
2007 "A Ruthless Killer ... A Haunting Memory."
2.5| 1h30m| R| en

A nightmare come to life, the Spiker is a massive pink-eyed albino and a maniac killing machine whose physical endurance borders on the fantastic. He escapes from an asylum and returns to the small town he terrorized years before, where he slashed his victims to pieces with railroad spikes and buried the bodies under the train tracks outside of town. When a group of local teens decide to camp out at an abandoned house, they are attacked by the Spiker and discover a web of terrible secrets hidden there.


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Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
slayrrr666 "Spiker" is a highly enjoyable and satisfying slasher with a lot going for it.**SPOILERS**Arriving at Westhaven Institute, Sheriff Paxton, (Lou Martini Jr.) and Deputy McLean, (Michael Fedele) survive the escape of serial killer Adam Brandis, (Frank Zagarino) a notorious madman who cut up victims with railroad spikes. Hoping to find the body, he enlists a search party to find him, giving friends Lisa Shaw, (Giselle Rodriquez) Michael Wardell, (Matthew Jared) Nikki McLean, (Ginger Kroll) Charlie Quartermain, (Josh Folan) Erin Cole, (Linda Tovar) and Gary Loman, (Adam Shonkwiler) the idea to get together at his house for a séance in order to contact him. Once arriving at the house, they begin to party despite being warned away by caretaker Clive Grendel, (David Fralick) but when the supposedly-dead killer turns up and starts killing them, the group resorts to extreme measures in an attempt to get away alive.The Good News: This one had a lot of good stuff going for it that helped it. Despite what's mentioned later, the way the plot to this one unfolds is quite good and really enjoyable, which is what's really important in these kinds of films. From the dialog conversations that are an implication of what's to come, along with the different letters that are found which give a more detailed explanation, as well as the final revelation late in the film, this one does a good job of spelling out a rather lame explanation so as to make it feel somewhat-more enjoyable. As to be expected, there's a lot of rather good confrontations in here that are quite nice. From the first one out in-the-woods, bolstered by the sex-scene and the ensuing hide-and-seek played before the true encounter, as the clanging metal-spikes in the distance, the gradually-closer-footfalls and the sudden shock appearance, as well as the chase through the woods down to the train-tracks is great, and it gets one of the most suspenseful scenes for a follow-up, as the now-bleeding victim crawls up behind unsuspecting characters, and the moment of anticipation as to whether they'll be discovered or die beforehand is first-rate. Once trapped in the house, the rest of the scenes are just golden, from the barricade in the bedroom and the entrance attempt, the confrontations with the police stumbling upon the scene and the later walk-through with all the bloodied bodies strewn about in odd locations waiting around for the scene to play-out is great. The girl as she goes by herself through the house and doing the re-discoveries are just as good, and most of the time there's a difference to them that doesn't make it seem like a retread of the earlier scenes, and that's always appreciated. The finale in the woods, from the brawl to the car-chase and stalking in the woods as well as the final encounter along the train-tracks is really great, and ends on a great note. More action is also provided by the killer's initial escape, which is really great. The reviving sequence is really good, the shootouts are great fun, and the final sequence just makes for a great capture as the whole scene is done well and shows some creativity. Also of note is the atmosphere in here, which is much more than expected in such a film, but is still nicely appreciated anyways. The first time through the house, from the dusty and disused appearance to the sense that something creepy is going to come along at any time is what makes it so good. The séance is really nice, with the out-of-body experience coinciding nicely with the visions of the ghost walking around, a common trend that is brought up later in another rather creepy sequence. A mini-scene out at the family burial plot makes for a rather fun time, since it also introduces the main plot as well. It's also nice to have a fearful killer in here, and with the choice of weaponry, clanging-together habit and overall appearance, that's accomplished here. The last plus is the film's blood and gore, which is really good. From the spikes impaled or rammed into necks, heads, shoulders, stomachs and faces, sometimes singularly and sometimes in double-penetration, it gets very bloody. These here work for the film.The Bad News: There wasn't a whole lot here that didn't work. Perhaps the biggest issue here is the fact that this has one of the most ludicrous and inane reasons ever in order to have the killer go on the rampage, since this is an everyday affair that occurs to a lot of people, yet here it's believed that it causes an ordinary person to go on a psychopathic killing spree. That just doesn't register at all and has very little cause to make the killer someone to fear. It gets points for the creativity, but the actual execution falls way short. The film also needed to make up its mind as to whether or not it was a supernatural-based film or a regular film, since this one plays in both areas. The beginning of this, especially all the dealings with the ghost, feel goofy when the very human killer appears due to the contrast of mood and tone that occur. The last flaw to this one is the film's séance scene, which is completely clichéd and begins with the usual mocking and disparaging remarks that occur in just about every single one of these films when it gets to that scene, and it's really a shame that it had to go that route here as well. These here are the film's problems.The Final Verdict: A highly enjoyable and entertaining slasher, with a lot of features that are required for the genre present, makes this one of the better entries. Recommended for hardcore slasher enthusiasts, those who are interested or fans of the cast, while those who aren't should heed caution.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, Nudity and a Sex Scene
Paul Andrews Spiker is set in a small town in Rhode Island where notorious serial killer Adam 'Spiker' Brandis (executive producer & director Frank Zagarino) murdered at least twenty seven people, while being transported from prison to a mental hospital he manages to escape & once again the Spiker is on the loose. Meanwhile teenager Lisa Shaw (Giselle Rodriguez) & five of her high school buddies drive up to the house of her late aunt's which she will inherit one day. Unfortunately the Spiker was driven mad by Lisa's aunt & heads back to the house too where he notices that Lisa looks exactly the same as her aunt whom he once loved. The Spiker gets his railroad spikes out once more & starts to kill off the teens until only Lisa remains...Executive produced, directed by & starring Frank Zagarino this is a throughly predictable, dull & boring low budget teen slasher of the worst kind. Right first off the killer isn't very interesting or a particularly good villain, he kills using railroad spikes but that doesn't amount to anything more than him just stabbing people. His escape is implausible, one second he is having a heart attack (confirmed by the doctor) the nest he is beating up prison guards & dodging speeding bullets & then swimming to freedom in icy cold waters after being shot. The teens are typical slasher character's of the worst kind, they are faceless & annoying & there to be killed off. The subplots are poor with the Spiker & Lisa apparently having some connection because of her aunt & that she looks exactly like her which is never explained & there's this awful thing about a ghost which occasion surfaces but never goes anywhere & is just confusing. The cops are just plain stupid, the victims are stupid & why they just don't make a run for it I'll never know. The film is slow & boring with the first kill not coming for ages, the kills themselves ate unimaginative & boring & the film as a whole is forgettable & predictable.There's zero atmosphere here & Spiker looks cheap & nasty with a really bad video look & surely filming the climax in broad daylight was a mistake. I mean how many teen slashers have their big showdown set during the day? The killer the Spiker looks like Rutger Hauer. There's not much gore here either, the Spiker stabs a few people, there's an axe in the chest & that's about it. Not bloody enough for my liking. There's no nudity either, no scares & there's no tension or build up to the killings which happen abruptly.The film looks as if it was shot in an actual house but it's a bit small & is just too nice, it's just not a good setting for a teens slasher. Spiker looks like it was shot on video & has a cheap look. The acting is poor from a forgettable cast.Spiker is a poor ten slasher with a muddled plot that tries to be a ghost story too, there's no gore no scares & the killer is totally forgettable. One to avoid.
stormofwar I picked this up at a Redbox thinking it sounded like a pretty typical b-film typical slasher flick. I'm a fan of films in this genre, my father having introduced me at an early age.However, this film is one of the worst I have seen."Spiker" is a story of a maniacal mass murderer with superhuman endurance who goes after 6 kids staying at the house of one of their decedents.The previous owner is channeled via séance whom one can seen and hear (of course, being the decedent). In the end, this could have been a good beer movie, but it doesn't even come close to reaching it's potential.The production values are awful and among the worst I have seen. The sound seems slightly muffled. At times, you really cannot make out what is being said despite the conversation should be a normal situation. The set was something of a disgrace at points (here's your 20 year old oven with no dust? WTF?). The acting is sub par, even for the genre, and absolutely uninspired. The cinematography is awful (was their any point to the cheerleader butt shot?).I give the special effects a dishonorable mention. The first 10 minutes of the film were promising, including the BBEG having purple eyes. However, they are not seen in the rest of the film, and the first "motif" death seemed the point where they gave up. Spiker also does a move where he periodically bangs the heads of this spikes together for no discernible reason. Just walking along the railroad tracks *clang*. Going through the fores *clang*. This could be the dumbest trademark move in the history of moviedom.Honestly, I have seen awful movies. I have seen Bloodrayne sober. I have watched Date Movie and not cried tears of pain. I have seen Manos un-MST3K'ed. I have survived all this. Please understand this warning I give to you now.Do not waste your time of day on this trash. You will want those hours of your life back, but unfortunately, you can't get a refund. Consider yourself warned.
Scarecrow-88 Serial killer Adam 'Spiker' Brandis(Frank Zagarino, also the director), known for more than 27 deaths, escapes police custody as he's being transported by ferry to an asylum, returning to a place to retrieve a lost love who has been dead for more than 20 years. Three cheerleaders and their jock boyfriends decide to have a shindig at the "old Shaw place" where Spiker will interrupt their evening rudely. Adam's nickname derives from the fact that his method of executing his victims is through the use of railroad spikes. Lisa Shaw(Giselle Rodriguez)is a descendant of Elizabeth Shaw, a pregnant bride whose death has provided a notoriety hanging over her home. Her grave is just outside the home and a caretaker, Clive(David Fralick), often visits it, spooking the group with his presence. Clive has a secret regarding Spiker and Elizabeth Shaw, understanding why the killer is among them, and his reasons for pursuing Lisa who is a spitting image of her aunt. Elizabeth's spirit was invoked through a séance and Lisa can feel her presence(..and see her as well). Lisa also can seem to sense when Spiker is close. It will be a night where the teenagers must somehow overcome the unstoppable force of a killer who operates without emotion.Dimestore slasher with numerous clichés such as a teenager into witchcraft, conjuring up a spirit through a séance..she also loves all things wicked. You have the usual moronic decisions, and dull stereotypes, performed by a rather unappealing brood. The young cast are attractive, but their characters are merely fodder for the maniac to slay. Spiker, as modeled by the "stars" of slasher films, is a practically identical prototype, who seems impervious to pain, attacking his prey in a cold-blooded manner, without batting an eyelash. Zagarino, perhaps known best for his roles in the "Project Shadowchaser" series, has albino hair and discolored face, often seen banging his spikes together as he follows after those running from him. How his Spiker escapes at the beginning is preposterous and hard to swallow, considering the number of security forces present and firepower..and how long he remains underwater as a search for him yields no clues of his whereabouts. The whole storyline with Elizabeth Shaw, Spiker, and Clive serves as a means to mix things up, but "Spiker" is still nothing more than a slasher with extra baggage..."Spiker" is business as usual featuring your basic, typical "stalk and stab" plot with a low budget and mediocre acting(..the outbursts of rage by the jocks towards Spiker who makes quick work of them when he catches them off-guard, is funny stuff). The conclusion is an eye-roller, with Lisa needing Clive's help, rejected because of his past mistakes regarding Spiker and Elizabeth. I guess, the silver lining would be that we get to see the girls in cheerleader uniforms with Zagarino shooting up their skirts from a low angle before their entering the Shaw house. Zagarino's psycho is a huge, colossal bore. Very limited nudity, despite three very appetizing lead actresses.