreds, which I found upsetting, there were very very few intelligent people if any portrayed in this film.I'm done ranting..though I am still very bitterly disappointed with this I have JUST finished watching it and its complete Crud!