
1976 "This was the night of the CRAWLING TERROR!"
4.9| 1h32m| R| en

A violent electrical storm topples power lines into the rain soaked earth that is home for an aggressive breed of worms. The high voltage causes the worms to mutate into larger, hostile hordes of man-eating worms that lie in wait for the residents of Fly Creek.


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American International Pictures


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Also starring Patricia Pearcy

Also starring Jean Sullivan


Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Yash Wade Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.
Brennan Camacho Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
Brian T. Whitlock (GOWBTW) Southern living is a way of life. People like to fish. That's good. But when a storm happens, some things aren't what it's like there. Lightning struck the ground. What harm does it cause? Plenty! The man selling worms became the victim of his own business. Unknown to him, the worms he's been gathering has become carnivorous. The baits becomes the predators. When the sun goes down, the locals become dinner for these worms. While the non-local tries his best to help out, knowing that the worms only attack at night. When the house scene where the worms attacked, I thought all the people were finished by the worms. It turned out that the sister found a hiding place where the worms couldn't penetrate. When the power company fixed the power, things are back to normal . With worms, I would expect giant sized earthworms. Perhaps, the night crawlers are the perfect example. May have been a mixture of worms. A cult classic, worth the watch. 2 out of 5 stars.
a_chinn Intentionally campy nature-gone-wild film about killer mutant earthworms. Power lines come down during a storm causing thousands killer earthworms to surface and feast upon the locals. The story and characters are not all that compelling, but the film did have a ridiculous "Tremors" kind of vibe to it that was fun. I mean, how could you take seriously worms coming out of a shower head or digging their way out of a mans face? Those are both ridiculous scenes, but ridiculously memorable in the best sort of way. Don't expect suspense or thrills, but do expect some laugh out lout goofiness as well as some good creepy moments featuring massive amounts of actual slimy worms doing icky things.
gavin6942 At the beginning of the film, we learn from one of the characters that earthworms can be called to the surface with electricity, but somehow it turns them into vicious flesh-eaters. Sure enough, a storm that night causes some power lines to break and touch the ground, drawing millions of man-eating worms out of the earth, and into town where they quickly start munching on the locals.Something about the idea of millions of flesh-eating worms taking over a small town just indicates that it must be a fun movie. And in many ways this is a fun movie, with some quirky characters and humorous moments. But it never really gets in high gear. The good parts are surrounded by too much blah and lackluster scenes.The film is fun to ponder "what if", as such stars as Kim Basinger, Martin Sheen and Sylvester Stallone were allegedly all possible contenders for the roles. Somehow rather than three great actors, they ended up getting almost no one of note (Don Scardino has his merits). How did this happen, and would casting changes have made any difference in the overall picture?
kclipper The electricity from downed power-lines during a freak storm cause the bloodworm population of the rural town of Fly Creek, Georgia to increase by the millions and turn deadly in yet another 1970s "nature runs a muck" horror picture. This is very slow moving and features really dumb redneck characters with the exception of the two likable lead roles, but Jeff Lieberman's offbeat touches and Rick Baker's "wormface" make-up effects save it from being a complete waste of time. Close-up shots of the slimy worms' mouths complete with ugly teeth are quiet effective, but when they're oozing out of shower-heads, gathering in vast numbers in the living room, and chewing down trees, and not to mention most of the dialog, this can sometimes come off pretty inane. Lieberman will go on to direct the exceptional thriller, 'Just Before Dawn', and Rick Baker will eventually prove himself a master of his craft with 'Star Wars' and 'An American Werewolf In London'.